- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 3 weeks ago:
So that’s why I recovered 4GB of pictures out of a 1GB card from my dad’s camera huh? TIL
- Comment on Wanda and Cosmo 3 weeks ago:
What lore?
- Comment on Why would America declaring cartels terrorist organizations be a problem for Mexico? 4 weeks ago:
Como la mierda. Not to be fucked up, but I think it was a matter of time, also Mexico has plenty of lithium deposits that just got discovered in the last 2 years, so go figure.
- Comment on Day 214 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
Your post reminded me of my childhood, of how I had a PSP with a CFW and a GBA emulator, that made me look for hack roms, and I learned that there’s a digimon Pokémon hack ROM lol.
- Comment on Not the same 5 weeks ago:
Yeah is like they confused that
- Comment on Not the same 5 weeks ago:
I mean, yes. But also…
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 1 month ago:
Elmo Susk surely thinks they store everything on excel.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
Sony just used to make good quality electronics, in general.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
Dude, I’ve been thinking about that too and they’re getting rare or difficult to find, at least in the USA. I found one at work with the Windows 2000 Logon Screen burned in…
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
I’ve seen some videos on YouTube of people overclocking their CRTs so definitely that most be a thing. And yes it is 100% analog.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
100% right. I know it can handle 1920x1080 @ 60hz and IIRC it can handle 4k at 60hz too, but are there any monitors that can output that?
- Comment on Does anyone know what Trump is going to do with people with mental disabilities who get SSDI? Or can someone link me something on Trump and SSDI since google is cleaning up Trump from searches? 1 month ago:
Expect to see more senior citizens working in retail and janitoral jobs everyone…
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 1 month ago:
I bought some $300 DC Shoes and T shirts but I was like 15 years old lmao. It’d be like 20k last time I did the math.
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 1 month ago:
Thats Monero my sweet summer child.
- Comment on This shitpost is preventing shutdown 7 months ago:
Why is it that long when shutdown -p -f works great?
- Comment on I turned an old phone into a NAS 7 months ago:
I did the same with an iPad, when I realized the USB-C connector transfer topped at USB 2.0 speeds.
- Comment on Anon sets the mood 7 months ago:
I am an aspiring technical writer so I will take that as a compliment.
- Comment on Anon sets the mood 7 months ago:
- Comment on Anon sets the mood 7 months ago:
Yeah I was SSHing the movies to it but I doubt you know what that is.
- Comment on Anon sets the mood 7 months ago:
The iPad with VLC works great for portability too.
- Comment on Dapper 7 months ago:
- Comment on Stretching 7 months ago:
What the fuck did I just read?
- Comment on Anon visits his dealer 7 months ago:
But then you get the “Dabs don’t get me as high as they did when I first started dabbing” trip and have to take a month long T break.
- Comment on Anon has second thoughts about marriage 1 year ago:
Mexican media: drugs, Jesus, boobs, or cartels
Also cooking shows and kitchen stuff.
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
- Comment on Halfsies 1 year ago:
There’s a similar iOS game (with 3 types of game IIRC) called ROP. Here you can find it in the AppStore.