- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Didn’t Kathy Griffin pretty much do the same thing only with many more times the consequences?
- Comment on Science is Magic 6 months ago:
The rules for magic and the rules of existence in most fictional universes are significantly more defined (and, arguably, more solid) than the rules for science and existence in this world.
Even the brush off of “Its magic. I don’t have to explain it,” at least indicates that SOMEONE understands the effect and its relative existence.
If you find 5 people who say that they fully understand a single branch of science then I’d bet all of my money in my pocket that you found them in a padded recovery room sans shoe laces.
- Comment on I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. 11 months ago:
Companies even do this if you have a 5g modem.
There is a 2 hour window at the end of the month in which I am miserable.
I’m at the tip of the US’s Wang and have zero access to wired internet, so I am stuck. 😞
- Comment on Derps of Tiktok 11 months ago:
Oh well… whatever. Never mind.
- Comment on Not buying a shaver from Philips again.. 11 months ago:
Coincidentally, I just got a knock-off Soda Stream from Phillips. It’s over $150 cheaper and works 2x-3x times better. I wanted to build something similar for a homemade soda bar concept, and discovered how truly cheap it can be to make soda and carbonated water at home. I was shocked at what a simple concept it is, and how much of a profit these sodas water companies make. Phillips even charging $50 for their system is a total rip-off.
Truthfully, I think the increase in quality in the Phillips machine is due to fewer parts is an “exception that proves the rule” as these in-bottle carbonators seem to work better with fewer parts. It’s just a pressure hose connected to a co2 tank. Literally, all of $6 if you were to build one yourself from parts on Amazon (or $3 if you got he Alibaba route)
I truly believe that the fewer parts the better in any DIY or commercial product due to the less chance of a failure in a part if there are fewer parts. This works fantastically for the “lower quality” producing companies, like Phillips.
My inventive and engineering entrepreneur friends and I call this “fewer parts the better” concept, a “Murphy’s law compensator” as the fewer parts there are, the fewer parts that can statistically “go wrong”
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 10 comments
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
“There is no point in reinventing the wheel” is my favorite saying when it comes to things like this.
If something has been done over and over again, there is no point in doing it yourself from scratch. It wastes time, money, and effort that could be spent on creating something new.
Humanity’s greatest strength is being able to add to the previous generation’s knowledge base, too!
If we had to relearn how to do the same things in the same way, in every generation, we would still be in the stone age…
When I manage folks, I expect them to steal if its already been done and especially if it’s been done to death.
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
All cryptocurrency isn’t stiricrly based off of magic and mysterious bitcoin code.
Even if there was code that made the coin erase itself, it would have been found and fixed (or abandoned for a new and better blockchain coin a’la Ethereum or Monero).
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
You’re VERY wrong.
There is difference between the two as they are two completely seperate things.
I am a disability advocate, and I took many courses in college on this subject while getting my doctorate.
Drug dependence is typically defined as what causes tolerance and withdrawal. The physical effects of the need of medicine. Everything from diabetes meds, like insulin, to blood pressure medicine, to even cold medicine could be in that category.
It’s why a person shouldn’t use nose spray but for 2–3 days as you become dependent on it, causing you to need to consume it to be able to breathe out of your nose. (FYI: It’s a VERY bad idea to become dependent on nose spray as it SUCKS for a few days getting off of it.)
Addiction is a mental component. It is a neurological state of being. Some things are more addictive than others, with things that change the neurological state being more addictive than those that don’t.
For example, sex, roller coasters, and YouTube shorts can affect your brain chemistry in the same way that METH can!
TL;DR - Addiction is a neurological condition, while dependence is when a body depends on a substance medicinally.
The number of people who suffer horrifically because of the misconceptions of addiction VS dependence is sickening.
We NEED to remove this stigma of taking proper medication to increase the quality of life of the disabled.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
Pain medication IS medicine!
There is no point in suffering.
Just because you are dependent on a medicine, does not mean you are an addict.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Jordan, the YouTuber, is a really great follow.
He’s the president of the “fast food secrets club” and has taught the world a lot about everything secret in fast food recipes.
His non food content is great too.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
Unless it’s something that you are a super uber fan, avoid buying a game before it comes out.
It saves a lot of heartaches and headaches.
Plus, in today’s world… why pre order? It’s not like a game will run out of copies…
- Comment on youtube on modern phones sucks 1 year ago:
I listen to a lot of media, like Manhwa recaps, audiobooks, podcasts, true crime.
Some days I click on YouTube once at 10am when I wake up and sit down in front of the computer and once again after my day is over and I go to bed.
YouTube is more than educational videos or prank videos.
You should look into “YouTube Longform content”
This is content, usually over 2 hours, that’s highly entertaining and comprehensive.
Consider PatricianTV
They made a Skyrim retrospective that was 20 hours long Part 1 Part 2
It’s not a let’s play or anything of the like. It’s an actual factual longform review
Not only is it a masterpiece, but it’s a comprehensive masterpiece.
- Comment on youtube on modern phones sucks 1 year ago:
I like the ability to move around to different devices and be able to keep the same video.
I love Manhwa recaps, audiobooks, etc. There are like 12 hours long sometimes. So it’s so much more convent to walk away from my computer and go to the bathroom or lay down and It just picks right up from the same part in the story.
90% of the time YouTube is running on monitor #2, but the convenience factor of the last 10% can make life worth living sometimes.
- Comment on youtube on modern phones sucks 1 year ago:
Yes, but there are drawbacks to each one. For example, with new pipe, if I find a channel that I like I have to remember to like it on all of my devices individually.
I’d much rather use the mobile YouTube as it works perfectly and I can use any add-on I wish to modify the experience without issue.
- Comment on youtube on modern phones sucks 1 year ago:
Use the Firefox nightly build and you can bring your desktop experience to mobile.
Not only can you use sponsorblock but also ublock origin. Plus you can use picture in picture and play the videos with your phone locked by default
Its literal perfect fir my usage
- Comment on Good Cop Gets Bad Cop Fired and Arrested 1 year ago:
There’s a good reason that ‘good’ cops don’t exist for long.
He’s about to be made miserable, forced to quit (or be framed), then blacklisted from any other law enforcement position. Yeah, doing that is 100% illegal, but who’s going to do anything about it?
My ex-wife was trying to be a “good” cop, but not only was she forced out with a swiftness, but she was on the secret law enforcement blacklist.
Cops don’t like snitches any more than criminals do. Same difference, really.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The best way to do it is to go into therapy.
You don’t have to go to therapy for the rest of your life. If you want to just work on one thing, like discovering why you can’t get into a long term relationship, then that could be as easy as 6-8 weeks once or twice a week for a half hour.
You don’t even have to leave home as nearly all the independent therapists do therapy via video call.
I used to run a therapy business that focused on sex ant trauma with my ex-wife, and people coming in with your issues was about 1/3 of the business sometimes.
Another thing that’s great about independent therapists, is that will work with you on a sliding scale so that each session won’t break the bank. We would get reimbursed by grants and the government, so it doesn’t really harm the therapist in any way.
Check out Psychology Today to find a good therapist near you
- Comment on if it turned out there was a sentient AI capable of running the world would you accept it or rebell against it? 1 year ago:
Humanity had its chance and we failed
- Comment on if it turned out there was a sentient AI capable of running the world would you accept it or rebell against it? 1 year ago:
I’m literally doing everything in my power to make that AI come to life.
Humanity needs the singularity to continue to exist another 100 years.
- Comment on What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up? 1 year ago:
I took up social media marketing for YouTubers and other influencers. I helped people build an audience, brand, and advised them on what to avoid and how to grow.
It made me a good amount of extra monies and it’s kinda fun. It’s like they’re a tamagotchi.
I’m also able to take those same skills now and use them in my professional life.
- Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year ago:
I used to belong to D&D groups that were open at a local comic store till like 4am.
We’d rent the space from the store at a good price, have pre-made characters for those that wanted to jump in.
If you don’t have something like that local, I can imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to start
- Comment on Do you lucid dream? 1 year ago:
Every day. Its helped me with the depression of my recently passed father
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
Thank you for that! I’ll have to use that on my next run
- Comment on Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors? 1 year ago:
I know several people who are afraid of getting dental work because they are afraid that they’ll get assaulted while being put under.
It’s not so much now, but during the 80s and 90s there was an epidemic of that happening.
- Comment on The wait between major video game sequels is getting longer 1 year ago:
I’m just glad that there is Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 so that we can get new content and not having to wait a long time.
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
Backpacks. Yep.
I had to give up by hour 50 trying to better organize things
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
That’s a excellent idea. I’m going to start doing it that way until someone makes a backpack naming mod
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
I’m 60 hours in and I just discovered that there’s an act 2…
My only complaint is that you can’t rename your backpacks
- Comment on Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit old. Any suggestions from the community? 1 year ago:
Terraria has a bunch of options for gender PLUS it’s the best game ever made.