He’s just zis guy, you know?
- Comment on Balls 6 months ago:
They don’t even do aerospace anymore. Ball Aerospace & Technologies was bought by BAE Systems earlier this year.
- Comment on Should we consider Jesus a zombie? 7 months ago:
- Comment on calculate the transmission coefficient 8 months ago:
- Comment on Time Terror 8 months ago:
The Appalachian Mountains and the Scottish Highlands are the same mountain range, because it is older than the continents moving apart.
- Comment on Jumblie #252 9 months ago:
Jumblie #252 🔴🟠🔵🟢 4 guesses in 1m 3s
So close!
- Comment on Empire of the Ants - releases November 7th, 2024 9 months ago:
Weird that this gets announced within a week of Empire of the Undergrowth coming out of early access.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 10 months ago:
Good to know, thanks!
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 10 months ago:
Also from 2007 (before Blink aired) someone posted to 4chan a creepypasta that would become the first entry in the SCP Foundation.
- Comment on Amazing 10 months ago:
The Lord’s chosen people are all the little Hulkamaniacs out there, oh you know it brother!
- Comment on 🖩👈 10 months ago:
Why? Just cos.
- Comment on Here I go hate criming again 1 year ago:
I was curious, so I looked up this article. It’s satire, but it’s making fun of a tweet with the same sentiment.
- Comment on Is there any 5000 mAh power bank with 30W? 1 year ago:
5000 mAh is pretty small. Is that a typo?
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
Despite what crazy right wing pundits say, “Xmas” is Christian. Chi (Χ) is the first letter of “Christ” written in the Greek alphabet. (Χριστός)
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
Whoa, is that the Ren Fest in Larkspur? I spent many summer days there when I lived in Colorado.
Or is there a standardized fake castle gate you can order premade?
- Comment on How do you go about preserving fruits & vegetables? 1 year ago:
One option is to pickle them. Even without canning them, which is a whole process to itself, you can put pretty much any vegetables in water, salt, and vinegar and they’ll preserve in the fridge for much longer.
Just search whatever vegetable you have plus “pickled” and you’ll find recipes.