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- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 days ago:
Another commentor pointed out a legitimate use case, but it’s not even worth thinking about that much. De-duplocated is usually a word you use in data science to talk aboutakong sure your dataset is “hygienic” and that you aren’t duplicating data points. A database is much different because it is less about representing data, and more about storing it in a way that allows you to perform transactions at scale - retrieval, storage, modification, etc. Relational databases are analyzed in terms of data cardinality which essentially describes tradeoffs in representation between speed of retrieval (duplications good) vs storage efficiency (duplications bad).
The issue is that Elon is so vague and so off the mark that it is very hard to believe that he even has the first clue about what he is a talking about. Even you are confused just by reading it. It is all a tactic to convince others that he is smarter than he is while doing extreme damage to the hardworking people that actually make this stuff possible. Have you noticed that the man has never come to a conclusion that wasn’t in his interests? This is not honest intellectualism, or discussion based on technical merit. It’s self serving propaganda.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 6 days ago:
As someone explained in another comment, you often duplicate information due to rules around cardinality to gain improvements in retrieval an. structure. I would be pretty worried if SSSNs were being used as a a widepread primary key in any set of tables - those should generally be UUIDs that can be optimized for gashing while avoiding collisions.
Even if we are being generous to Elon, we could assume that social security payments are processed on mainframes given how many have to go out and the legacy nature of the program. Most mainframe shops I know have adapted an SQL interface for records in some capacity, but who knows what he is looking at.
Government federal IT is done at a per agency basis. I would say oracle database is pretty much the most licensed piece of software the government does use outside of Redhat Linux and windows desktop.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 6 days ago:
It really is baffling trying to make sense of what he is saying. It’s like the only explanation that makes any sense at all is that he has no idea what he is talking about. Even if he knew just cursory knowledge about database cardinality you wouldn’t say stuff so stupid.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 6 days ago:
Excel is accounting workbook software, it is not suitable for data storage. Although people certainly use it that way.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 6 days ago:
It’s an insanely idiotic thing to say. Federal government IT is myriad, and done at a per agency level. Any relational database system, which the federal government uses plenty of, uses SQL in one way or another. Elon doesn’t know what he is talking about at all, and is being an ultimate idiot about this. Even in the context of mainframe projects thatif we are giving elong the benefit of doubt about referring to, most COBOL shoprbibknow have adapted to addressing internal data records using an SQL interface, although obviously in that legacy world it is insanely fractured and arcane.
- Comment on Threads? 1 year ago:
What are you talking about? I can’t find anything to back this up, but I am curious. Their about page claims they are funded by patreon donations, and doesn’t mention cloudflare anywhere.
Is it just that they use cloudflare services for traffic control, or they host on cloudflare? Especially if it is the former, that is pretty inane.
- Comment on What makes this website resistant to enshitrification? 1 year ago:
This is the whole point of federation, having multiple instances, and being open source. It’s also why a bunch of the people on here are Linux heads.
Keep on mind that lemmy isn’t owned by a single corporation ir organization. It is a bunch of individually owned instances that talk to each other. This means that if you own an instance, you have contr of how it is moderated, but you have to balance that freedom with making your instance a place other instances will have to connect to. Its very democratic.
This goes all the way to the source code, which is open. So, even if the devs try to change it and exert more control, it could be forked.
Of course, you could still be a doomer and say something could come along and ruin it. But, it’s at least better than private, venture funded internet platforms on paper.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
I mean but come on, dlc for in game items - I don’t care how you slice it, that’s a microtransation, even if you don’t purcase from within the game UI.
- Comment on Why is it usually advised to power off your computer to have Bluetooth work again if it stopped working after a kernel update? 1 year ago:
Can’t confirm, but I would assume that there is a capacitor in a few bluetooth modules that keeps some of the components charged, and that they only try to comminicate with the kernel after a power cycle.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
I think wizards of the coast will demand more products that are part of baldur’s gate 3. Tbf, baldur’s gate 1 and 2 are known for their expansions. I wouldn’t be opposed to an expansion or two.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
Coming from someone who doesn’t really like DOS2 with a controller - they made it work a lot better in Baldur’s Gate 3 and it is at the point where I am mostly playing with a controller. Turn based mode goes a long way in this game to not having mouse selectivity.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
What are they talking about? Yes they do: ……/Digital_Deluxe_Edition_DLC/
Mind you, I am not even mad, because they are extra superflous items from DOS2, so whatever, but they definitely have at least dlc for in game items. I guess that isn’t really technically an in game purchase in the same way a dark pattern loot box is, but also in a single player game it is pretty much the same thing.
I am really supportive and happy for what Larian has done, but I think it is kind of naive for them to be beating their chest about this. Wizards of the Coast will one day probably force them to release monetized items, or charge for extra modules. I don’t think they will be unfair about it, but come on.
- Comment on 100, here I cum 1 year ago:
Y’all get out of here. Middle age starts at 40. Don’t at me.
- Comment on Forgotten fantasy: after 11 years, Dragon’s Dogma makes an unlikely return 1 year ago:
Dragons Dogma has steadily been building a cult following, and pretty much the thing I miss most about reddit is the dragons dogma community. People play it to this day, actively making and sharing pawns with others.
The game still has pretty much the best action RPG combat system of all time - the guy who usually directs devil may cry directed it. It is a must play if you happen to like both classic fantasy rpgs as well as modern platinum and capcom action games.
If you are on the fence, I would definitely recommend waiting for a sale, where you pick the game up for 5 dollars usually. I have hundreds of hours maxing out my character in almost every class, and I still have to get around to beating the dark arisen dlc content - in just having too much fun with the rest of the game.