- Comment on LPT: always be an asshole so you don't miss great opportunities in life 1 month ago:
That’s just normal pleasantries exchanged in passing.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 1 month ago:
The obvious ones duh.
Should I be referring to you as sir or master? When I bend over should I hold my cheeks open or will you do that? Can I lick your boots before others so I can eat more shit?
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 3 months ago:
The Binding of Isaac
- Comment on Kids a genius 5 months ago:
Def a kid and not the poster who is just claiming their kid did it.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Connect and Voyager both let me
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Tags are much more noticeable than user names. It tends to stick out more from the rest of the post and makes you notice who the poster is. After seeing them enough you tend to get a feel for the type of content they post about.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
I tag a lot of people with nicknames. Really makes them stand out a lot more, and when they do the type of content and patterns stick out a lot more.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Funny again how I never said that. At least try and be good at trolling or being edgy or w.e it you are trying to do.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Love how you quickly diverted from the hypocrisy of putting words in my mouth and then do the exact thing you seem to be crying about of labeling me Blue MAGA because I said something you didn’t like. In the US we have a FPTP voting system. We do not have a luxury of choosing the best candidate, but the lesser of 2 evils. So pretending that protesting voting or not voting is standing for a cause is a joke and disingenuous. All it does is help the opposition party. You can be critical all you want but don’t pretend to be liberal when you know a protest vote or not vote helps the other party. The message was very clear they didn’t want people to vote. Now they are trying to be more subtle about it. But sure lets be a 1 issue voter and pretend a Trump presidency would be better for the social issues everyone crying Blue MAGA seems to care so much about.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Weird how I didn’t say either of those things
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Idk ozma was pushing a super hard the left should protest vote or not vote before getting called out in every thread. They have been slowly evolving the shill to be less and less obvious. Even started posting memes and other content to try and get the political agenda across without posting negative articles. Now the message isnt the very obvous up front don’t vote, but they are just “critical of Biden,” yet have nothing to say about anyone else. Doesn’t seem like an edgy kid to me.
- Comment on Don't expect big reveals at Summer Games Fest, says Geoff Keighley 9 months ago:
Haven’t been to pax in years, but the indie corner was alway my favorite part anyway. So many games to play I’ve never heard about, the lines to play are usually much shorter and you get to talk to someone who’s directly working on the game so they are super passionate about it and happy to have people there.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 10 months ago:
Yea, this reads more like a sorry, this was too forced we will do something more subtle in the future. Not an actual apology.
- Comment on There is one uncleared level remaining in Super Mario Maker, with 18 days to go before the servers shut down 11 months ago:
The one uncleared level refers to the 0%team clearing every maker level with that being the last one they have to do.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
I would say that’s a steal. I love that game, it has tons of replay ability, and a huge modding community.
- Comment on How can a person be very sad, irritated or angry and still not show it on their face ? 11 months ago:
I used to have an “awkward smile” as in I couldn’t help but having an ear to ear shit eating grin whenever I was uncomfortable or upset. It would then perpetuate itself when I was conscious about it and uncomfortable at the fact that I was smiling at an inappropriate time. Took some practice at keeping a poker face initially. Once you can keep a straight face in any situation it’s much easier to fake an appearance. Still exhausting emotionally faking it.
- Comment on UFG bottle fights 1 year ago:
Bottles with corners seem to have a clear advantage as they have a more direct point of impact. I enjoyed watching this more than I should have.
- Comment on Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately? 1 year ago:
Just my personal experience, but I do feel like people have been a lot quicker to be snippy and not as nice and welcoming these last two weeks or so compared to a 2 months ago when I first got here.