- Comment on People’s Union USA Calls For National Boycott In A ‘Feb 28 Economic Blackout’ 1 week ago:
So, you have to give a little more than 48 hours notice when you decide to organize a large scale national protest action.
Look to be planning for the event to be somewhat out in the future, to give time for the plan to be spread and heard by the masses. When you just throw something like this out with two days’ notice, you’re not going to make any change larger than 0.00000001%… not enough people possibly hear about it to be able to participate.
- Comment on Do you think billionaires fear losing their fortune and becoming "a poor"? 1 month ago:
Correct, I wasn’t saying that they’d put it in one spot.
- Comment on Do you think billionaires fear losing their fortune and becoming "a poor"? 1 month ago:
No. Every single one of them could pull $100,000,000 out of their personal money circulation and just store it in various stupidly safe places that barely return the rate of inflation. For all I know, maybe they all do that.
They have so much money that it’d be almost impossible to lose it all, but if they managed to do it somehow, then they could pull out that safe nest egg and still have more money than they could ever need in a lifetime. There’s almost zero chance that they’ll ever be poor.
- Comment on Can astronauts jerk off or toss the troff in space? Would their heart monitors would show it to be elevated? Or can or has any two astronauts ever had sex in space? 1 month ago:
“Today I embark on my preparation for my future astronaut career.”
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
I haven’t seen actual articles talking about it, just people tweeting about it.
But if this event actually is what’s being reported on the surface, then this is the most constructiest dismissal that ever constructively dismissed.
- Comment on AT&T's CTO tells his US team there won't be 'one-for-one seating' upon the return to 5 days in office — read the memo 2 months ago:
I feel this in my soul. I’m officed Mondays and Tuesdays. I’m 5 foot 6, and the guy on Wednesday and Thursdays is really, really tall.
I sure do love adjusting my desk and chair every Monday after Manute Bol’s been sitting there, and I’m sure that every Wednesday he’s wondering how my trip carrying the ring to Mordor is going that I started after work the previous day.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
I think some of them are also doing it for the tax breaks they get if they pump a bunch of employees into the local area’s economy.
And we all know how difficult is is to get companies to voluntarily give up free tax money from the government. It’s like trying to take drugs away from an addict.
- Comment on Should South Korea launch a preemptive attack on North Korea? 2 months ago:
One would think that out of all countries, South Korea should be the least worried about North Korean nuclear attack. They’re next door neighbors a handful of miles apart from each other geographically, and wind exists to carry fallout right back to Kim Jong Un’s house.
Same reasons it always seems so odd whenever Russia threatens to nuke Ukraine.
- Comment on Og fed up with entire capitalist system! 3 months ago:
I’m not one to critique the actions of others, especially fictional characters… but were it me putting down an eighty lb. boulder, I’d probably drop it farther away than one micron from my toe. Just saying.
- Comment on If it’s 100 degrees out, does your boss have to give you a break? Probably not. 8 months ago:
He doesn’t have to, but he probably should, if he wants future value from you as a non-dead worker.
- Comment on Poll: 61% of young adults confess they are not saving for retirement 10 months ago:
Presumably gambling that society will break and either reset or be destroyed before they get to retirement age. They might be correct.
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
Non-neutral nouns have always struck me as odd. They provide no info gain whatsoever outside of actually providing a gender if you’re referring to a person or animal (for example, in Spanish, gato -> male cat, gata -> female cat). And in those situations, a short sentence can provide instant clarification.
It’s a language feature built to be helpful in one use case, whilst simultaneously being worse in about a bazillion others. It’s a very odd choice.
- Comment on California Dem Barbara Lee defends call for $50 federal minimum wage: 'Just barely enough' 1 year ago:
This sounds high to most people, but if the minimum wage had kept up with its inflation-adjusted peak (1968), it’d be somewhere in the range of $31 to $32 an hour right now.
It never caught back up afterward, and has been severely harpooned in the years since, shifting unfathomable quantities of money to the wealthiest people. And it’s not just minimum wage workers… when you sink the wage and salary floor, nearly everyone made less than they should have been.
- Comment on [News] The Game Awards is Giving Away 100 Steam Deck OLEDs During Show - Steam Deck HQ 1 year ago:
I… don’t think that’s a thing that works on Lemmy.
- Comment on Companies lower salaries in job postings as pay transparency laws take effect 1 year ago:
Replacing People costs an absolute fortune in time and money.
Something that corporate America seems to not care about for some reason these days.
- Comment on Unity makes major changes to controversial install-fee program ...😑 1 year ago:
Far too little, far too late. Even if this was the most glowing revision ever (it isn’t, but even if it was), the trust is gone.
- Comment on What does cigarette smoking do for people? 1 year ago:
What does cigarette smoking do for people?
Gives them an assortment of cancers with a side of breathing and cardio issues.
- Comment on How do you describe color to a person who has always been blind? 1 year ago:
You can’t really describe colors to someone blind from birth. They just have no reference or mechanical ability to do so.
Someone below linked a Tommy Edison video (it’s a good watch, as is pretty much everything on his entire channel) where he talks about how people have tried to describe color to him all his life, but nothing they’ve said has ever actually made him see a color. He doesn’t see anything, he doesn’t have a working optic nerve.
- Comment on Does The US President have a better chance to win a second term with or without Kamala Harris? 1 year ago:
The debate shouldn’t be about voting for the lesser of two evils. The entire debate should be focused on opening up more options and the actual ability to vote for third party candidates without throwing your vote away, by implementing a different system, like ranked choice voting.
Continuing to focus on which Sith lord will blow up the country the least if elected is a losing play. We have to do better and focus our attention elsewhere if we have any chance of getting anything reformed.
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
From experience, I can tell you that your bag is safe lol
They are designed so that the angle of the spray comes nowhere near there. You’d have to do some sort of gymnastics moves to be able to whack the piñata with it.
- Comment on A real estate billionaire said Fridays are ‘dead forever’ for offices, and remote work guru Nick Bloom says he’s right—it’s part of a new 3-part week 1 year ago:
I’ll just keep working from home and not getting a bunch of covid, colds, and flus from being jammed into small office spaces with a bunch of other people at once, thanks.
- Comment on How do names of countries get translated? What is the reason why Nippon/Nihon is called Japan or Ellada is called Greece in English? 1 year ago:
There are actually specific words in the English language for precisely what you’re talking about.
Endonym - The native name of a geologic feature or place. From your example: Nihon in Japanese.
Exonym - The foreign name of a geologic feature or place. From your example: Japan in English.
- Comment on When Baldur's Gate 3 came out, Steam's overall bandwidth consumption went from around 18 Tbps to 146 Tbps 1 year ago:
It’s hard to get steam into tablespoons. I was really impressed.