- Comment on Elon Musk shocks the country as he reveals the 'biggest Ponzi scheme of all time' he's unmasked through DOGE 2 days ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk shocks the country as he reveals the 'biggest Ponzi scheme of all time' he's unmasked through DOGE 3 days ago:
Lol oh yeah, for sure. By his definition he isn’t a Nazi.
- Comment on Elon Musk shocks the country as he reveals the 'biggest Ponzi scheme of all time' he's unmasked through DOGE 3 days ago:
Ahahaha that’s incredible. He actually makes the classic neo Nazi argument that as long as he isn’t invading Poland in the 1900s, he isn’t a Nazi.
That’s fucking hilarious. The clown show keeps rolling and idiots keep gobbling it up.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 3 weeks ago:
That’s only for specific fish parasites. Or else we could just freeze beef, thaw it and eat it raw.
- Comment on Transgender inmates panic as Trump's order sends them to men's prisons 5 weeks ago:
God how awful. It’s like he’s setting them up to be sexually assaulted for the rest of their sentence.
However you feel about them, that sounds straight up evil. All to win political points.
- Comment on Requesting ownership of the Kentucky community 5 weeks ago:
Counting me, that’s 3.
- Comment on Trump administration planning illegal immigrant arrests throughout US on ‘day one’ 1 month ago:
And this will reduce the price of groceries to pre pandemic levels, obviously.
- Comment on Feminists in their natural habitat of bigotry 1 month ago:
I don’t know why everyone is defending body shaming as a shorthand for something undesirable.
It reeks of people saying they would never say the r word about someone neurodivergent, but defend it’s use for people they disagree with.
- Comment on Happy new year!!! 1 month ago:
That and the edits of pizza cake are the two biggest things I miss.
And the porn, of course.
- Comment on Last channel rule 4 months ago:
Here I am watching scrambled Sex and the City, wondering when it will get to the good part.
- Comment on "English" 5 months ago:
Aww is the empire sad they got out-empired?
- Comment on Not a bad guess... 6 months ago:
I’m on your side. Great B movie.
- Comment on Bunch of Muppets 8 months ago:
Let the original actors voice the puppets, but rewrite the dialogue to match them.
- Comment on So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them. 1 year ago:
I looked into the verse and aftermath until I got bored.
Did the sneaky cannibal mom ever get punished? I read enough to know the uneaten son remained uneaten.
And did no one get mad that they boiled the first lady’s son? Like, there’s got to be better ways to cook a child. Boiling meat rarely leads to a tasty dish. Unless they made a stew I guess
- Comment on How Frasier Is So Rich As A Radio Therapist Finally Explained By Original Show Writer 1 year ago:
Ah the empty bar is a vessel for story telling. It’s also packed when they need it to be. We couldn’t hear them scheming if it was busy all the time.
Plus they have all that dick-towel money.
- Comment on How Frasier Is So Rich As A Radio Therapist Finally Explained By Original Show Writer 1 year ago:
Meanwhile, Always Sunny does it right by having people try to scam unemployment and accidentally getting addicted to crack in the process.
Ok maybe not meanwhile, but man that show is great.
- Comment on Guys ruins someone concert experience while sexting chatbot 1 year ago:
Lol, picturing OP taking this picture while sobbing bitter tears because Tina-bot02 is cheating on him.
- Comment on Guys ruins someone concert experience while sexting chatbot 1 year ago:
Not pictured was the moaning and grinding on strangers.