- Comment on So that's why they're hateful abominations 1 year ago:
I’m annoyed that the nice bike trainers don’t generate power, or at least have the option to. My Wahoo shouldn’t be drawing power from the grid, it should be supplying it!
- Comment on Gremlin engineer (by Centurii-chan) 1 year ago:
Plate nuts are really useful, used them on vacuum systems in grad school. Once threaded by hand, you don’t need a wrench for the nut end since the other nut prevents the plate from rotating. Made star-pattern tightening a large flange with cramped access relatively easy.
Can’t believe I went through years of grad school with puerile labmates and never once heard (or used) that phrase…
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
I’m fortunate enough to not be in a position where money is tight for food, but re: beans and rice, I absolutely love my instant pot!
Mexican-style beans are, IMHO, delicious, easy to make, and dirt cheap. I love them, our toddler loves them, and it’s easy on the wallet. Dry beans are really affordable, and a 25lb bag of rice is great to have in the pantry (note: careful with bulk brown rice as I think it can go rancid). A stove and a pot can do both, but an instant pot and a rice cooker makes it so easy.
I also drink a fair amount of coffee, but again, bulk or even just “make coffee at home” is very affordable. A few cups at Starbucks costs the same as a pound of beans (which yields many cups).
- Comment on My ex wants me back 1 year ago:
My ex is ATT fiber which, despite having zero love for ATT, was pretty great.
They are trying to get me back…but they don’t offer fiber (or any service!) at my new address.
- Comment on Male Loneliness 1 year ago:
Prohibitively expensive for many though. Long distance, and especially international, could be super pricey.
- Comment on Danke meme 1 year ago:
I think I saw this earlier on Lemmy, but without the red text spelling it out. I think I prefer that ever-so-slightly more subtle version.
- Comment on Merry ChristmaX 1 year ago:
After setting up my own network, and trying to (kinda sorta) do it the right way (multiple SSIDs, vlan segregation, restrictive firewalls for iot, VPN to a VPS, etc.) — I have so much respect for network engineers. First month with my new router, felt like I “broke the Internet” every other day.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
…they’ve fallen apart because the outside world has almost no places left where people can freely gather.
I’m sorry that has been your experience; it has not been mine. I can walk to several wonderful parks, I can bike (or take a $3 bus) to the beach, and I have world-class cycling destinations out my door.
Alternately, I have three or four libraries within about a 20m walking distance.
That said, yes, I do live in a high CoL area, so perhaps that was the point you were making.
- Comment on Good enough 1 year ago:
I think the emphasis here is on “mildly.”
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
I don’t think this level of snark is exactly called for in his instance — it’s not some fundamental right to consume Netflix content. If I want to, I pay their price, simple as that.
People often talk about media consumption the way the left (rightfully so!) talk about housing or healthcare — as a fundamental human right.
- Comment on If a post gets a lot of downvotes should it be removed? 1 year ago:
“mod doesn’t like the post” doesn’t always mean “mod removes post.”
- Comment on What Not To Do When Doing Your Own Research 1 year ago:
I still have scientific journal access through my alma mater, but for those who don’t it can be really frustrating — especially since research is often funded to some extent with taxpayer money!
That said, in many fields it’s common to post research papers to e.g. arXiv before submitting to a journal. So if you see a research paper that’s behind a paywall, you can often find a nearly identical version on arXiv or similar. Note that this is not piracy, and the version you get on arXiv will be formatted differently, may not have the latest edits, etc., but the gist should be there. Also note that there’s nothing stopping crackpots from posting there.
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
Restaurants have notoriously low profit margins. Not every restaurant of course, but there’s a reason that restaurants regularly fail, especially in cities, and I don’t think it’s because the owners are spending it all on yachts.
- Comment on Is it possible to influence your dreams the next night? 1 year ago:
It was a class on sleeping+dreaming, an “easy A” class that was actually really interesting. Taught by William Dement, an old timer who helped pioneer the field of sleep research. As I recall there wasn’t much emphasis on what dreams mean — it was fairly matter-of-fact in that regard, which I liked.
The journal process, from what I recall, was just to write down every detail. In doing so you may realize patterns in your dream — recurring objects or themes, or anything really.
Another thing, especially for lucid dreaming, is to do “reality checks” throughout your (waking) day. This can be something like looking at a watch. Get in the habit of this — just randomly looking down and verifying that your watch is reading a valid time, and ask yourself if this makes sense, and if you’re dreaming. Most of the time you’ll look at your watch, say “yup 11:42, and I don’t think I’m dreaming.” The idea though is that this will be a habit that you perform in your dream, too — and hopefully, in your dream, your watch won’t make sense, you’ll ask yourself if you’re dreaming and boom! Lucid dream.
For me, lucid dreams were usually pretty short — as soon as I realized I was dreaming, I’d only have a little time before waking up. I also found it frustrating that I couldn’t always control my dreams, so I’d try to fly, and… nothing. Even though I knew I was dreaming.
- Comment on Is it possible to influence your dreams the next night? 1 year ago:
I kept a dream journal as a requirement for an undergrad class. Really interesting thing to do — and it helped me to lucid dream a few times.
- Comment on Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors? 1 year ago:
What’s the difference between a dentist and a sadist? Newer magazines…
— via Seinfeld
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Sorry, didn’t mean to diminish diversity across Europe. The point I was trying to make is that the cultural difference between two extreme ends of the US is…well, extreme, and that you could find two regions of Europe, in different countries, that felt more similar. Not at all suggesting that if you pick two random locations in the US and in Europe that the US will be “more different.”
For example, the US state of Louisiana has about the same fraction of Louisiana-born residents as Switzerland has Swiss-born.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Cannot be overstated — the US is huge, and the difference between one state and another can dwarf the difference between two European countries. Same de facto language, same currency…but that’s about it.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Grew up on rural well water. Tastes great, a bit hard. Now I drink Hetch Hetchy’s finest. Tastes pretty good. (My grandma’s water was another story.)
We have one federal government, yes, but painting all of the US with the same brush is naive at best.
- Comment on we are devolving 1 year ago:
Yeah…when I cancelled Apple TV (as a paying customer) I had access until end of pay cycle.
As far as malicious subscription practices go, this doesn’t even register. If anything, the fact that there’s a button right there to cancel is almost refreshing…
- Comment on So much for that dream. 1 year ago:
I think many people also don’t understand the difference between opinion and reporting. You can despise the opinion section of NYT, or WSJ, or whatever, but still respect the reporting.
- Comment on So much for that dream. 1 year ago:
Just curious — how would you like this to work? If you want high quality journalism, you need to pay journalists.
You can pay them through ads, but 1) this is annoying, and 2) people just install ad blockers.
You can have state-sponsored media, which can work reasonably well…or can end up a propaganda machine.
Or…you can pay.
Journalism is not a crazy lucrative career for most. Financially, most of the folks writing for NYT would be better off in PR — and I don’t think that’s a good thing for society.
- Comment on Someone is going around my neighbourhood and sticking anti semitic messages to street lights. 1 year ago:
As an ordained minister of The Church of the Latter-Day Dude…that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
(He was also against gay marriage, but that’s no longer politically relevant.)
I think it very much is politically relevant. Who would such a person appoint to the supreme court, if given the opportunity?