- Comment on No, Phil Spencer, Having AI Mock Up An Old Game Is Not The Same As Preserving It 3 days ago:
This seem less to do with preservation and more to do with capitalizing on an old game on a new platform.
- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 1 week ago:
Putting a local LLM into a product that doesn’t need it, just like other businesses do, is just one step too far for me. I hate this AI trend with a passion. Seconded, the pushing AI trend is just off putting and is something that literally no-one asked for. It reminds me of that brief trend of 3D TVs.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 2 weeks ago:
No, I am actually just saddened by it. I know people voted for him and it’s easy to say they deserved it, but the misery caused by his politics goes so profoundly deep into a society that already have so many people struggling, that I just find it depressing.
- Comment on Oxford scientists achieve teleportation with quantum supercomputer 4 weeks ago:
Couldn’t agree more. At first when I read it, I was like “wow”, the my logical brain did a re-read and I was like “doubt”.
- Comment on Busses with LED advertising on the side. 5 weeks ago:
Has anyone else noticed that energy conservation/limiting never seem to apply to advertising?
Consumers are told to limit their use of energy through a whole host of technologies and initiatives, while ads are becoming ever more visible and energy consuming.
- Comment on Superior Sleeping Environment 1 month ago:
Would you look at all that blue light, that’s really going to put you to sleep /s
- Comment on What administrative powers exist among workspaces in the software industry and why? 1 month ago:
Can’t speak for everyone, but being root/Admin on a computer come with dangers, one of them being security. Beyond that I, there are also individuals that don’t want to or don’t have the time to learn skills that aren’t strictly necessary for their job.
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 month ago:
I would tell myself to not push emotions away, since they would inevitably return as anxiety.
- Comment on How the Grenfell fire in the UK exposed 'racial capitalism' 3 months ago:
I think the expression ‘no shit, Sherlock’, is a fitting desciption to the conclusion of that inquiry.
We all nothing’s going to happen to the landlord, it will be business as usual, nothing to see here.
- Comment on TikTok parent company Bytedance sets aside $1 Billion to cover future European data privacy fines as the Chinese company faces a barrage of lawsuits over its mishandling of children’s data 4 months ago:
If you needed additional proof that fines are just the cost of their business model, this is it.
- Comment on The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins 6 months ago:
The nostalgia is strong in this one, I love these discoveries.
- Comment on Windows Zero-day Flaw Let Hackers Downgrade Fully Updated Systems to Old Vulnerabilities 6 months ago:
Sweet, maybe I can roll back all the way to windows XP now /s
- Comment on Why is it so easy to avoid nettles as an adult? 7 months ago:
I think most adults skip running through high grass in shorts is the answer.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem) 8 months ago:
Really good writeup of a very interesting exploit.
- Comment on What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound? 10 months ago:
That sounds absolutely nothing like an old school modem
- Comment on Don't worry, we only lost the dangerous parts... not something personal like your dob 1 year ago:
They do know that that’s exactly the information that’s behind every scam right?
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 1 year ago:
Reworking a legacy ci/cd pipeline.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Not American, but I imagine that news reporting uses loaded terms and partly drives the division between republicans and democrats. I assume that in reality most people are levelheaded people that don’t hate or fear their neighbors.
- Comment on To Compete With Netflix, RTL Launches German “All-in-One” Streaming Bundle 1 year ago:
Yay cable TV is back
- Comment on Nearly two-fifths of robberies in London last year were for mobile phones 1 year ago:
Not an expert in any way, but I would assume it is similar to having physical access to a computer. You would not be able to get into the existing device or retrieve data, but if you have stolen it and just to use the device, there are numerous tools to allow side loading of new blobs, that will bypass any restrictions.
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 1 year ago:
Software developer currently doing some re-work of tests that are intermittently failing because of a problematic asynchronous implementation.
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
I doubt most people leave because of a lack of ping-pong table.