Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago
I mean, fundamentally you’re not supposed to obtain income. The system that distributes money is not actually designed to give people money to live, and nobody is really steering it to make it do that. It just happens to sometimes do that. I’m not sure anyone has actually “designed” it to do anything, but it seems at least much better at concentrating money and power than it is at creating plausible jobs or job-housing-food combinations for humans.
I hope you find some good advice as to how you can get income to survive. I don’t really have any, other than shake all your friends down for jobs (since hiring is usually done by knowing somebody rather than by weighing the merits of an unbiased stream of varyingly qualified applicants) and be prepared to search for employment for many months (a thing you might have had to have started doing before now for best results). But it’s not hard because you are somehow not doing it “right” or the way you are “supposed to”, it’s hard because the problem you are facing it isn’t actually constrained to be solvable. You can do it all right and still not succeed. 2 months ago
wouldn’t it by definition be designed to efficiently extract labor from the population? That’s why the population has boomed so aggressively in the last few hundred years.