- Comment on From now on, I wish to be addressed as Lt. Commodre Squid 1 month ago:
Somebody added that 80th title and still decided against just making it a free text field
- Comment on Typical from my so called imaginary friend 2 months ago:
It’s bad. The original question is being used as a… standard conversation piece, here (though I’ve never heard that one IRL, I’m not surprised). Like “How are you”, “good, how about you”, “good” (which is in reality pretty much just a greeting), the person in the meme is saying “i’m sorry, I don’t have an excuse for my behavior” (“sorry I’m crazy”).
The expected response is reassurance on the second part (“no you’re not” to “I’m crazy”), but the received response is reassurance on the first (“it’s okay” to “sorry”). This implies that the other person does believe the first person is crazy, but the first person didn’t actually 100% mean the “I’m crazy” bit, so it’s an accidental insult that the first person can’t actually contest in any way and it hurts more because the other person must believe that for real. Therefore, unpleasant, but keeping it in. Hence the face.
Hope that made some sense!
- Comment on Anon tries to be witty 9 months ago:
Block the community?
- Comment on Did everyone stick to yesterday's agenda? 9 months ago:
It’s actually several seminars. For historical reasons presentations from gay frogs, lesbian frogs, bisexual frogs, etc. Are all grouped under “gay frog seminar”
- Comment on It just keeps going 9 months ago:
Who’s the swiss prof?
- Comment on Smothsinian 11 months ago:
How do you know how much of the disc is used?
- Comment on Happy Pi Day!! 1 year ago:
Yes and no. Pi is assumed to be normal, which means that any non-infinite sequence happens in pi. However, the digits of 0.1011011101111011111… are infinite and non-repeating, and yet you’ll never see a 00 or a 2.
- Comment on Anon compares himself to his brother 1 year ago:
The stone isn’t since it’s not metric but the height legitimately is since I can just drop the e9 and get a reasonable height.
Since, yknow, metric makes sense.
- Comment on Every year without fail. Beautiful, perfect weather then suddenly on Halloween…fucking freezing. 1 year ago:
I’m not aware of any word like that
- Comment on Every year without fail. Beautiful, perfect weather then suddenly on Halloween…fucking freezing. 1 year ago:
“The ranges experienced by humans” is extremely variable. My friends from hotter countries can barely handle 10°C, but are fine at 40°C, and it’s entirely the opposite for me.
I assure you that for regular use, Celsius works great. I don’t really think either is better than the other in practice (outside of chemistry), but “it’s the range people experience” is kinda bull. A 10 degree F difference from 0 to 10 is very different from 60 to 70.
Also, water freezing at 0°C (and boiling at 100°C, to a lesser degree) is quite convenient in everyday life. Just check for a minus sign and you know if it can freeze.