- Comment on Installation 5 months ago:
Shouldn’t everything be grounded through the panel as well? I know I have a ground wire running out to a copper plate in the ground next to my house and my understanding was that if the neutral goes that would serve as the path to ground. Is this house missing that feature or am I wrong?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I know someone who used to be a genius and apparently it was uncommon but not unheard of for someone to puncture a battery resulting in a violent fire that had to be put out by dumping a fuckload of sand onto it.
So this isn’t that far off from working at a Genius Bar normally.
- Comment on Another job lost because of technology 👿 5 months ago:
Just gotta find a friendly middle aged white man and you can have this service for free
- Comment on Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread 5 months ago:
Here are games I like that are just mobile ports without ads or micro transactions:
Slay the spire
Monster train
Mini metro
Honorable mention to Vampire Survivors which is mostly a simple port, but it does incentivize you to watch ads for extra lives.
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 5 months ago:
I’m not qualified to say if this is accurate but thanks for putting in the effort to write it!
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
I always thought the Chinese Room argument was kinda silly. It’s predicated on the idea that humans have some unique capacity to understand the world that can’t be replicated by a syntactic system, but there is no attempt made to actually define this capacity.
The whole argument depends on our intuition that we think and know things in a way inanimate objects don’t. In other words, it’s a tautology to draw the conclusion that computers can’t think from the premise that computers can’t think.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
Wait until you find out where Indiana University is
- Comment on keep going lads! 1 year ago:
Interesting, I admit that I didn’t realize until I just did a little research that persistence hunting as a significant feature in early humans isn’t actually well supported by much if any evidence.
Are there other theories on why humans seem to be almost uniquely good at distance running? Is it a spandrel?
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
It’s not that it’s super hard to bring your own lunch, but it’s definitely hard-er. People just get mad when their employers won’t recognize that there’s a difference between wfh and commuting.
- Comment on Share with those less fortunate 1 year ago:
Why would you expect that to take 30 years to get back to $0 though?
- Comment on Share with those less fortunate 1 year ago:
Are you not counting your house as an asset when calculating net worth?
- Comment on Unity rushes to clarify price increase plan, as game developers fume 1 year ago:
Unity has been rent seeking for awhile. In my mind, a big issue is the unity asset store, which apparently is where they actually make most of their money. Unity collects a 30% cut of all sales and imposes pretty restrictive licensing terms. This is annoying, but not a huge deal for things like art assets, but it creates a huge perverse incentive when you look at plugins and tools.
The best way for unity to make money in the business model they’ve created is to add a bunch of seemingly simple but not very comprehensive systems to the engine. Then, rather than refine these features they can wait for 3rd party developers to fill in the gaps with plugins that must be sold on the unity asset store. This allows unity to scoop up a bigger revenue stream on top of the licensing income without having to do any additional work.
I don’t see this being sustainable
- Comment on Introducing the new Godot Development Fund 1 year ago:
It really depends on how you’re using unity. If you’re dependent on a lot of the built in components or asset store plugins or the rendering pipeline you’re going to have a hard time.
- Comment on Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds 1 year ago:
I’m sure someone will try, but it seems nearly impossible to do this in a way that’s actually useful. Most game engines are going to have fundamental differences that won’t easily map to the unity way of doing things
- Comment on Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad. 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t it be more environmentally friendly to store your cars outside and not have a garage?
- Comment on Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall 1 year ago:
And starfield itself is useless without a huge stack of technology that someone else made. That’s just how software works.
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
I ate at an airport restaurant recently that just had a QR code that let you order online. I do think the model works well in that one specific instance. On top of being more sanitary it lets the meal move at the pace you want it to, which is pretty important if you need to catch a flight in 45 minutes.
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
Only if they use cookies which frankly…why the fuck would they need to?
- Comment on The Dope Fiend 1 year ago:
You are wrong
- Comment on The Dope Fiend 1 year ago:
And caffeine And acetaminophen And ibuprofen And sildenafil And benzodiazepine And fluoxetine And sertraline And spironolactone And cetirizine …
- Comment on The Dope Fiend 1 year ago:
I mean there are tons of drugs which are perfectly legal, so I don’t really see that as a sound reason to outlaw it.