- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
What if time travel requires an anchor so you can’t go backwards before the time it was invented?
- Comment on Ripperonis 9 months ago:
Do they think movies play in real time? What do they think when there’s a scene change?
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
The technology required to do any of this would allow for so much stuff, and their first idea is how to use it to imprison people? What the actual fuck?
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
No, he wants to put the responsibility of paying his employees onto the consumer. That’s why restaurants want tipping, so they can pay their employees less and push the cost onto the customers.
- Comment on Anon launches a space program 10 months ago:
Isn’t this basically what that star wars hotel is?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Because it’s often easier to measure things by volume, and most cooking dishes do not need precise measurements. It sucks for baking dishes, but for anything that doesn’t need to be precise I find it way more convenient to grab a volume measurement than a scale
- Comment on He's got a point 10 months ago:
Exactly. Saying it’s a problem when playing video games doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem anywhere else. For office jobs specifically, there is already plenty of awareness being spread and most offices give out onboarding material that gives tips on stretches you can do and on how to have a more ergonomic setup.
- Comment on He's got a point 10 months ago:
To be fair, lots of companies specifically point out ergonomics and give out onboarding materials with suggestions on exercises to do and office setup best practices.
Awareness is important, and most office jobs already raise awareness about it. I think the only time I’ve seen it in video games were those take a break reminders I’ve seen in some Nintendo games.
- Comment on Anon is embarrassed by their steam library 10 months ago:
Ironic when they’re posting on an anonymous playground
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
Remember pog? It’s back!
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
Is it that they’re inefficient or harder to maintain?
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 10 months ago:
Telling people to suck it up and just do it is a great way to feel smug while achieving nothing.
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 10 months ago:
Old MacDonalds was a trip gone bad
- Comment on I hate that I enjoyed singing that 10 months ago:
I’m not sure how to sing Mr moskeeto
- Comment on FF Evangelists 11 months ago:
If it did a good job freeing it up when needed then sure, but it doesn’t.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
Taco Bell used to be what you bought because it was dirt cheap. Is it supposed to be a luxury now?
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
Recent surveys find that 3/4ths of Americans live paycheck to paycheck so no.
- Comment on God Among Chips 11 months ago:
What’s fhtagn?
- Comment on Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30 11 months ago:
I thought the on device camera based positioning was developed after Facebook bought them and hired John Carmack
- Comment on Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30 11 months ago:
We thank you for being our beta testers, now fuck right off
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
It makes sense if you’re used to 70 being a C average like in school
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
And a better shape. Putting a fan in a box is like trying to stir a pot of water in a square pot. The convention toaster oven form factor is dumb.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
I’ve seen them commonly in homes in Europe, but I’ve not seen them once in the US. But even convection ovens are not as effective as air fryers because they’re not as efficiently designed. They use the same principle, but the shape and fan power to volume ratio in air fryers is much better.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
And convects much more powerfully and efficiently since it’s shaped like a cylinder instead of a cube and the fan strength to volume ratio is way better.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
It’s because it’s trying to move more air in a cube. Air fryers don’t have to move as much air meaning it will all be moved more evenly, and you don’t have sharp corners creating turbulence. Convection ovens are a great idea, putting them in a conventional oven that was never designed for the concept isn’t. Air fryers are what convection ovens should be.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
You’re also trying to move 5000% more air than you need to in a square instead of a cylinder, so you’re not going to get nearly as much crisp either.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
And they’re also rounded instead of a square so the air moves more efficiently, which also makes a huge difference.
- Comment on Homer 11 months ago:
Yeah, I don’t think he’s portrayed as a loser, just as dumb. You don’t need to be smart to be successful in this world.
- Comment on ?? !! 11 months ago:
Ceci n’est pas un Garfield.
- Comment on Anon gets drunk at the movies 11 months ago:
They even have a bar at AMC now too. It’s gone mainstream