- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 5 weeks ago:
So a Nazi salute has to be totally historically accurate for you to see it for what it is, but you can “give your heart” to an audience with a hand raised and downturned and you have no issue with that explanation? If you give, your hand is generally upturned. That is the gesture. Golly gosh I wonder why he did it that way instead 🤔🤔🤔 total mystery.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
So accurate 🤣 also my first thought
- Comment on Elden Ring Nightreign – Reveal Gameplay Trailer 2 months ago:
I guess I’m worried it will lose some depth but to be fair I have no reason to assume that. Maybe the movement and new combat mechanics will give it more of a roguelike feel too, seems faster paced
- Comment on Elden Ring Nightreign – Reveal Gameplay Trailer 2 months ago:
Seems pretty interesting! Not sure how I’ll feel about a roguelike take on a souls game but if the price is right I’ll definitely get it.
Also looks like the Nameless King and the firekeeper (in a cloak) in the trailer! Could be cool if it’s all integrated into the story nicely and not just a lazy way to fill things out
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
I mean people who are politically supportive of the state of Israel
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
It’s a post, and it’s shit. Seems like the perfect place
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
Is there a Zionist argument bingo card we can play? You’re hitting a lot of the classics here.
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
Start watching any news. I would love to see any count that has the number of kids dead not in the thousands.
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
We need a Bibi version of this
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
What about Putin? What about the Hamas guy in the same announcement?
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 51 comments
- Comment on Dark Souls experience 4 months ago:
When you take a wrong turn at firelink shrine
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
I’m confused why you were so outraged by the use of human shields at first and now when I send examples you all of a sudden don’t seem to care. You didn’t even mention the second example yet.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
Ah so using human shields is OK all of a sudden? What about the second example? Don’t worry, I can find more if you like
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
On one hand you have fighters shielding themselves behind civilians
You’re right, this is disgusting…
And this is too. Do these people have no morals? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/23/human-shielding-in-action-israeli-forces-strap-palestinian-man-to-jeep
- Comment on "Math" 8 months ago:
After his mother’s death in 1971 he started taking antidepressants and amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking them for a month. Erdős won the bet, but complained that it impacted his performance: “You’ve showed me I’m not an addict. But I didn’t get any work done. I’d get up in the morning and stare at a blank piece of paper. I’d have no ideas, just like an ordinary person. You’ve set mathematics back a month.”
- Comment on Aurora Borealis? 9 months ago:
At this time of year, at this time of the day, in this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?!
- Comment on Will I ever be seen as truly British? 9 months ago:
I was born in the UK but with a West Indian and an actual Indian grandparent on one side. Lived there my entire life up until relatively recently. There were still people who would consider me not British. When people either in the UK or where I live now ask where I’m from and I tell them I’m British, there are many people who say “but where are you really from?”
But it doesn’t mean anything if I say I’m Jamaican, or Indian, because one I’ve been to for some odd trips as a kid and the other I only transferred through an airport. Yeah my DNA shows that, but my entire life has basically minimal connection to either of those places and a continuous connection to Britain.
I got the accent and the passport, but I didn’t get the skin colour. So these people will always exist who want to make it seem like I’m not “really” British. But that is on them, not me. I am British, whether they like it or not.
This is really a long winded way of saying: there will always be some people who consider you not truly British. Fuck them. They are idiots that have at best shackled themselves to some outdated view of what it means to be “British” and at worst want to shutter the whole country off to anyone who doesn’t look or speak like them and pull us all back to the stone age.
I think if you speak to people you are close with about this they would consider you British. If you speak with Baz down at the Red Lion he’ll ask you for a pierogi and then fall asleep in his own vomit after a few too many pints of carling. I think Baz is much less important than all of the real people in your life and most of all, the way you view yourself.
- Comment on Here is my dog, Oscar. 10 months ago:
He needs a health bar: Oscar, devourer of treats
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
Well they did for the moon landing, and have as a policy since 1979.
I didn’t know about why that orbiter failed though, pretty funny!
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
Guess which system NASA uses
- Comment on Grandpa don't know shit 11 months ago:
Lagrangian quantum field theory is much better fight me
- Comment on Hot earth 1 year ago:
Yeah there’s a fucking ton of applications in physics as well but then again physics has ghost particle fields and a single observation can make a wave function the size of the universe collapse to an infinitesimal point. So stop doing physics as well
- Comment on Hot earth 1 year ago:
Topologically my socks don’t have a hole in. Stop doing topology, they have played us for absolute fools
- Comment on Reddit & Gaza situation 1 year ago:
Israel is doing the actual killing, but let’s be real. Hamas knew what would happen when they attacked, that was likely part of the reason for it. Their intent was to provoke exactly this type of over response. They have the blood of the 21k (whatever, I don’t keep up anymore, too many) on their hands just like the IDF. To them, this is mission accomplished. Fuck them.
- Comment on Why cant the Middle East just chill out? 1 year ago:
- Comment on I have fire arms therefore you are wrong 1 year ago:
Woman: I just don’t feel like having sex right now…