- Comment on I struggle with depression and alexithymia. How do I write with emotion? 10 months ago:
I deal with the same thing. I had written for several small publications, and one way I overcame my disconnect from emotion was just by stream of conscious describe things. The way I'm subconsciously describing it tends to reveal my feelings for it. Directly, i really feel nothing for it but under the layers I do have a sense of emotion for it.
- Comment on Anon borrows his dad's car 1 year ago:
I remember my parents crying because I couldn't socialize growing up. I was always actively suicidal and couldn't connect with kids my age. I probably would've ended up like anon if I didn't get forced into doing activities.
- Comment on a classic issue... 1 year ago:
I just eat a raw onion. (Not joke)
- Comment on Is It Still Worth Going to the Movies? 1 year ago:
I got to the drive in from time to time. Watching the meg 2 in my car with a hotdog and Pepsi from the stand beat sitting in a glorified strangers livingroom. Even if the movie was confusingly terrible.
- Comment on Immune to marketing 1 year ago:
Advertisements work opposite for me. If I see an ad, I hate the company. I adamantly will only choose materials based on personal research and the suggestions of my peers. Any suggestion by a corporate entity or otherwise paid method will only serve to brew hate. Beyond that, I will go to just about any means to get rid of ads. I often refuse to deal with a company if their ads show up when I don't want them to, or if their ad annoys me. There is no good ad.
- Comment on Thank you dad 1 year ago:
We must be brothers
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago:
I never was an xbox guy, so talking about them is confusing because of the naming scheme. They lost me after the 360.
- Comment on College-Level Shitpost 1 year ago:
Anytime I tell my girlfriend jokes like this she's gives me the "God, you're a fucking nerd" sigh. This past weekend she made pokes at me cause I found a really nice printing of Plato's Republic for 50 cents at a thrift store.
- Comment on I'm over the Reddit posts / comments 1 year ago:
A few months ago I saw a guy at the gas station that looked like the girls from the Windowlicker video, minus boobs of course. He was frightening and made me fear Death for a brief moment. Anyways, new EP is really good and I'm hoping we get a new full length soon.
- Comment on get genetically doxxed nerd 1 year ago:
Look at this bitch and his weak ass genes lmao