- Comment on Welcome, new users! 5 days ago:
If you’re browsing on mobile, I can recommend the app Voyager for Lemmy or Thunder for Lemmy. I liked their layout the best from the few I tried.
- Comment on The one who's coming was foretold to us has arrived 2 months ago:
Thompson’s life may have been cut brutally short, but it will remain a model for how a talented and determined man from humble roots can still rise to the top of corporate life without the benefit of rich parents and an Ivy League degree.
Lol, was this meant for the onion?
“He managed to get filthy rich off the suffering of working class people. What a working class hero. Truly a huge inspiration for all of us.”
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
What makes you think that processing food through an animal is healthier than through a factory?
You have to compare the actual nutrients contained in the product to draw any conclusion about health effects, and the macros are fairly similar for the plant-based versions compared to a given meat product.
The average person (in developed countries) eats significantly more meat than the recommended upper limit by nutrition organizations.
If you just go by the naturalistic argument, you’d conclude that processed drinking water is worse than untreated water, and that vaccines are worse than “perfectly natural” diseases. It’s a common logical fallacy.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
To me that’s more ethical than killing of billions of animals, and the latter is considered ethical.
I think most people would actually consider factory farming unethical, they just put the blame on the producers for treating animals like shit. And the producers are locked into a race to the bottom for competitive prices, so they’d blame the customers/market conditions.
- Comment on the sensory biology of plants 11 months ago:
This is partially why most veganism arguments that try and say that we shouldn’t kill and eat animals and instead we should kill and eat plants usually fall on deaf ears for me just because it makes an implicit assumption that plant life is worth less than animal life
Animals don’t create biomass from thin air though. They have to eat a lot of plants to grow.
the production of 1 kg of beef requires 8 kg of feed and 14.5 thousand liters of water. For 1 kg of pork, 3 kg of feed is needed and nearly 6 thousand liters of water
Eating plants directly instead of feeding them to animals is clearly much more efficient, requiring much fewer animal deaths as well as plant deaths to sustain a human. If plants were sentient, the moral argument for veganism would be even stronger.
- Comment on So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏 1 year ago:
You wrote vegans, not peta. Most vegans have nothing to do with Peta.
- Comment on So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏 1 year ago:
Who kills a shitload of dogs? I think you replied to the wrong comment.
- Comment on So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏 1 year ago:
Would you also consider it preachy when people criticize other cases of animal harm, like bullfighting or dog beating, or is it just the financing of factory farming that can’t be criticized? If so, why? It’s troublesome that people enforce a social stigma that you can’t talk about what we do to farm animals without suffering social consequences.