- Comment on Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc? 8 months ago:
Yes. Here are some common ones in my native language, danish:
- pga: på grund af (because of)
- dvs: det vil sige (used for adding additional explaination)
- ift: i forhold til (in relation to)
I’m certain there are also some more modern slang abbreviations in use, but these change relatively frequently, like they do in English.
- Comment on He came with receipts 9 months ago:
I wonder if Elon chose a timeframe of 5 years because Yann LeCun won the Turing Award in 2018.
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
While pi is irrational, there is no guarantee every conceivable sequence of digits will be in pi. However the library of babel contains all letter sequences under a certain length.
- Comment on Let's go! 9 months ago:
“ I have to 🚶♀️ there’s a whole world waiting for me” is all I could come up with that makes somewhat sense.
- Comment on You'll never guess the most popular internet country code 1 year ago:
When have the titles of entertainment ever been about anything but drawing in an audience? Do you also get mad at the title of movie “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?”, or do movies have a pass? What about “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?” These are all entertainment that use a question for the title, even if the answers are not the reason to watch this.
- Comment on You'll never guess the most popular internet country code 1 year ago:
That’s one way to look at it. Another way is to see it as entertainment trying to get you to watch, not a lecture trying to be concise.
Also, the question in the title has an answer which I think is far more interesting than the one given in the comment a few levels above this, and that is the answer the video gives. Sometimes the story told on the way to giving an answer can be more interesting than the actual answer, and this video, as a bonus, goes through the basics of DNS in a way that is digestible for a casual viewer. In my opinion, these are all more interesting than a guy writing “it’s .de”, and are all valid reasons for the video to be titles as it is.
- Comment on You'll never guess the most popular internet country code 1 year ago:
If you had watched the video instead you would know that this isn’t really the point of it.
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
The option still seems pretty nice to have.
- Comment on Romance is not dead 1 year ago:
Can someone tell me where this man was on September 11th 2001?