Comment on Every game developer company should be like this ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

What are they talking about? Yes they do: ……/Digital_Deluxe_Edition_DLC/

Mind you, I am not even mad, because they are extra superflous items from DOS2, so whatever, but they definitely have at least dlc for in game items. I guess that isn’t really technically an in game purchase in the same way a dark pattern loot box is, but also in a single player game it is pretty much the same thing.

I am really supportive and happy for what Larian has done, but I think it is kind of naive for them to be beating their chest about this. Wizards of the Coast will one day probably force them to release monetized items, or charge for extra modules. I don’t think they will be unfair about it, but come on.
