Yup. I’m Bo7a.
- Comment on why are fax machines still used by medical systems? 3 months ago:
I feel this - I’m often on the other end working with data from clinicians in the field for massive studies. The forms that come in can have an infinite number of possibilities just for noting sex. Enough so that our semantic layer needs a human reviewer because we keep finding new ways field clinicians have of noting this. Now imagine that over the whole gamut of identifiers.
tl:dr - Humans are almost always the problem in data harmonization.
- Comment on Anon browses ancient memes 5 months ago:
HOURS just typing [randomword].com and seeing what came up.
- Comment on Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher (UMU) gets a first official release 5 months ago:
My body is ready for this!
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
Ba dum tiss
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
Them: “nah”
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
Post it!
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
Then go draw something and post it.
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
Or an ant-man themed suppository?
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 43 comments
- Comment on Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome. 5 months ago:
Can we please be friends? I’ll make sure those lovely snacks don’t go to waste. I can bring two grackles, a bluejay, and a couple of raccoons to fill out the party. Oh, and my wife!
- Comment on Where do you even meet people anymore? 5 months ago:
All settings if you don’t act like an idiot/creep.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
- Comment on Vans you say? 6 months ago:
I also choose to believe this is a sleeper with a tuned 454 under the hood.
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on Daily discussion - what are your "unconventional" comfort films? 7 months ago:
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
- Comment on [Fan Film] Punisher - Dirty Laundry (2012) 8 months ago:
The punisheriest punisher ever put on video.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
Yes. More often than you think. If you can tell a 1/2 inch wrench from a pair of pliers you are already ahead of some applicants.
- Comment on Country music 9 months ago:
Folk makes you feel things. Mostly rage at the capital holding class, but that’s a thing you
canshould feel. - Comment on Living in a forest without any technology also works, since you will have no internet access anyways. 10 months ago:
There is still some nice, decently priced, forest land in Canada if you are OK with no services and 4 months of wet snow!
-Source: Living in the forest for the last few years. Mainly off-grid, but with a net connection to keep my job.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Just be careful where you use it. The active chemical is VERY dangerous to aquatic and amphibian life, and can cause serious problems in cats. Dogs don’t seem to be impacted though.
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
I grok what you are saying. I just don’t feel that way. To me, music is too subjective to expect anyone to like anything, even if I think it is the bee’s knees.
Maybe it helps that I have always had fairly ‘out there’ musical tastes so I am never shocked when someone doesn’t like something that I do.
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
Nah. I’m 46 and have never liked them.
You can appreciate and respect that somebody did something innovative while still not liking that innovative thing.
- Comment on Stuck 11 months ago:
repeating false info doesn’t help.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
And getting worse.
- Comment on It isn't the louder it is, the more vacuum pump is applied? 1 year ago:
It is funny how this works out. Up North in Soviet Canuckistan the guys driving f-series trucks are mostly all around 65 years old, have no lift, do 10 under the speed limit, and the box is beat to shit from being used as a truck.
The Dodge Ram and Chevy Crowd are the 25-40 crowd with cheap beer on their breath, and revving for nothing, while not having a lick of dust on their shitmobile.
- Comment on Dear god... 1 year ago:
Egg-based gravy is awesome on fries!
- Comment on Instagram's monthly subscription 1 year ago:
I self-host a ton of stuff, and have sailed the high seas for decades to grow my personal collection.
I pay for YT premium, netflix, and steam, so that my nephews can be on my family plans. Their life can be pretty shitty a lot of the time, and good music, games, and simple distractions help.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
I’ve played world of Warcraft on Linux for at least 8 years now.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Pretty damn good these days.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
I spent a lot of years moving around as a contractor/consultant devops/sysadmin/IT architect and finally broke when I got stuck in Switzerland on what was supposed to be a 3week client engagement, and was extended by covid lockdowns for almost a year.
I decided right then that I was done moving/traveling and started looking for where I wanted to settle in.
We chose a small piece of super cheap forest land in the middle of nowhere and started clearing just enough space for a small driveway and a tiny house. We started fully off-grid with just a few kwh of solar to power laptops and a starlink setup, and carrying water from the creek in buckets.
We now have 1000litres of water storage that I fil with a gas pump instead of buckets, 12v water pump and propane heater that deliver hot and cold water in two taps (bathtub and kitchen sink), and got tied to the grid so I could run desktops instead of laptops.
I spend my mornings pre-standup hand-feeding chipmunks and squirrels, and watching flocks of bluejays eat from the various seed piles we leave laying around. It almost makes the idiocy of every standup bearable.
This all a digression - But the TL:DR is this - Yes, Leave the city. Life will be physically more difficult for a while. But once you have the creature comforts out in the country you will never consider going back to a city.