- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
I’m so cute infused by this. I have a reusable weed pen that has zero of these issues. The product just comes in a sealed container and you screw it into the base.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
No one tell them about the computer in their truck!
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
This has job descrimination lawsuit written all over it.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
Ha after reading this article I now get your reply
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
This link is more interesting…
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
It’s a weird history
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
I thought it was for c sections…
- Comment on Crying RN 9 months ago:
To be fair… I didn’t get it until that comment 🤣
- Comment on Seattle dance squad says they were told American flag shirts made audience members feel 'triggered and unsafe' 10 months ago:
Can you post a reputable story on this? Fox isn’t journalism, they’ve been very clear about that with their lawyers.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
Well no, we need to make secondary education free really.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
Well then bully for you. But I think it’s important that we make education easier for folks to obtain.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
So we should remove all tax credits then? That’s what you’re saying? Another quick question, did you take money during covid? Did your business?
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
How about you pay for your kid and stock getting that tax credit? How about we stop subsidizing your gas to get to the job? You have a really dumb argument against helping people.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Because you’re not voting in the right people.
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 11 months ago:
Am I missing the beans here? Or is this insane to have all these fixens and no beans?
- Comment on If you work for a gig app in the US they make you go thru this charade when doing taxes where you're treated and taxed as an independent business owner. joke country 1 year ago:
It’s actually both. TurboTax spends millions lobbying against simplicity in the tax return process. While Uber also spends millions lobbying against proper labor practices.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Ahh yes a graph without citation of research, lovely
- Comment on Sweet tea 1 year ago:
It would dissolve you just have to be more patient!