- Comment on The Insidious World of Fake Mobile Game Ads 7 months ago:
I still don’t understand how all that infrastructure is supposed to be financed by just a handful of whales.
All those developers, analysts, designers, etc. could surely make more money in a proper business.
- Comment on Thanks, Amy. 7 months ago:
Yes. Usually you have a brightness and sometimes also a proximity sensor. Proximity is usually used for phones so they can deactivate the screen if you hold the phone like an actual phone against your ear.
- Comment on Thanks, Amy. 7 months ago:
The sensors are usually pretty close to the camera, so the chances of taping over it are relatively high.
- Comment on Pattern of Brain Damage Is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide 8 months ago:
Even the relatively minor “trauma-rette” of hitting a soccer ball with your head is associated with permanent brain damage. Our brains were not made for being hit a bunch of times.
- Comment on Yass Queen 8 months ago:
That sentence had several aneurysms.
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
On the other hand: most cars are not moved 23h a day. They just stand around.
A lightweight solar panel could be a worthwhile range extender in at least some climates.
- Comment on Why is End of Life of an OS bad for an average user? 8 months ago:
Show me a single person that uses these tools exclusively and does not care about updating their machine.
And even then: ssh does have vulnerabilities. Email clients also usually render HTML, which means they have a browser engine under the hood.
- Comment on Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good 9 months ago:
That’s what’s really confusing me: why add an expensive feature, that obviously doesn’t work and even in the best case adds only minor improvements?
I mean, it’s not another option like with Bing. It’s the default. Every stupid little search will take up AI resources. For what? Market cap?
- Comment on Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand 9 months ago:
I could see those as an option for rural areas without much traffic. A full train might not be economical, but a small pod is. It could transport people to the closest proper train station where they can hop off.
But that would mean you’d have to maintain a ton of tracks for a handful of people.
- Comment on Girl power 9 months ago:
Come to Germany then.
German uses generic masculine grammatical gender and the state of Bavaria just banned the practice of “Gendern”, meaning use both forms (male and female).
So you’d have to be referred to as male pretty much always.
- Comment on The cloud is over-engineered and overpriced 9 months ago:
How many companies need such a scale, but are not able to provide it inhouse for less money?
Everyone wants to be Netflix, but 99% of companies don’t even need close to that amount of scalability. I’d argue, a significant part of projects could be run on a raspberry pi, if they’d be engineered properly.
- Comment on be more like dogs 9 months ago:
From what I’ve heard, dogs have problems seeing the relatively low contrasts in darker faces and that freaks them out.
… Or they’re just absolutely racist.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
It’s not, and it’s disingenuous to imply that this is what I wrote.
You’re building a straw man.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
Then introduce a refund system. Has been proven to work in Germany for over 20 years.
And as I wrote in another comment already: these regulations are a distraction so that the real problems can be ignored. They are actively harmful.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
Ask yourself these simple questions: where is micro plastic coming from? And what would be a good lever to reduce that? Bottle caps are not the answer for any of that.
So the result is barely any change in the amount of plastic introduced in the environment, the real big sources (for example the plastic wrapper around the bottles, and around the pallets of bottles) are untouched, but people (like you) become complacent, because we added those cap straps after all!
Yes, reducing even a bit is helpful, but it’s far from being free, because this exact bullshit makes people ignore the real problem. Your view is far too myopic.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
It was implemented as a symbol. I described it above.
The entire idea, similar to the carbon footprint, are attempts by the fossil industry to shift responsibility away from them and towards consumers. We from BP and BASF would love to stop pollution, but you guys keep throwing away the bottle caps! So they lobby the European Parliament to enact such regulations, the Parliament can act like they actually did something and the industry can keep producing plastics.
Yes, other solutions would cost more money. But these solutions would have at least a realistic chance to change something.
Remember the straight cucumber regulation? That was demanded by the retail industry. So it’s not like the EU doesn’t enact regulations for some lobby groups.
And if you think these caps are doing anything, the fossil industry fooled you successfully.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
And even that is dubious.
How many of the caps are actually reaching the ocean and is that actually a way to reduce that?
I mean, how about a European refund system? Works perfectly fine in Germany and actually makes recycling a bit easier?
These caps are empty gestures as I described above.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
…then it scratches my cheek.
Why is it so hard to understand that a useless piece of plastic in your face might be unpopular?
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
Maybe your bottles are different, but the bottles here in Germany have a very short “leash” and are often connected to the right in two places, so it constantly pushes in your face when drinking.
If an actual problem would have been solved, I’d be fine with it, but it’s just a pointless law which only exists to create the illusion of progress and shift blame onto consumers.
- Comment on The one your friend, Dick, borrows 9 months ago:
Aren’t the PS symbols copyrighted/branded? I read somewhere that there’s some IP involved, so you can’t use the standard symbols.
- Comment on Ok, $23. Final offer. 9 months ago:
Or sellers obviously don’t know, what their stuff is actually worth.
Some want to sell used goods for more than the new price and three times what other offers are.
- Comment on Voyager 1 9 months ago:
Say that to corporate. I’m perfectly willing (eager, even) to write actually good software, but I’m forced to work within a budget and on top of the pile of despair we call “tech stack”. Everything is about 20 orders of magnitude more complex than it needs to be, nobody has time to do anything properly and everything is always kind of burning.
- Comment on Funding 9 months ago:
The Datenelch (data moose) was actually a pretty good meme around 37c3.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
And I have yet to encounter a single smug vegan. Not online, not offline.
But I’ve seen countless people like you fighting the just fight against vegan windmills (awesome Rügenwalder double reference for the German people here).
So where exactly are those vegans? Are they in the room with us right now? Or are you defining every mere mentioning of veganism as an attack because you deep down are afraid of actually having to confront the cognitive dissonance you’re living under?
- Comment on War 9 months ago:
God those guys are stupid. I’ve seen one literally having an aphid on its head and ignoring it.
But seeing them “hunting” is actually kind of scary, I almost feel bad for the aphids.
- Comment on Physics 10 months ago:
In the sense, medicine is applied physics, just as everything else.
Thing is, you always break down a problem into just enough details to solve the problem. Not more. No physicist studying, say, airflow over the Atlantic will take quantum effects or relativistic effects into account. Magnetic fields are also ignored. Even clouds are surprisingly “low res” in most simulations.
- Comment on Carnivores 10 months ago:
So you’re telling me, they kill beings because they are bad at proper due diligence while soil scouting?
- Comment on Physics 10 months ago:
Maybe having halfspheres at the top and bottom? So more like a gas tank, less like a piece of sausage.
- Comment on Physics 10 months ago:
Now, how exactly is a penguin toroidal?
- Comment on Physics 10 months ago:
That’s pretty much the same in most fields, especially in the engineering direction. Idealized gases are idealized, steel beams are assumed to have a certain stiffness just by convention, and your entire existence is represented by a bunch of form fields stored in a database somewhere.