- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
The Spifleman’s Creed
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
Born 2 Cast&Blast
- Comment on Would Nuclear Weapons be as destructive in ship to ship space combat, as they are on the ground in an atmosphere? 1 year ago:
True, but it’s not a ball of plasma.
- Comment on Would Nuclear Weapons be as destructive in ship to ship space combat, as they are on the ground in an atmosphere? 1 year ago:
Where would that come from? According to a posted article in this thread thermal energy can’t transfer either unless by direct connection and radiation would be the biggest factor, with increasing size compared to on the surface due to lack of atmosphere “attenuating” the distance it travels.
- Comment on Chicago Bulls fans boo Jerry Krause and make his wife cry during Ring of Honor night 1 year ago:
You don’t understand, she’s rich so human empathy can be rationalized away.
- Comment on Would Nuclear Weapons be as destructive in ship to ship space combat, as they are on the ground in an atmosphere? 1 year ago:
Right, but the ship itself would allow the shockwave, metal is still matter for vibrations to follow.
- Comment on Would Nuclear Weapons be as destructive in ship to ship space combat, as they are on the ground in an atmosphere? 1 year ago:
If you made direct impact wouldn’t the fuselage of the ship and the atmosphere inside it still allow for the traditional blast to propagate?
- Comment on Employees Say ‘Sizable Portion’ Of Gearbox-Owned Studio Has Been Laid Off 1 year ago:
Embracer overextends, extinguishes.
- Comment on Employees Say ‘Sizable Portion’ Of Gearbox-Owned Studio Has Been Laid Off 1 year ago:
So I assume the leadership, which gets paid the big bucks due to their decisions making much larger impacts on the company, will take responsibility for the action and will be fired due to their salary being based on the level of personal responsibility to their companies success/failure.
Oh wait, no. Once again we wipe out the bottom rung workforce, expect the remaining employees to do twice the work with no extra pay in the face of increasing cost of housing and living, meanwhile their professional gambler CEO either gets off scott free or snags a golden parachute on the way out the door to their next job.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
Tech bros just reinstall Arch a thousand times, IT workers actually know how those OSs operate in an enterprise environment and how to fix all of the services that they correlate to.
- Comment on Why is propaganda frowned upon? 1 year ago:
Fascinating, because I just looked it up on there in addition to the English heritage dictionary which I originally used. The specific use case of discriminate being used in a social prejudice sense was even closer to the bottom than in my original post. So your specific dictionary doesn’t even support your claim, it’s predominantly used to describe being able to identify differences in a set of items.
MW dictionary:
a : to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of Depth perception may be defined as the ability to appreciate or discriminate the third dimension … —H. G. Armstrong b : DISTINGUISH, DIFFERENTIATE discriminate hundreds of colors 2 : to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences : to recognize or identify as separate and distinct discriminate right from wrong especially : to distinguish from another like object discriminate the individual voices in the choir intransitive verb
1 a : to make a distinction discriminate among historical sources discriminates between literary fiction and popular fiction b : to use good judgment 2 : to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit discriminate in favor of your friends discriminate against a certain nationality
- Comment on Video game actors speak out after union announces AI voice deal 1 year ago:
I mean even main characters could have AI generated dialogue, you have the VA do the voice until there is enough sampling data to train a model on, and then you can use that for any small or side content.
Then just have that characters AI model be owned by the actor and use of the voice gives them royalties for it. Then you can supplement actual lines with generated banter, etc. While still giving the VA compensation for their voice and likeness.
- Comment on Video game actors speak out after union announces AI voice deal 1 year ago:
Sure, it’s just that this specific text to speech voice is created by an AI via training data via voice samples.
AI is more than just ChatGPT, it’s an algorithm that can be applied to a lot of different things.
- Comment on Video game actors speak out after union announces AI voice deal 1 year ago:
This solution shouldn’t be that hard, just create an AI model for every individual “voice” or character and then license it for use or receive royalties on it.
They’ll probably use it as filler for side dialogue and then have the VA do all the main lines to really nail the human presence, since AI isn’t as good at emotional inflection.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
The implied problem you aren’t understanding is scope. Restoring your machines functionality and determining that if you do blank the universe breaks IS AN ACTUAL SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM that is in scope and highly efficient. The company probably doesn’t pay you to piddle fuck around nor does it pay the IT guy to make your piddle fucking around work out.
Fucking THANK. YOU.
This is exactly what I’m talking about, we don’t get hired so that we can accommodate some bullshit that an individual user just thinks they need. We are hired to keep your machine working in the capacity that your job requires it to work. Nowhere in our job description does it say that we have to be your little errand boy making your fuck-ass decisions function in our environment.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
That’s because IT management theory currently holds that the more processes/workflows you standardize and consolidate the fewer things there are that break. Which means you can hire fewer help desk personnel.
Unfortunately the people usually tasked with performing this standardization is the help desk, so they don’t have the time to decrease their own workflow through standardization when they’re already filled to the brim with a backlog. At that point you’re just giving them more of a backlog.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
If it’s ACTUALLY part of your job I’ll care, if it’s some bullshit thing a wannabe IT user did to fuck their shit up that has nothing to do with their job (99% of the time it’s this) then fuck you.
It’s a business machine, not your personal test lab. Goddamn users, man. Every single time.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
and the fact that if you do them again the issue will come back
Damn, answered your own question. Have you tried not doing the thing that breaks the computer?
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
How many seats are they responsible for? Could be understaffing.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
“Why doesn’t Uber specific hardware that the vendor DEMANDED be put on a switch that we don’t have credentials for not work seamlessly with the network?!?”
“Because it doesn’t confirm to the standards of TCP/IP, and requires a dual NIC solution because God forbid they design their system to allow basic routing.”
“You just don’t know what you’re doing!”
“No, I’m just not going to volunteer myself to learn FCoIP so that your one special system has the support it needs until we deprecate it in six months.”
- Comment on Is there a chart where particular cuneiform or hieroglyphics are actually matched with emojis? 1 year ago:
We had to develop sapience at some point, but I’d guess it was closer to when we invented cooking than writing. Egypt isn’t even that old by the standards of the human race.
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
Well he is a Commander, so it’s possible he wasn’t command structure at the time, but assuming the rest of the lore holds true in the episode where he doesn’t fight the Naussicans and get stabbed in the heart, he is shown to be science staff before the command route.
So blue, if anything, should be the color.
- Comment on Why is propaganda frowned upon? 1 year ago:
intransitive verb To make a clear distinction; distinguish. “discriminate among the options available.”
To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit, especially to show prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, gender, or a similar social factor. “was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies.”
To perceive or notice the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct. “unable to discriminate colors.”
Seems like it’s primary use is to distinguish between things.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Off-site cloud backups for geographical disaster resiliency and operated by a third party contractor that you don’t work for.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Cool, you go to jail and their sysadmin restores from backups. Accomplished nothing, ruined your life.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
I only keep up with it to see what the state of affairs are, and while they have marched forward considerably since the announcement that Squadron 42 is feature complete, the content creators keep using the phrase “when we get…” to describe like half of the game and ships at this point.
I don’t think it’s a “scam” in the sense that they will delete the game one day and take everyone’s money. I think it’s a scam in the sense that they’ll never have the content they originally promised and it’s unlikely they’ll ever get a full release due to the fact that early access and alpha are crutches to lean on when people start asking why it’s taken a decade and a half to do the job.
If I’m wrong I’ll definitely buy it, I have loved the idea since I heard about it, it just seems unlikelier every passing year that it will be what they claimed and in my lifetime lol
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Honestly if they successfully developed the technology that alone would be worth the wait, even if SC never actualizes. Since it can be used by other companies once it’s reverse engineered. I’ve heard some people think they’ll license the technology and make big bucks, but realistically their devs will get sniped and/or it will just be done by others.
While I don’t have any more confidence in Hello Games as I do Cloud Imperium, the initial claims of Sean when showing off the game “light no fire” seems to indicate that they are going for something similar by allowing all people to play on the same planet simultaneously in once instance. If they can pull that off (and that’s still a big If, considering their current multiplayer network instability of having four people play together) it’ll be somewhat similar to what CIG is doing and then we might start seeing other companies try their hand at it independently or with programmers from these developers.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
I’m sorry, I went overboard for sure on that last part. You seem a reasonable person, I’ve just encountered so many Chris Roberts zombies that will willingly spend money on this game that it’s hard to believe that it doesn’t have something to do with the severe left turn in the gaming industry like a year after crowd funding began and the new console generation dropped. Suddenly everything gets released with half its content cut and sold back as DLC, early access and live service became AAA endeavors instead of indie titles like prior.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
That If is the whole reason I don’t trust them when they say “super easy, barely an inconvenience!” When someone asks about the difficulty of taking this from a test environment to a live one.
Yeah, as if scaling from two rooms and ten people to dozens of worlds and multiple star systems is just a snap.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Star Citizen doesn’t have as much content as you guys like to pretend it does lol
Oh another package mission to the same outpost! Oh another group of braindead AI that I have to fight!
On top of that you only have like four planets and one solar system.
dEpTh. IMmeRsIoN.