- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 5 weeks ago:
I can talk to people fine, though I don’t enjoy doing it with strangers at random places. I just hate phone calls. It’s not entirely rational, no doubt, though I still object to the silly stupid remark it’s “mental illness”.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Calling with IT professionals is extremely inefficient when discussing technical details where correct settings (ip’s, ports, paths etc) matter. At best a call here is only useful to indicate the urgency of the mail that was sent.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
So, you agree that your statement that it gets easier with exposure is nonsense? Or do you mean to say that every one who disagree has mental health issues? Because you’re talking about a decently large chunk of people here.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Disagree. Part of my job entails calling people (and I even started at a phone helpdesk 20 years ago) and I still despise and loathe calling on the phone with people I don’t know for making appointments or getting quotes. To the point it will probably impact my health since my dentist only takes appointments by phone. (Before my sister in law worked there so I could DM her to ask her directly)
Exposure doesn’t always make it easier.
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
I know it can be cheaper but I wanted nice Niko sockets that fit the same cover plates I used for my lighting switches and power sockets. It’s a house, not an office, so paying more for things to look like I want them is also worth something, for me.
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
When you’re renovating that expense is relative imo. And the cable is relatively cheap imo. Nice wall sockets for them are super expensive though. 200 euro or thereabouts for 500m of cat6, but 20 euro per outlet pair adds up. Definitely still worth it, because like expected there’s more stuff to connect.
- Comment on Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's dedication to letting me be a drunk, boorish oaf is so committed, it honestly left me astounded - preview 1 month ago:
The combat for me was refreshing honestly, it felt like actual skills and knowledge I have irl about swordfighting (which are bad against better fighters and limited knowledge tbh) translated really well. Once you figure out the controls it’s pretty easy and just about managing your stamina a bit.
Other parts like the monastery mission just felt bugged and we’re frustrating to the point it basically stopped me from finishing the game. I even looked up a walkthrough and that did nothing. A shame though because I really liked wondering around in the world but that mission basically stopped me from just doing that too.
- Comment on Every time I search a windows error 2 months ago:
It’s suggested more than it helps, especially on MS support pages, but for sure sfc fixes a particular set of problems. Out of about 16 times I’ve used it professionally it’s solved the issue about 12 or so times. (In 20 years, so damn you for making me feel old) And when it didn’t it’s usually because the file is also corrupt in dllcache.
Chkdsk is/was useful, imho, if you run it with the /r parameter. In my experience it became irrelevant for user systems with ssd’s.
Both are tools. Don’t blame the tool for being used for something they’re not meant for. You could technically use a power drill to hit nails in a wall, sometimes, but someone suggesting a power drill in place of a hammer doesn’t mean it’s a bad tool.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 3 months ago:
Man that’s crazy, I speak French with an undertone of a Belgian accent, but pretty close to French general accent (I know every dept has their accent, chill!), but Canadians have an extremely heavy and weird non standard accent compared to other people.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Some reason being that if you don’t maintain a certain temperature in your house you’ll get mildew problems.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
Dried pasta is far superior to fresh pasta for most dishes.
- Comment on Rip 5 months ago:
I suspect you’re downvoted for stating false information. Even now it seems your supposed evidence is literally from suspicious (to say the least) source.
People following your advice expose themselves and their children to harm if follow your advice. Complaining about a downvote seems rather silly in that context.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890836/ I’ll quote from this link:
A number of different claims have been made about the possible health benefits that could hypothetically be derived from the consumption of raw milk. Recent scientific reviews by various international groups have concluded that there was no reliable scientific evidence to support any of these suggested health benefits.13–15
During pasteurization, there is no significant change in the nutritional quality of milk.16 Pasteurization does not cause any change in protein quality; minor levels (<7%) of denaturation of whey proteins have been reported due to pasteurization, but protein denaturation has no impact on protein nutritional quality. Pasteurization does not cause any change in the concentrations of minerals; minerals are very heat stable. Pasteurization may cause very minor losses (<10%) of vitamin C, folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and thiamine (vitamin B1). Of these vitamins, milk is an excellent source of only vitamin B12; milk has only low concentrations of most of the vitamins listed previously, which might show some minor losses on pasteurization. Pasteurization does not change the concentration of riboflavin (B2) (which is very heat stable) or fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A or E.15 Other factors like type of packaging material, light exposure, and storage time/temperature have much larger impacts on vitamin losses in milk. Feed (like pasture grazing) can greatly influence milk composition, and sometimes proponents of raw milk confuse feed-related changes in milk composition with those caused directly by pasteurization. Other milk-processing approaches, like ultra-pasteurization and ultra-high temperature, have only a minor impact on the nutritional quality of milk
- Comment on Rip 5 months ago:
While it’s tastier raw, though that’s subjective I suppose, no nutrients are lost during pasteurization. Most minerals aren’t destroyed by that heat. Bacteria and most viri are destroyed however.
The vitamins lost by pasteurization aren’t that significant that it compares to the chance of contracting salmonella.
- Comment on This is good stuff 7 months ago:
I don’t mean to give you unrequested advice so apologies if I come across as dismissive of your experience. I just feel like I can add some points that people in your situation might benefit from.
And that is to not chase love in itself. I found that as I got older I also accepted that I would grow old without a romantic relationship. Though I did invest time in my friendship relationships, and that did work.
While being somewhat saddened by it, I accepted that the chances of me finding love through dating apps was low, in particular because I don’t want to have kids, which obviously is a deal-breaker for many people. So my approach there was to just try to enjoy the moment without expectations and without judgement. If I got a match I’d try to have a fun conversation, if it was fun I’d try to set up a date, and if that was fun I’d keep it going. Just going for having an enjoyable time at that moment without expectations. It made even the dates that weren’t going anywhere long term enjoyable experiences, with the occasional opportunity for physical intimacy with someone who was on the same page about expectations. I could have lived like that but just got plain lucky this year I think. For me it still feels amazing to have happened so I’m not going to type lies and say it will happen for everyone. But I went into this relationship with no expectations either so regardless of what happens in the future I will treasure what is happening now, as I’m a relationship with the most amazing woman who adores aspects of me that would often be things other dates told me made me seem immature and obsessive.
So, you and people that relate to you, I genuinely wish you happiness and good things. In all aspects of life. But please don’t give up on meeting new people if you can, you might make someone else happy just by existing. Or if not you could at least give them a nice date.
- Comment on Every damn day 9 months ago:
Remember that violent protests were used in Europe to establish our rights. It’s incredibly weird looking to the US from the outside. You have the right to bear arms, specifically to oppose tyranny, yet nobody seems to do so.
- Comment on Valve is now reversing VAC bans due to AMD drivers in CS2, according to patch notes 1 year ago:
Sure, my comment is directly aimed at a comment stating Valve would basically brick your steam account for this, though. It’s disinformation I’ve seen at too many places this week or oddly enough. While Valve as the CS2 publisher preemptively told players they would unban people once their dlls were normal again.
- Comment on Valve is now reversing VAC bans due to AMD drivers in CS2, according to patch notes 1 year ago:
Vac bans mean you can’t play on vac secured servers. Nothing happens to your other games. For a competitive multiplayer game some anticheat detection is wanted. People changing their dll’s to gain a competitive advantage is cheating. AMD making and distributing this unintentional cheat doesn’t change that.
I agree that buying directly or through GoG and backing up your games is the best thing to do. But this incident isn’t really related to that.
- Comment on 66% of Americans say they want extended European-style vacation policies at work 1 year ago:
Belgium: 20 days plus all legal holidays with extra days if they fall in the weekend. Sick days are practically unlimited, at this moment.
If first line relative dies it’s 3 days off, but decent employers would give you a week.
Sick children you can’t find care for, is a day off paid at a lower rate by the government.Though with WFH this seems to have changed to doing what you can with full pay from home, if you’re an office worker.
Starting in 2024, if I get sick during a holiday, those days off are converted to sick days and I can take those holidays later.
The idea of having to spend holidays if you get ill makes me want to burn down a building. You should try it.
- Comment on 66% of Americans say they want extended European-style vacation policies at work 1 year ago:
PTO is such a weird thing from the outside. Why don’t you just strike and set everything on fire? No need to vote to get human rights…