- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
I will be the first one to tell you that the infotainment system in my Subaru makes the car LESS safe to drive.
- Comment on Run the Jewels - Lie, Cheat, Steal (Official Video) 3 days ago:
Everybody doin’ it
- Comment on Not trying to choose a side but when did Dems become well wussies? They Have FDR, JFK, OBAMA, Clinton, under their belt. The Reps have Reagan. How come the Dems don't fight fire with fire anymore? 1 week ago:
Citizens United
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
Not you Joe, dat other Joe!
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
Joe Mama! XD
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure Joe does.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
There are no rules. Trump makes it up as he goes.
- Comment on Well, it finally happened: I MET SOMEONE! 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Trump’s past speeches to Congress asked them to pass his agenda. Now, he’s willing to go it alone 3 weeks ago:
That’s called dictating. That’s what dictators do.
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 3 weeks ago:
I look pretty tall but my heels are high.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 4 weeks ago:
Hopefully, yes.
- Comment on me want cookie 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on New MAGA acronym interpretation 5 weeks ago:
Make America Gullible Again
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 5 weeks ago:
Most of the time they’re just assholes.
- Comment on Before they hired me THIS was part of the process. Had to submit an answer as to what she was holding 1 month ago:
Is it sad that this is the best thing I’ve seen all day?
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
It annoys me that you can’t even look at your trophies for games when PSN is down…
- Comment on C.D.C. Posts, Then Deletes, Data on Bird Flu Spread Between Cats and People 1 month ago:
Yeah, fuck these blatant fascists. Heinous motherfuckers.
- Comment on Trump Proposes U.S. Takeover of Gaza and Says Palestinians Should Move 1 month ago:
He needs an emergency in the US so he can declare martial law. This will get him one.
- Comment on David Bowie has been dead for almost a decade. 1 month ago:
Don’t remind me. I’m in a foul mood already.
- Comment on Trump rails against DEI after deadly D.C. plane crash 1 month ago:
Fucking dirtbag
- Comment on Could Trump's "Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation" order defund vasectomies? 1 month ago:
It tracks with their “Christian” beliefs. They don’t want abortions and they don’t want vasectomies. They want people to pump out kids like baby factories. Also, the birthrate in the US is dropping and they want to make sure there are enough workers to exploit in the future.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
No one in the government is going to do anything about it. They’ll argue about it, but nothing will be done. They all bow and lick the boot of a fucking clown. Trump, with a lot of help from billionaires and the media, lied and manipulated his way into power. He’s just a mouthpiece and easily manipulated; not smart enough to come up with any of this. The fact that 33%+ of the country’s population thinks he’s a genius is sickening.
Immigration is the horror show they’re going to use as a distraction while they pass Christofascist laws, all while Trump and his new billionaire buddies loot the country. I would suggest everyone actually read Project 2025 and see what their future plans are.
- Comment on RFK Would Be a Disastrous Health Secretary That Puts Lives and Research at Risk, Students Say 1 month ago:
No doubt about it. Now, I’m pretty sure that’s the point.
- Comment on Why do people indoors at public places always listen to their phone at full volume? 1 month ago:
I always assumed they’re either trying to prove they have friends or they have no self-awareness whatsoever.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
Let’s not forget that Republicans have been cutting school funding for decades. The people are uneducated by design and for this exact purpose.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
Yep. The ratchet effect.
- Comment on All drugs should be legal. Even space heroin. 1 month ago:
I loved those movies and the show when I was a kid. They got drunk drinking curdled milk.
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 1 month ago:
WTF is THIS shit?
- Comment on How much of my body language should signal I'm actually a Ninja? 1 month ago:
All of it. You should generally be unseen.
- Comment on Guess I'll starve 1 month ago:
Yeah, as soon as I saw that I’d be headed somewhere else to eat.