- Comment on Guess I'll starve 5 weeks ago:
You can print out QR codes to Rick Astley videos.
- Comment on At only 80 thousand dollars a press die is practical and smart and requires only some minor assembly, maintenance, adjustments, and heavy equipment to run. 5 weeks ago:
Thank you, I love to see these memes of production.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 2 months ago:
The vector from one point to another in space has both a distance (magnitude) and a direction. Labeling the side with i only really makes sense if you say we’re looking at a vector of “i units that way”, and not at an assertion that these two points are a directionless i units apart. Then you’d have to break out the complex norms somebody mentioned.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
You don’t necessarily have to tell all prospective employers about all experience. If you think your resume is getting bounced from some kinds of openings because they think it is odd they you have this degree, don’t list the degree when you apply to those sorts of positions. Don’t talk about having the degree. If asked point blank if you have a degree, say something about your personal philosophy on why degrees aren’t important, or how your life’s goal would be to get a Ph.D. in art history or some other discrete and personable non-answer.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
Sounds like it’s probably; a lot of government agencies contract with them but thay are not, actually, the government AFAIK
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
I mean, fundamentally you’re not supposed to obtain income. The system that distributes money is not actually designed to give people money to live, and nobody is really steering it to make it do that. It just happens to sometimes do that. I’m not sure anyone has actually “designed” it to do anything, but it seems at least much better at concentrating money and power than it is at creating plausible jobs or job-housing-food combinations for humans.
I hope you find some good advice as to how you can get income to survive. I don’t really have any, other than shake all your friends down for jobs (since hiring is usually done by knowing somebody rather than by weighing the merits of an unbiased stream of varyingly qualified applicants) and be prepared to search for employment for many months (a thing you might have had to have started doing before now for best results). But it’s not hard because you are somehow not doing it “right” or the way you are “supposed to”, it’s hard because the problem you are facing it isn’t actually constrained to be solvable. You can do it all right and still not succeed.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 2 months ago:
This is clearly meant to be a right triangle. And the distances between the points are the same (because the squares of the coordinate differences are the same), just the directions are different.
If you move 1 unit forward, turn the correct 90 degrees, and then move i units forward, you will end up back where you started.
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
The pita fix only works if you can dig up a CD drive to put it in though. Most people don’t have one and are SOL.
- Comment on Fear the fish women! 9 months ago:
It’s still terrible though! Turn it 45 degrees why don’tcha!
- Comment on People are realizing celebrities are unnecessary 9 months ago:
I think it’s meant to be since like 3 days ago.
- Comment on Does it seem odd to track my lifespan? 9 months ago:
I don;t know why your friend doesn’t like it. Ask your friend why they don’t like it.
- Comment on How does DNA decide the shape of the body? 10 months ago:
There are a lot of missing steps people don’t really understand yet R.E. how this all amounts to something complicated like “a liver”. But we think that the basic building block of it is that there are gradients of chemical concentration that some cells set up, and then other cells react to the level of the chemical and decide to different things. There’s a famous analogy of the French Flag Model, where the different stripes of the French flag are imagined to emerge from how far you are from the left edge where a “morphogen” chemical is coming from, because cells detect and react to different concentrations of the chemical in different ways.
And the cells do these things because the DNA programs them to do it. Some genes produce proteins that can turn around and bind to the DNA that encodes other genes, and make those other genes produce more or fewer proteins of their own. Proteins can be made so that they bind or unbind DNA in the presence of other proteins, or particular chemicals, or which can function to turn one chemical into another. So you can have little logic circuits made out of genes that measure chemicals and turn other genes on and off. And you can have little memory circuits based on which genes have things bound to them and which ones are currently on or off, so the cells can remember what it is they decided to be. And so the cells are programmed to differentiate into progressively more specific cell types over time depending on what signals they see, with the morphogen gradients or combinations of them allowing the cells to have some idea of where they are in the body.
And depending on genetic variation between people, the proteins involved can e.g. have different set points for the concentrations they react to, and that can translate into the threshold between cells deciding to do one thing or another moving around in the body, and in turn translate into people having e.g. a wider or narrower region of their face decide to be a nose.
- Comment on This laptop released in 2016 no longer receive OS updates. Which means I can't update Chrome Browser 11 months ago:
Praise be to our lord and savior the UEFI Forum, that we might not all meet such a dismal fate.
- Comment on This laptop released in 2016 no longer receive OS updates. Which means I can't update Chrome Browser 11 months ago:
This /c/ is catnip for lemmy users.
Welcome to /c/
- Comment on YOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 year ago:
You can make tortilla pizza.
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
And it doesn’t cause other problems like outsmarting the brain systems that are supposed to be attaching your intelligence to the interests of your body? Or the people inconveniently stopping you from snorting cocaine constantly until you die? And there’s no level of intelligence you reach where you note that higher levels are unlikely to be any more use to you in achieving your actual goals, versus spending that button-pushing time on other tasks? And all this intelligence is free and doesn’t require any energy input to run in your head? And at some level you become intelligent enough to impart these abilities to your descendants or to just never die? And you reach a level of intelligence where you can fight off the CIA before you reach a level of intelligence where you interest the CIA?
People don’t generally reason about things like “intelligence” as an abstract value from zero to infinity, because we don’t encounter such things very often. What we do encounter is people trying to scam us. If you present someone with something that appears to be a 100% obvious perfect move with absolutely no drawbacks whatsoever, they mostly correctly conclude that they just aren’t smart enough to understand the catch.
- Comment on Chad scraper 1 year ago:
But it’s got boob in it.
- Comment on Why do some open source mobile app developers only put their app on Google Play? 1 year ago:
Getting stuff onto F-Droid is hard; you have to design for their build system.
Google Play has a thing where if you design for their build system, they will do all the builds and hold the signing keys. So then you don’t have to worry about keeping a signing key safe from various malicious government agencies.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Be the tricorder you wish to see in the world
- Comment on What does it mean to "get low" or "drop it down"? 1 year ago:
Because it makes it seem like you are thinking of the people involved first and foremost as objects of biological study, and that you are the kind of person to whom that sort of thinking comes most naturally.
- Comment on I wonder what adventures he goes on 1 year ago:
Principality swimming and bartering champion.
- Comment on I am undecided on the guitar picks since I play the trombone. 1 year ago:
Thule, a mythical region in Scandinavia
- Comment on Is has all the nutrients the body needs 1 year ago:
I too love sleeve of saltines.
Usually with cheese.
- Comment on don't be shy, speak your mind 1 year ago:
It delivers water faster than shower does, but at about the same low level of plant bothering.
- Comment on "AI going to take our jobs" 1 year ago:
It is much better at agreeing with your boss than you are.
- Comment on Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad 1 year ago:
I think that one was the cows burp methane, which is a greenhouse gas. So if you apportion the greenhouse gas emissions over the delicious hamburgers, you make more climate change by making a cow burger than a veggie burger. So we should cease the production of cows as part of our attempt to not make our planet terrible. And buying cow burgers to eat is contrary to the goal of ceasing cow production.
- Comment on Who is yogthos and why is he all over the front page 1 year ago:
How come Yogthos is all over my Hot page with months-old posts though? Is tankie-ism the secret to blazing hot posts months in the future?
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
Call your lawyer and sue the shit out of those raccoons. I hear they’re rich. Image