- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
I remember when no one talked about measles, and now suddenly everyone is. 🤔
- Comment on I'm deaf 11 months ago:
Is life
- Comment on Get the ketchup. 1 year ago:
It’s really good. Haven’t have a flavor from them that isn’t really good.
- Comment on Which one is more energy/fuel efficient to cool the inside of the car: lower thermostat + lower fan speed, or slightly higher thermostat + higher fan speed? 1 year ago:
I got my guy down here and he told me I was right and wrong. I’ll give the details tomorrow but I can barley work my phone.
- Comment on Which one is more energy/fuel efficient to cool the inside of the car: lower thermostat + lower fan speed, or slightly higher thermostat + higher fan speed? 1 year ago:
I just accidentally deleted my original comment.
Heres I what I deleted.
There’s a few things a bunch of other commenters are getting wrong, at least from my understanding.
The AC compressor is run by a belt from the engine. Unlike a home AC, a vehicles AC is either on or off. There is no cycling. The temp control is just changing how much outside air comes in, or how much heat is drawn from the engine.
The fan speed is not going to effect anything at all. The alternator spins to generate electricity to recharge the battery, but the amount of energy required to spin it doesn’t change based on how much electricity is being drawn.
Tamping your AC down in any way, whether by lowering fan speed, or increasing the temperature is less efficient. Use it at it’s coldest temp and highest fan speed if you’re going to use it at all.
Edit: I almost forgot to add that AC efficiency is going to be more closely tied to your driving speed and outside air temperature. Driving faster makes your AC more efficient (not necessarily your whole car). More air passing over the evaporators means more heat released from your AC to the outside, which makes colder air in your car. The colder the air outdoors, the more heat the AC can release to the outdoors, which means colder air in your car.
As for EVs, I have entirely no clue, but I would assume it’s a similar situation.
Edit: I may be entirely wrong. I’m not sure about anything anymore. I know a guy who knows all about these things, let me get him down here tomorrow and we can go from there.
- Comment on Samsung advertising new phone in my notifications 1 year ago:
I could stick with samsung if it wasn’t for their bloatware and their terrible push notifications. And their UI. And their terrible ecosystem that pushes more data collection. And their terrible integration with google products. And their terrible boot system that pushes updates in the middle of the night, but doesn’t fully restart the phone so your texts, calls, and alarms don’t come through.
- Comment on Follow your heart, they said 1 year ago:
Almost correct. Depends on the type.
- Comment on Follow your heart, they said 1 year ago:
Barbecue. Barbecue is the only thing we talk about here. Just don’t bring up the other B word.
- Comment on Samsung advertising new phone in my notifications 1 year ago:
I’m desperately trying to find a new phone that isn’t a Samsung. I switched by force from LG to Samsung and even though the Samsung was 3 years newer, it was a downgrade.
It pushes so many notifications I have given up. I’m going to have to spend $1400 on a Sony just to retain my SD card slot and get rid of the bloatware.
Since starting my hunt, my garbage s20 is pushing so many s24 ads. Guess how many phones have an SD card slot and a FHD+ screen?
Nine. 4 of them are made by Sony.
- Comment on Follow your heart, they said 1 year ago:
Everyone hush… we don’t need a lucky 10,000 for this one.
- Comment on Ketchup alignment 1 year ago:
Condiments are not to touch the fries until the chosen time. I would rather have ketchup in my hand than on top. Whether ketchup or mayo, it should be on the side. I can always dip a fry. I can’t Un-dip a fry.
Imagine you ordered delivery and the cook decided you wanted the ketchup how they like it, and 45 minutes after they came out of the fryer, a large man named Shannon riled up your dogs at 10pm, handed you a soggy box of luke warm, limp, sagging, already dressed potato sticks.
Yum. Sign me up for doordash premium.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
I’ll consider it when you give me a better option than to call you moron.
- Comment on Decades ago, I learned the perks and pitfalls of paid work. So what do today's young Australians want from employment? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Decades ago, I learned the perks and pitfalls of paid work. So what do today's young Australians want from employment? 1 year ago:
Huh. TIL. Thanks buddy!
- Comment on Decades ago, I learned the perks and pitfalls of paid work. So what do today's young Australians want from employment? 1 year ago:
In what way was I criticizing Australia? I was commiserating and asking questions about the laws since I didn’t know about them.
I know Australia has a lot of dangerous wildlife, but I guess there a bunch of sensitive cunts too.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
Don’t tell me what I want, and don’t tell me you’re sorry. Do you think I actually came here to abuse people? Do you think I’m that fucked up? Are you trying to tell me what to think? I know what happens next door, and you’re not going to get me involved with that weird sick shit that you’re clearly involved with. Maybe that would fly with your other friends, but it’s not going to here. Why don’t you just take your weird sicko bullshit next door and tell them about my abuse huh? Yak it up with all your sick ignorant friends and pat each other on the back while crying abuse. I’m sure you’ll all have a really fucking nice time. Really. Go ahead and have a good time. Is that what you want to hear? Because if I say anything otherwise I’m the fucking asshole right? Well fuck you. I’m done. Got it? I’m done.
- Comment on Decades ago, I learned the perks and pitfalls of paid work. So what do today's young Australians want from employment? 1 year ago:
I have no idea about Australian labor laws but I do know adulthood is defined as 18. What I’m about to ask is honestly ignorance so don’t take it as sarcasm, so what in the fucking fuck is going on in Australia that at ages 18 to 20 is considered 40% wage in any industry? What industries will pay 100% versus 40%? Do you guys not have laws protecting ageism? Am I too tired to be on the internet? Just kidding. I know I am. See ya’ll in the morning.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
I’m just here to argue.
- Comment on Help him... 1 year ago:
96 cubic feet in a pallet stacked 8’.
580 cubic inches for a box of 1000 forks.
286,000 forks. That’s still a fork ton.
Maybe I should sleep now.
- Comment on What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom? 1 year ago:
Or bleach and alcohol.
Better yet, let’s just say don’t mix bleach with anything but water.
- Comment on Help him... 1 year ago:
1000 forks plus packaging is 4lbs.
250 forks per pound.
Standard forklift capacity is 5000lbs.
250 x 5000 = 1,250,000 forks.
Maybe slightly realistically and safely, due to load height and placement restrictions, let’s just call it between 750,000 and 1,000,0000 forks.
Forks can fork a lot of forks. Fork.
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
I guess that might be what I was poking fun about.
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
That almost works but 50c is a but quite a bit higher than very hot, 25c is 5c over perfect, and 0c is just regular cold.
- Comment on Same?... Yes, Same 1 year ago:
“Just have your friend draw on your arm.”
- Comment on At some point, you start to forget how old you are 1 year ago:
Nobody likes you when you’re 23.
- Comment on At some point, you start to forget how old you are 1 year ago:
There’s that joke about using months for your kids age way past a normal range, but the other day I figured out the benefits of the month based age system. I was asked how old my child was and was questioning my sanity. " 2? 3? Uhh… 2.5…" I mean 6 months is 25% of a two year olds life. To add to that, the 9 months of pregnancy, the late nights of screaming and crying that make you forget what year it is.
At least when you count the months you are within a close range when you get it wrong. Saying your kid is 2 or 3 years old is like saying your grandpa is either 66 or 99.
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
I’m fine with hurting all wildlife.
- Comment on Weird 🤔 1 year ago:
You weren’t replying to my comment, which is nowhere near this chain of comments, but I think you were targeting me. Your satire is too close to being serious. I declare that you’re an idiot. Fight me now.
- Comment on Bruh........ 1 year ago:
Well shit. There goes my suggested videos section.
- Comment on Saw this on Facebook 😍 1 year ago:
Can’t get taxed if you never cash out.