- Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 11 months ago:
To put it in context, Artemis did many fully destructive tests but typically on the ground. Artemis had and spent an overhaul budget that was likely close to a hundred times that of what SpaceX is spending in today’s dollars.
And even better representation, all the fully destructive tests of SpaceX have carried out have costs less than a single successful shuttle launch. And it has a much larger payload.
Even with the destructive tests, of which are planned this way, not only is SpaceX is far cheaper than any past space program, they are advancing fairly rapid.
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 11 months ago:
Balloons are open. Most typically do not expand but the excess air just escapes out the bottom. Basically they will rise till the overall weight matches that if what they displace.
There are more efficient balloons that do expand and can attain same great heights. Far more than conventional aircraft even. But that expansion is mostly due to excess material in the construction and little from stretching. Thus the pressure difference is minimal while the volume increase significantly with altitude.
- Comment on How does data sent over the internet know where to go? 1 year ago:
Comments are correct here with one missing high level component for routers. That is the very top level routers are designed for tier 1. I started an internet company and we got large enough to decide to become a tier 1 provider. There is one big difference in this configuration is that we publish our own blocks of IPs and we listen for published IPs. We have routers that essentially maintained a list of where all the IPs or block of IPs worldwide needed to go. More importantly, I would send out a list of my IP blocks that would propagate across all the tier 1 routers across the world. That could take an hour but more likely minutes.
Having this allowed me to essentially connect to the internet at zero cost. There is some cost to be assigned IPs but I was trusted. While I say zero cost, I still had to pay for large bandwidth dark fiber to new York or other major meet me points. I also had to pay rack space to put a tier1 router into these buildings. But what is really gives me is the ability to have multiple connections to the pipes and because I publish my own IPs, I can balance all the routes and other providers can find the best way to me thru a process called weighing. Also if I loose a connection which is rare at this level, I could rapidly and automatically republish my route on working connections and usually within 15 minutes, all the routers in the world would know. 15 minutes actually is likely long. These days 5 minutes.
Now the interesting part of this, I publish my own IPs. I have to be extremely careful as with a single stroke, I could say I own all the IPs to China. Well likely a few strokes. I certainly could make a simple mistake and take control of a shit load of IPs. That means suddenly traffic could come to me that was destined for another country. More correct, because they are publishing, it would just make a mess and take some IPs down. If I publish a big block in China, I would essentially DOS myself because the pipe sizes I buy are factors smaller. Now this is a trusted system because we all connect together randomly. There is and can not be any central control as we all need to publish freely for this to work. But if I were to screw up and say divert a shit load of IPs destined to say Washington, it would rapidly be figured out and I would rapidly be determined to not be trusted. I would be shut down physically at some point.
Essentially I have fairly normal routers with one feature that allows them to dynamically keep track of all the routes worldwide and to periodically publish all the IPs I own.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
A better question is, would more houses get built and if so, who would build those houses? If not, and there are more people needing houses than houses available, do you not think that the extra money would mean people would be willing to pay more?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Talk about inflation spiral. lol
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Who opens them up exactly? And that person who invests in a restaurant will leave some other job resulting in that much less product being built this something rises in price somewhere.
Rent caps just result in less people or corporations investing in rental properties. If you are alread have 90 houses and 100 people want to rent, how does caps encourage more houses?
At the end of the day the only thing that matters is how productive we are in total. Anything that is scarce will be high in price and if you mandate a lower price, then some people will simply not have shelter if you want to use that example.
- Comment on How is it possible to start a business if you have no money and skills, but have an idea? 1 year ago:
I work with a few hundred businesses and most have a good idea and know their product well. The majority that fail do so because of the administrative business side of things. Billing, expenses, tracking inventory and costs. A good idea is only half the work.
Don’t be discouraged but ensure you keep an eye on the business side of things. Beyond that, some of the suggestions here are valid.
- Comment on Why are so many countries in the world “developing” and poor, while essentially only Western countries have a high standard of living? 1 year ago:
Mostly corruption and stability doesn’t allow for business to develop along with the wealth that brings.
There are other factors but mainly you need good governance and free markets to allow for wealth creation. It at least that is the only model that has worked so far.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
They been around for some time. Sped up testing significantly during COVID but with COVID they have a massive data set to verify it’s safety. Likely factors more then most drugs. I am personally pretty confident in the usage of RMA proceedures.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
It funny you bring up r/conservatism. It use to be a fairly big sub and far more moderate until Trump got into power. But if you had anything bad to say about Trump, banned.
Now it is just an echo chamber with few members. Go there and given day and only a few posts with up vote above 100. Really mostly a bunch of pathetic people since the moderate conservatives left.
Lemmy can be a bit this way but on the opposite spectrum.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Same. And I like some disagreement as that brings discussion. Lemmy can be pretty toxic if you don’t echo back the expected.
- Comment on Reddit & Gaza situation 1 year ago:
I think you missed though that Jews were driven from Palestine in the eighth and ninth century. If you want to bring history up you need to include that.
- Comment on Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"? 1 year ago:
But if an American says football, that can create a bit of confusion.
- Comment on Does Mach speed change depending on the altitude? 1 year ago:
Yes a fair amount. At ground is about 760mph at 40000 feet about 659.
Temp and humidity factor some as well.
- Comment on What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia) 1 year ago:
If it is in a closed packb and no price is listed individually, then it is likely not for sale individually. You certainly should not be opening something to take one out.
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
Cat Genie.
Bit expensive and you need to connect to water and a drain. Either toilet or near washing machine works.
It worked for us for about 4 years. Works very well and washes the litter each use.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Think it has been a few hundred years since Christianity has been outwardly expressing hate and acting on it. If course there will be individuals that are extreme. Mostly it is edge lords that like to include it in these overall statements.
- Comment on How reliable are EV chargers? 1 year ago:
It will get better but I think soon is 10 years away. We don’t even have common charge ports on phones and legislation is not going to give advantage to a single specific company yet.
- Comment on Why are pipes used in plumbing more than hoses? 1 year ago:
I would call most plumbing as hoses as they are using flexible plastics in most installations. Pipes are generally referred to as rigid items. But that is selective even. Hoses under some definitions are pipes with multiple layers. Ie. Rubber and a metal mesh grid for strength.
Think the definitions are quite interchangeable. We simply use the cheapest most dependable option available that adheres to code.
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
This is a real bizarre thing for him to do. You are definately in his head. Congrats on that. Did you fuck his girlfriend… Wife… Dog? If not, you should.
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
Likely would be difficult to get those messages in front of the right person at said company. Also bit hard to for them to verify it is not some scam. I wouldn’t bother but it is a nice thought.
- Comment on If a vehicle were traveling through space at/near the speed of light, then what would happen if it turned its headlights on? 1 year ago:
I think you might be incorrect. To a stationary person on the ground, the light they emit would be red or blue shifted depending on the direction they are going. Red or Blue shifting is the same as saying your wave length is changing.
What I think you meant to say is that the speed of light does not change at all. Which is correct. That has nothing to do with the wave length which can change in frequency.
- Comment on If a vehicle were traveling through space at/near the speed of light, then what would happen if it turned its headlights on? 1 year ago:
Absolutely. The wavelengths would be significantly increased or decreased depending if viewed from the outside standing standing still in respect to the spacecrafts motion.
From inside the spacecraft it would appear normal. What would seem weird is that objects you are traveling towards would appear much closer than if you were stationary to said objects. Objects behind you would appear much farther away.
- Comment on I'm watching Wargames(1983), could local people have heard the missile doors opening during a test? 1 year ago:
They can open the doors slowly via some hydraulic method. I do not suspect during tests they use the rocket opening option which can open the door in two seconds.
- Comment on Would eating raw human brains make you high? 1 year ago:
Why would that be likely? Wouldn’t that only be the case of the brain you are eating already has it?
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
Well less corruption than any other system.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
Warren Buffett is not directing resources from his position in one company to enrich himself in another company that he may have large personal holdings. That is one of the few ways shareholders can get around the safety of a corporation and sue a shareholder.
More to the point, the board of directors are going to be extremely interested in the actions of Buffett if they think he is trying to enrich himself at the cost to their company.
Using him as an example that is.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
Yes I sit on three board of directors. I can assure you that the CEO or CFO or any other high level board members are not making decisions because they have interests in other entries. In fact as a board member, your job and pretty much your only job is to ensure those making decisions are doing it in the interest of the company they represent. If there are any conflicts of interest, we take an extremely close look at that. If a CEO or even a board member did not disclose some conflict, particular in financial matters, that would be one of the few ways to be removed. More so, that is one of the few ways shareholders could pierce the corporate envelope and sue a CEO or sitting board members for that matter.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
You are grasping at straws if you think the exact same shareholders work both sides in any but a few outlier cases. This is goofy logic that people who are not in management think how companies run.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
It doesn’t. It is a bit of a silly argument and not a factor in any real degree. There are valid arguments for work from home but this is not one of them. Quite the opposite actually.