- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 2 weeks ago:
Just rent a nice French bomb, and blow up Mar-a-Lago
- Comment on Crysis 4 put "on hold" as developer Crytek is next studio hit by layoffs 2 weeks ago:
I guess even they can’t run Crysis on full.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 2 weeks ago:
Outside of the White House and Capitol (and maybe adjoining buildings) I would not want to do too much damage to the rest of Washington DC, as I think we could find lots of allies there.
Florida, on the other hand…
- Comment on Margot Robbie Baffled Over ‘Babylon’ Flop and ‘Still Can’t Figure Out Why People Hated It’: ‘I Wonder If in 20 Years People’ Will Be Shocked It Bombed 2 months ago:
It insists upon itself?
(I haven’t seen it)
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 3 months ago:
What’s funny to me is, the agile approach seems like it’s a much better fit for open-source, non-commercial software development.
The corporate world and is management practices based around quarters and deadlines can’t seem to see how anything could get done without deadlines, but that’s usually less of a factor with open-source. People laugh at “scrum masters” because in a corporate environment, all the scrum stuff tends to be mostly performative. But it seems to me that open-source projects with multiple contributors already kind of work in an agile manner.
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 3 months ago:
Sometimes, the developers also being the users helps, as in your example. Sometimes, it’s a hindrance, where the developer will just create UI that makes sense to them, but not to others.
- Comment on Paradox still want to make a Sims competitor after Life By You, but "we need to start smaller" 4 months ago:
It’s because of the sums people keep paying.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
The Democratic Order of Planets has a streaming platform, now?
- Comment on How did gravity worked on the Death Star? 7 months ago:
My headcannon for this is that spaceships in that universe are to those people what cars are to us. If you know the basics of driving a car, you can drive most cars, though the bigger ships might get more complicated (I’ve never seen one of our heroes try to back up a star destroyer into a starbase to help with their buddy’s move.)
- Comment on How did gravity worked on the Death Star? 7 months ago:
Yeah, but no one can escape the gravitational field of your mom.
(Sorry, couldn’t resist, as I half expected your comment to end with a “your mom” joke)
- Comment on First Christmas display of the year... in July 7 months ago:
All those comments, and only you knew what was really up? People really do treasure their ignorance…
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
You assume there’s lots of chemicals, but did you check? The process of canning food doesn’t necessarily require a lot of chemicals: a lot of canned food is cooked in the can, after it’s sealed, which kills most of the microbes that might spoil the food and make you sick. And because it’s sealed, no microbes can get in, either.
- Comment on Finally a useful feature (no) 8 months ago:
- Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
Crêpes > pancakes
- Comment on Falling 8 months ago:
It’s not density, it’s mass. A mass of 1kg compressed to the density of the Sun’s core would pull the Earth with just as much force as a 1kg ball of styrofoam.
- Comment on Immunity 9 months ago:
I only take medicine when the symptoms literally prevent me from functioning or threaten my life. With fever, I actually wrap myself up to keep warm, which lets my body “rest” instead of working to raise my temperature. This approach appears to have helped me get through many infections quickly, though I admit this is anecdotal.
- Comment on Mind of a synesthete 9 months ago:
Time is money
- Comment on Caption this. 9 months ago:
Daylight come and me want go home.
- Comment on Can't stop thinking about those peas 11 months ago:
Give peas a chance!
- Comment on Can't stop thinking about those peas 11 months ago:
You mean, they became extinct?
- Comment on What's the best dialogue in your opinion? 1 year ago:
Nimoy was a very funny guy! Great comedy instincts! You get another tiny glimpse of it with Spock’s line “I’ve been dead before” in ST:VI. It’s almost a throwaway, and said without emotion, but it’s pretty funny!
- Comment on What's the best dialogue in your opinion? 1 year ago:
Some good examples here. I’d just mention a few other memorable dialogue scenes:
- all the scenes of McCoy with Spock’s Katra in ST:III, including lines like “Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?” and "Where’s the logic in offering me a ride home, you idiot? If I wanted a ride home, would I be trying to charter a space flight?"
- in Star Trek IV, the scene with Kirk and Spock in Gillian’s pickup, with Nimoy doing his best Gracie Allen impression. Also, the “No dipshit” bit in the restaurant.
- Comment on ‘Where There Are Scabs, There Is Violence’—That’s Why Scabs Are Illegal in Two Canadian Provinces 1 year ago:
I’m from Québec, and didn’t realize this wasn’t already a law everywhere in Canada and the US.
- Comment on Why does salty water taste so bad when salt food tastes so good? 1 year ago:
Distilled water is safe to drink, as long as you have a balanced diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
The claim that it “leeches” those minerals out of you isn’t supported by any real evidence.
I used to drink distilled water at home for years with no side effects.
- Comment on What was the best performance by somebody not primarily known for their acting? #MovieDiscussion 1 year ago:
Revenge of the Nerds?