- Comment on Would it be possible to run two OSs simultaneously by hibernating one of the OSs? 8 months ago:
Yes, this works. However, you can not (or should not if you possibly could?) modify data on partitions mounted by the hibernating OS. If E.g.Windows and Linux are installed and Windows is hibernating, the NTFS partitions can only be mounted read-only.
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid 8 months ago:
Yes, I just checked again, they claim to place one stone every 20 s which is supposedly three times faster than the ancient egyptians did.
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid 8 months ago:
25 years ago in Quarks & Co, a German TV science format, they analysed what it would take to build the Cheops pyramid in Cologne. It would take 10 month for the concrete foundation and 5 years for the lower two third of the pyramid. Use of modern technology makes it possible to place one stone every 20 seconds, which is triple the rate ancient egypt workers supposedly aceived. So I guess it would take 6-7 years in total.
- Comment on Has me crying 8 months ago:
Looks like Finchen’s cousin.
- Comment on How do I verbally say 2.1 ng/kg 8 months ago:
would not work, as they are no mass unit. 1 mol of Botox does not have the same weight as 1 mole of human (If that is defined at all, as organisms are no pure substances).
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
I would also point out that my spell checker seems to think that the plural of roof is spelt “roofs” but I’m sure it ought to be “rooves” in the same way the plural of hoof as in part of a horse is hooves.
According to Wiktionary, both seem to be correct, but ‘roofs’ is the common variant.
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
Modern EVs such as Teslas have a high power consumption, much higher than some PV panels on the roof could deliver. Thus, it would only increase the weight of the car while not increasing the range.
- Comment on How are Book Bans Constitutional? 9 months ago:
It was not directly the state claiming ownership of that book just because. After WWII ended, the alliites confiscated all assets of those who were deemed most responsible for the war including Adolf Hitler and his rights on Mein Kampf. This yielded later to the state of Bavaria owning the rights on that book.
- Comment on How are Book Bans Constitutional? 9 months ago:
As the author of that book is now dead since more than 70 years, the copyright has expired and it theoretically can be reproduced. It may be still on a list as ‘harmful for young persons’ or alike.
- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 9 months ago:
If you look closely on the upper picture in this reply, you can see, that there is only a 6-pin connector, the 2 extra soldering points are unused.
- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 9 months ago:
Seconded. If the RAM is not compatible or properly placed, the PC won’t do anything.
- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 9 months ago:
Looking at the Asrock product page, there is only an additional 8-pin-connector at the top left, no 4-pin.
- Comment on Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive? 9 months ago:
- Comment on What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison? 10 months ago:
So jail is for custody. Thank you.
- Comment on What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison? 10 months ago:
What is the difference between a jail and a prison? As a non-native speaker I’ve learned that they are synonyms.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
The EM waves of near spectra, UV and IR, are commonly often referred to as ‘light’ as well. Wikipedia even states:
In physics, the term “light” may refer more broadly to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not. In this sense, gamma rays, X-rays, microwaves and radio waves are also light.
Which fits to my perception of physicists, where in astronomy every element starting at Lithium is referred to as ‘metal’.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
You’re welcome.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
All EM waves are photons. When X and gamma rays interact with matter, e.g. by Compton scattering, i.e. hitting electrons of an atom. Thereby the photons loose discrete amounts of energy, leading to an increase of their wavelengths, and the electrons are then lifted on corresponding higher energy levels. When the electrons ‘fall’ back onto their base levels, additional photons are emitted.
Microwaves, however, have to low energy for this kind of interaction. They e.g. induce vibrations and oscillations of molecules which is perceived as a temperature increase.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
Then, as tobogganablaze already wrote, the blue laser delivers more energy, as blue light photons have higher energy than red light photons.
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 10 months ago:
If you really consider reading Mein Kampf, don’t.
- Comment on With public key cryptography, why can't someone decrypt a message using the public key? 11 months ago:
AfaIk, yes, in principle one could construct the private key from the public key. However, given the current computational power, it would in practice take forever and a day, if the encryption algorithm is sufficiently strong.
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 11 months ago:
The temperature of space actually is close to absolute zero, so quite cold.
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 11 months ago:
Isn’t the street that concrete area from where the picture was taken? So if a snow plough comes to remove the snow, it essentially would burry the hydrant.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
AfaIk that’s not entirely true, e.g. Debian is changing the system time from 32 bit integer to 64 bit. Thus I assume other distros do this as well. However, this does not help for IOT devices running deprecated Linux distributions.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
- Comment on Are phone notification LEDs still a thing? 1 year ago:
I think OP means a designated RGB-LED on the display side which flashes in user specified color when you have unread messages. My Sony Xperia active used to have one and I am missing that feature too.
- Comment on Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter? 1 year ago:
Missunderstood the question, sorry.
- Comment on Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter? 1 year ago:
“Vänster”, left, and “höger”, right, in Swedish.
- Comment on Is there something like F-droid, but for windows software? 1 year ago: