- Comment on Climate protest accused defies judge to give hours-long speech in court 7 months ago:
Unfortunate, at that point we’ll all be history.
- Comment on Judge Orders Biden Administration to Resume Permits for Gas Exports 7 months ago:
Based on the recent SCOTUS ruling, as an official act, he can just say no. And apparently assassinate the judge, provided it’s done in with stamps and signatures on official letterhead. What a horrible timeline we live in.
- Comment on PVKK Planetenverteidigungskanonenko - Official Announce Trailer | Games Baked in Germany Showcase 7 months ago:
Wow, and it’s made with Godot!?
- Comment on I piss in your general direction 8 months ago:
Stop giving them ideas!
- Comment on Movie Trailers Are Killing Movies 8 months ago:
I am not paying money to see something I know nothing about. They already bombard you with 15 minutes of ads and 15 more minutes of trailers, and charge you for the pleasure.
And when you hit your 30s/40s and have kids, going to the movies is not just costly, it’s a whole… endeavor.
“Going in blind” sounds great, but it’s just not reasonable or feasible for the vast majority of people.
- Comment on Armello and Solium Infernum developers League Of Geeks are going "into hibernation" 8 months ago:
Aww. I guess that means no more Solium Infernum content/DLC. 😞
That game is fantastic. I’d happily buy anything they put out.
- Comment on Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' 8 months ago:
This has been my stance for decades. They’re worse than Ubisoft when it comes to immoral and unethical treatment of their fans and customers.
- Comment on The true hero of summer 8 months ago:
Why is god’s strongest soldier trying to bankrupt me?
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
Hard pass. The art style, the music, the whole vibe…
I don’t understand how you create a masterpiece like DA:O and then repeatedly go “let’s make a followup that is nothing like that whatsoever…”
- Comment on Is Physical Media Getting Too Expensive? 8 months ago:
Literally everything is too expensive.
- Comment on "Furiosa" VOD Rumor Teases Date - June 25th 8 months ago:
I was hoping it would be a little longer. Give them time to quietly clean up the VFX before home release.
- Comment on Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?! 8 months ago:
She was great. The movie was too long, too unfocused, and generally undercooked (bad CG, etc).
Some more time in the editing bay and the VFX shop and I think there would be a solid 9/10 movie there. As it stands, I’d call it a solid 7/10… but it’s 2024, and 7/10 isn’t going to get people into an inconvenient, overpriced, impractical theater.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Speaking from my own experience, having seen this over and over again…
Lack of UX due to toxic behavior towards would-be UX contributors.
A lot of projects don’t have UX people… and that is usually because when UX people try to contribute, they get shot down with prejudice by toxic, overprotective gatekeepers who take everything personally.
- Comment on The RPG that inspired Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Demon’s Souls is now more playable than ever - Wizardry! 8 months ago:
I was obsessed with Wizardry and Ultima growing up… but I can’t stomach the node-based, turn-based conceit any more. I had a hard time finishing Wizardry 8 back in… ok, maybe I don’t want to know how long ago that was.
But I was spoiled by the real-time evolutions of the concept… stuff like Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Ultima Underworld, Descent to Undermountain, and the like (also, shout-out to Arx Fatalis).
I would love more epic dungeon crawlers, with the soul of these classics but all the modern conveniences, graphics, and gameplay advances.
- Comment on Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13 8 months ago:
Ditto. If these were FFVII-style remakes, sure… but for a two-decade old franchise whose last release was half a decade ago… I’d consider $20.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 8 months ago:
I approve.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
I hate beets. HATE them. I will eat durian, thousand-year eggs, stinky tofu, and a million other things that most people won’t touch… but beets? Fuck beets. Their sweet-yet-earthy funk is like a dead animal that has just started to decompose. I don’t care if they are cooked, picked, or stewed in borscht… hate them and won’t touch them. They ruin everything they touch.
This is like that. They are cooking with lots of beet-like ingredients. Some people will love that. But as for me…I hate it… I hate just everything about it… and I hate it because I’ve experienced all those ingredients before. Over and over and over again. What they are making is for a very particular crowd, and I am not part of said crowd.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
To be faaaaiiiiir… D:OS (both of them) make the age-old mistake of having really slow, uninteresting, prologuish RPG starts. It takes a solid 5h of powergaming or 10h+ of normal play to get past that hump. That’s the point where the story picks up and you have enough tools to start really taking advantage of the games sandbox.
With BG3 they really seemed to have learned their lessons.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
All fair points, and given the way Valve operates (like a free collective) this would only happen if there were some really passionate people leading and working on it.
That said, it’s still a mix of things I just really do not have any interest in. Competitive online game, esports focused, MOBA-like, PvP, hero shooter… that’s a whole lot of hard no-thanks from me.
I’d love some new light-narrative single player and/or co-op stuff from them, though.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
For Karl!
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
Everyone needs some rock, and stone, and liberty in their lives.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 8 months ago:
Valves next game…
it’s an Overwatch-style hero shooter
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
- Comment on Google employees questioned leadership about cost cuts, layoffs and “morale” issues following the company’s better-than-expected first-quarter earnings report. 9 months ago:
No, just overtly and flamboyantly evil.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
Bad faith misdirection question is bad faith, misdirection.
E for effort, though.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
To grossly oversimplify things, there are two kinds of vegans…
Type 1 are “healthy living” and “sustainability” vegans. These type are generally benign, polite, helpful, and keep to themselves unless asked. They also tend to not be super militant about their veganism… like the occassional egg from someone’s beloved home-raised chickens is fine.
Type 2 are ideological vegans. These types believe that “exploiting” “living creatures” in any way is fundamentally immoral, and because it’s a morality issue (e.g. basically religion) the vast majority are very preachy, demanding, and in-your-face about it. They don’t consider type 1 to be “real vegans”.
Type 2, being the loudest and most abrasive, giving veganism a bad name and ruining it for everyone.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
extremists on both sides
Right Extremists: Murder our political opponents! Kill the queers and the coloreds! Install our dictator! Anyone that isn’t a white christian nationalist doesn’t deserve to live!
Left Extremists: Everyone deserved access to health care, housing, and basic necessities! Limit the hoarding of wealth and power! Protect democracy! End mass murder and genocide!
“bOTh sIdeS Are THe sAME!”
- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 9 months ago:
Sony backtracked! The PSN plan is off!
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has received 100,000 negative reviews since announcing players must link Steam to a PSN account 9 months ago:
Steam is currently granting refunds regardless of play time. Open a support ticket (the automated system is still subject to the default rules).
- Comment on Kerbal Space Program 2 feared cancelled as 70 layoffs reported at Take-Two's Seattle offices 9 months ago:
If that’s the case they had better refund literally every single purchase. That game is an unfinished early-access mess.
- Comment on Manor Lords is off to a flying start on Steam, just hours after its early access release 9 months ago:
It’s still very much EA. There’s a near game loop there, but it’s still janky, barebones, missing features, and unbalanced.
Nothing wrong with waiting. I bought it to support the dev, but I’m going to shelve it for 6 months or so to let it cook more.