- Comment on periodic tablets 10 months ago:
Right, please tell me. Is this just a meme thing or do people actually knock on other people’s doors to try to convert them to their religion?
And does this only happen, bizarrely, in the country with the highest number of gun-owning cowards?
It just seems such an odd combination
- Comment on Pantshitter 10 months ago:
Yeah I thought it meant proud Pants Shitter jerk off
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Oh god yeah I still use flat screwdrivers on a daily basis, basically as levers
“Little ass plugs” are called “grub screws” btw 😂
In 30 years you’ll catch up and they’ll all be 2.5mm Allen screws. I do remember them being slotted, it was a massive pain to find a screwdriver that fitted!
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Fuuuuckin hell, I haven’t seen a slotted screw since the 1980s. Philips screws are exclusively for electrical.
Is this yet another way the US has dropped 30 years behind modern countries?
- Comment on I feel so old. 10 months ago:
And missing “u” and “ur”
- Comment on Reasonable 10 months ago:
Can I interest you in a turkey in these trying cums?
- Comment on Reasonable 10 months ago:
No native English speaker would say “do these get any bigger” rather than “…come any bigger”
So I’m assuming the shopper was a non-native speaker and the shelf stacker was JUST HORRIBLY RACIST OH MY GOD IM SO ANGRY I’M GOING TO WRITE A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER TO SOMEONE
- Comment on What has Britain come to when yoghurt is sold to us as the main item in a meal deal? | Imogen West-Knights 11 months ago:
I can hear a Frenchman somewhere hon-hon-honing about the fact that our food culture is so pitiful, we have convinced ourselves we actually like eating an overrefridgerated supermarket sandwich out of a cardboard box and calling it lunch.
Have you ever had a french supermarket sandwich, hen? They’re fucking awful. He’s not right
Consider two people: one getting ready salted crisps, a BLT and a San Pellegrino, the other a spicy chicken pasta pot, the hard-boiled egg two-pack and a banana Yazoo. Which one would you rather have as your babysitter?
Dunno, I’m not a judgemental wank like you, I’d take it on merit
This is fucking GASH journalism and the advert for her “book” at the end says it all
- Comment on Mortuary abuse inquiry following ‘disturbing’ Hull funeral directors allegations 11 months ago:
Why is having sex at Legacy Independent Funeral Directors like eating a pork pie?
You have to break through the crust and the jelly to get to the meat
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
It’s always the Brits and the yanks
Fuckin barbarians 😅
- Comment on Chip cards accepted here 11 months ago:
The fact you said “chip cards” instead of just “cards” is hilarious in a kinda archaic way
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
They have the reading comprehension of baboons
- Comment on Why does this website have a loading screen to process my cookie preferences? 11 months ago:
It’s to let you know you should install an extension on your browser that adds a small “block this site” button to your search results
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
I expect you also think Fahrenheit is more intuitive
- Comment on I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. 11 months ago:
Not sure if the Regulator intervened
It was an EU thing before…well you know what you did
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
It’s the opposite. I’ve lived in both modern, and backward countries.
When you’re driving somewhere and you see “50” to your destination, it’s infinitely preferable for that to be Km rather than miles. Makes every journey shorter
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
If you think marijuana isn’t going to do you serious mental harm in the long term, you’re a fool that’s been listening to people that haven’t been smoking more than a decade
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
Mate, I’d definitely prefer loose leaf tea but can’t be arsed with the extra hassle
There are dozens of us
- Comment on That's a lot of dead for an interview 11 months ago:
- Comment on My go-to formula 11 months ago:
I always assume people who end statements with question marks talk like David from Schitt’s Creek?
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
Hold on let me read it again for ya -
This water vapor that partly steams the food, resulting in moisture saturated air that in turn prevents more moisture from escaping
- Comment on That's a lot of dead for an interview 11 months ago:
Because the attention-starved outragists are clicking on it, seeing my comment then leaving empty handed, seething through their nose rings 😂
- Comment on That's a lot of dead for an interview 11 months ago:
Lemmy user appearing in comments to be offended on behalf of the dead people in
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
I was very surprised that it cooked such moist chicken breasts without drying them out, I think you possibly just explained why that is! 😅
- Comment on Public satisfaction with NHS falls to lowest level on record 11 months ago:
Poor access to GPs, long waits for hospital treatment, staff shortages and a lack of Government funding
So basically it’s not a dissatisfaction with the NHS, but with the evil fuckers that are trying to drive it into the ground so they can make huge profits on healthcare?
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Because you’ve been trying to find drivers that work 😂😂
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Lemmy is being ruined by self-congratulary wankers that pretend to be offended on other people’s behalf
I liked your shitpost. It’s so shit it’s not even funny but I’m not going to pretend I give a single shit about some bint I never met or gave a fuck about
- Comment on My breakfast routine 11 months ago:
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
It’s been like that for 20 years though. This is the future and it still isn’t ready
- Comment on Fun fact: Wikipedia has a list of every single person that died on Mount Everest 11 months ago: