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- Comment on Did this scare you when you were a kid as much as it scared me? 2 weeks ago:
Walking through the streets of soho in the rain.
- Comment on DnD 2 weeks ago:
Probably fudges his rolls when playing with AI too.
- Comment on It was rigged? 5 weeks ago:
You can have a little bit of CTE, as a treat.
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 2 months ago:
I was simply telling a joke, but point well taken.
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 2 months ago:
To be fair, considering the right wing hellscape our (US) Overton window overlooks the bias bot might actually have a point.
- Comment on What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)? 5 months ago:
I think it’d also count as a full term in office so far as the rule against running more than twice goes. So you could run for reelection, but that isn’t a “one werid trick” to getting three terms in office.
- Comment on Stay Mad 5 months ago:
I’m gonna be honest, I was thinking of Dracula flow when I posted this.
- Comment on Stay Mad 5 months ago:
Mother fucker could be Dracula for all I care. Still voting for him.