- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
K-9 from the new Dr. Who 😂
- Comment on I love cheese. 🧀 Do you love cheese? 🧀😄 1 week ago:
I also love cheese! Hard cheeses for a hard journey!
- Comment on When you're too good at your job 1 week ago:
Yeah, nice to see a smile 😂
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
Ahhhh I was kinda wondering why there was an educational advent calendar 😅
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
LOL looks like a German advent calendar, not even a book!
**Fake news! **
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
In retrospect… yes.
I offered the story as a kind of parable (except not because I didn’t make it up) or random data point if you will, on pissing standing up.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
I’m afraid I really have no answers for you… but then again I don’t think I’m your survey pool.
But I did once stay at a small hotel in Germany that had a sticker imploring male guess to sit and pee. I pissed all over that poor toilet before we left.
15 years later I feal guilt but also righteous indignation. I really hate being told what to do apparently… even when there are good reasons like another human being, asking you to not make their life hard 😞
- Comment on Time to Skate 5 months ago:
To soon!
- Comment on Paramount sets Airplane! & Top Secret! for 4K, plus Orca, Robot Dreams, Kinds of Kindness, Fear the Walking Dead & Young Sheldon: Complete Series on Blu-ray & more! 6 months ago:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I went looking for… well there was another site that listed them but it seems to be shut down now, so thanks for posting that.
I also ran across and article that mentioned IMDB having a page for every movie that had details on its original shooting format e.g. 2K digital/35mm/sony handycam (looking at you Blare Witch Project)… but I think that’s gone subscription only? Not sure, maybe just gone.
- Comment on Paramount sets Airplane! & Top Secret! for 4K, plus Orca, Robot Dreams, Kinds of Kindness, Fear the Walking Dead & Young Sheldon: Complete Series on Blu-ray & more! 6 months ago:
Yeah… not always. Especially older stuff that would need to be rescanned from film.
- Comment on Paramount sets Airplane! & Top Secret! for 4K, plus Orca, Robot Dreams, Kinds of Kindness, Fear the Walking Dead & Young Sheldon: Complete Series on Blu-ray & more! 6 months ago:
I just meant someone could uprez an old 1080p transfer themselves ;-) Hopefully there’s a bit more going on with these releases, extra pixels aren’t everything… but I’m one of the folks that believes it should be a new scan, not just some fancy uprezing algorithm.
My parents always warned me that sitting to close to the TV would rot my brain :-)
- Comment on Paramount sets Airplane! & Top Secret! for 4K, plus Orca, Robot Dreams, Kinds of Kindness, Fear the Walking Dead & Young Sheldon: Complete Series on Blu-ray & more! 6 months ago:
Gotta’ machine gun them out before people realize they can make their own 4K version at home now ;-)
- Comment on Inaccuracies 6 months ago:
Ooooo… okay, somehow I was getting like a “did you really have to gender the example?“ vibe… so hopefully that explains my confusion/response.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 6 months ago:
For sure. And ultimately they gave credit where it was due, which is nice but it was a bit jarring. I think that means the filmmakers did their job well and crafted a character I could identify with.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 6 months ago:
Um… I don’t think it matters to me what the characters gender was, but it seemed like the least I could do since I wasn’t going to go back and look up the characters name.
I think you’re reading something into my comment I don’t intend? Strictly referring to a character Ulana Khomyuk from the HBO miniseries here.
- Comment on Biology Class 6 months ago:
Sounds exactly like the names I would come up with breathing 20% nitrous oxide for a few hours…
- Comment on Inaccuracies 6 months ago:
Couldn’t hide my disappointment at the end when they were like [strong female character] was created from the stories of over fifty different scientists…
- Comment on Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee? 6 months ago:
You can get it in a can, just gotta’ pour it off before you toss all the beans. Or get one of those big boba straws… pro tip: buy a few cans, there’s just not enough in one.
- Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 6 months ago:
You guys 🥹
Look the beans were great, but our own bender-hookers-and-blow meme. You shouldn’t have ☺️❤️❤️❤️
- Comment on [Discussion] What do you think about "Knives out" movies? 7 months ago:
I’m just not sure I see the appeal… they mash in this weird campiness that makes it hard for me to enjoy it on a serious level, especially the second. I love a good mystery too, the old masterpiece theater productions of Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Ironsides were favorites. I also really enjoyed the new ones with Cumberbatch, so it’s not like I’m opposed to a modern reinterpretation.
- Comment on P.E.N.I.S. 7 months ago:
Not quite the clip I was hoping for, but it’ll do :-)
- Comment on Donald Trump has fully embraced sharing AI generated images of Kamala Harris. 7 months ago:
Obviously AI! Just look at his hands, they are normal sized.
- Comment on B O N G 7 months ago:
True… but probably much more substantial in the theater. Maybe it was just because it ran for like a year, but more than any other film I remember hearing Titanic from the hallway while walking to see other movies.
- Comment on B O N G 7 months ago:
Truly just the relevant 3 seconds. Thank you stranger :-)
- Comment on B O N G 7 months ago:
I’m trying to remember if the movie actually had that sound effect… anyone?
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Sounds logical.
Unless your toothpaste has no fluoride ;-)
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
I’m going to give those another try. My mouth is tiny and my fingers are stubby (thanks dad! ;-) But you get way more crap out with floss.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
A toothpaste that restores your enamel. It’s prescription in the US but you can get Apagard Premio off Amazon.
It’s probably a good idea to get some extra fluoride since the Apagard doesn’t have any. I use purple Listerine, but I kinda hate it, so find something you like.
You should floss, which I’m shitty at, so I use a water pick a few times a week. All kinds of nasty crap comes out, even after brushing, so it’s gotta be better than nothing.
I use a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, no need to get the fancy ones, it’s mostly extra accessories. There are probably less expensive ultrasonic toothbrushes out there that work well… doing it twice a day manually is probably better for you than once a day with a fancy toothbrush.
Hang in there, clinical trials of a drug that regrows teeth are underway and the results are promising.
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
LOL. Thanks for your service. I think you should let yourself off with time served ;-)
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
It’s okay homie… there are dozens of us ;-)