- Comment on Culture Wars 3 months ago:
I know there’s always a relevant XKCD, but man talk about specific!
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 3 months ago:
Might be a case where Canadian applicants submit another form that has the relevant information in a different format too.
- Comment on ... 4 months ago:
Neil DeGrass Tyson rails femboy doomers from behind while debating science or something idk.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes 6 months ago:
I think “common” here would refer to having to produce them, over the actual explicitness of the scene. Whether Mass Effect fades to black or not isn’t really the point when the voice actors still have to record the lines that play while the screen is dark.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes 6 months ago:
Yeah, what they’re asking for is pretty standard stuff in other media. A friend of mine is an actor who played a scene where he had to shoot a masturbation scene. He was alone in a room with like 3-4 people: sound guy, camera guy, director, and I think the intimacy coach was there too.
Having a whole team watch you pretend to have sex is not okay, what the hell.
- Comment on Elden Ring is "the limit" for From Software project scale, says Miyazaki - multiple, "smaller" games may be the "next stage" 6 months ago:
Same. Elden Ring’s biggest weakness is its open world, in my opinion. It makes the first playthrough great, but it makes subsequent playthroughs a chore. Especially when you’re aware that 90% of dungeons/side areas have completely worthless gear and runes. Your subsequent runs just end up being you riding Torrent for long stretches of time from point A to point B.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3 7 months ago:
Probably wanted to bring it in line with the other perfumes. Rolling Sparks was completely busted lmao
- Comment on MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever 8 months ago:
We’re eating good in 2024!
- Comment on Deadrop developer Midnight Society cuts ties with Dr Disrespect following new Twitch ban allegations 8 months ago:
Hear me out: What if they took the DMs and made NFTs out of them?
- Comment on Deadrop developer Midnight Society cuts ties with Dr Disrespect following new Twitch ban allegations 8 months ago:
I can finally share my side of the story now that Twitch employees have come forward. You see, all I did was indulge in a little bit of grooming. One might even say it was a minor case of grooming.
Anyways, I’m not a pedo.
Doc out!
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
They’ve been slowly going in that direction with the writing since DA2, unfortunately. Inquisition definitely had more of it than the other 2, but this is almost fanfiction-levels, honestly.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
DAO is my favorite game of all time. Seeing the series get progressively worse (I hated the switch to High Fantasy, and this looks even worse) is really disheartening.
I just don’t understand, why even make a fucking Dragon Age game if you’re going to completely change the tone? (It’s a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously that they’re trying to cash-in on the brand recognition).
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
Man, the contrast between this Guardians of the Galaxy-ass trailer and both the Warden’s Calling and Sacred Ashes trailers is night and fucking day.
God I miss when Dragon Age was a good dark fantasy game.
- Comment on The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit 8 months ago:
Imagine making a Borderlands trailer and not using Cage the Elephant. Like, come on guy. It’s right there!
As someone who doesn’t really like the writing in Borderlands all that much, this trailer looks worse than that. Like, were Brick and Mordecai replaced with Krieg and Tina because they wanted to get “the fan favorites” in the crew?
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
God I miss Monday Night Combat. It was one of my favorite indie games on the 360.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Imagine downvoting someone for saying they’re going to replay on of the best single player games of all time.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Was gonna say. How is the hero shooter market over-saturated? There’s like 3 games that people actually know about, and like 2 of those are good/decent.
- Comment on I just want to play my game... 10 months ago:
It was dead last time I tried playing (because of the login thing). Unless someone made a community patch to bypass the login prompt, I guess.
You’re pretty much in the same situation I’m in. BFBC2 was the last Battlefield game I liked, and it was because Rush was so much fucking fun in that. I hate how much the newer ones kind of mostly focus on Conquest, personally.
- Comment on I just want to play my game... 10 months ago:
EA did this thing a while back where they saw people were still playing Bad Company 2 on PC on community servers. They updated the game to require a login to EA’s server on boot, then took those servers down. Always online is cancer.
- Comment on What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? 1 year ago:
how about the Rusty Lake games? They’re weird.
And they’re also linked. It’s a really cool rabbit hole to go down. Definitely recommend them to people who are into games with some meta elements to them!
- Comment on Elden Ring DLC update on Steam’s backend hints that Shadow of the Erdtree’s release could be very close 1 year ago:
That’s good to hear. I remember not really enjoying the end game much, because a lot of bosses were so fast that they kind of required you to trade hits because yours were so slow with Greatswords and Ultragreatswords. Malenia especially felt more annoying than challenging (especially coming off of DS3 where most of the fast-paced bosses could still be fought hitless with big weapons).
- Comment on Elden Ring DLC update on Steam’s backend hints that Shadow of the Erdtree’s release could be very close 1 year ago:
I’m kind of excited to go for a strength build again once the DLC releases. Greatswords and Ultragreatswords were kind of rough on release (they’ve been straight-up buffed like 4 times now, I think?) and I’m in the mood for some good ol’ fashioned bonking.
- Comment on 20(23) Games You Should Have Played 1 year ago:
Had to drop it because it just creeped me the fuck out for some reason. It definitely nails the eldritch horror atmosphere lmao
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Decided to give Dredge a shot. It seemed like a decent enough game to play while listening to podcasts. It makes me uneasy and I’m barely paying attention to the podcasts 😅
It’s got a killer atmosphere, I’ll give it that!
- Comment on Grown Adult Coward: 'I'm OK With Just Watching Alan Wake II' - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Digital Foundry made a video about it. Basically, you need a card that supports Mesh Rendering, which only started appearing on Nvidia cards after the GTX 10XX series (not sure for AMD). The games actually looks good with lower graphics. Putting everything on low won’t make it look like a PS2 game. The path tracing will absolutely demolish your performance, though, but that’s to be expected because it’s insane to expect real-time path tracing to do anything else with the current hardware (think of their path tracing as a tech demo more than an actual feature).
- Comment on Microsoft’s CEO say it’s ‘doubling down’ on being a game producer and publisher | VGC 1 year ago:
You don’t get it, though. Microsoft will put everything on Gamepass. Sony fanboys can suck on that!
Ignore the fact that them buying-up all these studios is objectively bad for our hobby and the industry, and that Gamepass has been touted as being objectively bad by everyone in the industry because studios receive a minuscule amount of revenue from it and that it disadvantages indie devs.
The only thing that matters here is that my metaphorical sports team beats your metaphorical sports team.
- Comment on Acclaimed roguelike studio behind Slay the Spire releases new deckbuilder after publicly abandoning Unity over fee debacle 1 year ago:
That was an interesting read, thanks!
- Comment on Cities: Skylines II - Updates on Modding 1 year ago:
Woopsie doopsie, we needed to update the mods that were on sale, and now every Skyrim mod needs to update or be incompatible with our game version. 🤭
- Comment on What games have you been playing recently 1 year ago:
Beat STASIS last week after seeing MandaloreGaming’s review. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Gonna give STASIS: Bone Totem a shot soon, I think.
I found my evil Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough a bit underwhelming, so I went and restarted as a himbo barbarian wood elf, and I’ve been having a lot more fun with that build. Heart of gold with no brains has been really funny so far, especially when half my dialogue options as a Berserker are just to shout at people or punch them.
- Comment on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater™ 1 + 2 is coming to Steam on October 3 1 year ago: