- Comment on What is your bath mat situation? 2 weeks ago:
This ^ I’ll have to give DE a try now
- Comment on Overwatch 2 Spotlight: A New Era of Innovation and Excitement 1 month ago:
Bring back the original. Bring back Jeff.
- Comment on Manor Lords, the best city builder of 2024, hits 3 million sales as players continue to fill its maps with muddy medieval towns 1 month ago:
Is that Louis CK?
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
I saw quite a few people sitting outside their houses with their candy ready for the kids. Some even organized them on tables so the kids could come up, pick one, be handed it and go.
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
This happened to me as well. I’d take a few bites of a meal and feel full/ nauseous; Sometimes even throw up it went away after maybe 6 months of dating and we joke about it now 12 years later.
We chalked it up to nerves, but no one can tell for sure. Best of luck OP! Guessing you really like this person.
- Comment on Unsubscribe link from their emails takes you to this. You then to sign in with email and password (I don't know my password) to manage preference. I just want all out! 1 year ago:
Happens to me too, but it’s usually Pihole or a browser extension
- Comment on 💀💀 2006 was 18 years ago 1 year ago:
Already 20, loool. Enjoy it <3
- Comment on Its most common use case is interrupting games 1 year ago:
Was going to say, I don’t remember seeing this anytime recently, then remembered I’ve been daily driving Linux for like 5 years, lol.
- Comment on Keep your dog on a leash 1 year ago:
OG meme format
- Comment on Grindr loses nearly half its staff to strict return-to-work rule 1 year ago:
Serves them right. When your product is completely virtual/ digital, there’s no real reason to be in the office other than “cOLlAboRAtioN”