- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 9 months ago:
It's fine. The PCI-e is another one for a graphics card that requires more connectors to be attached.
- Comment on "Morbidly Wealthy": The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405b to $869b since 2020—at a rate of $14m/hr—while nearly five billion people have been made poorer 1 year ago:
How do the numbers change if you start with January?
- Comment on "Morbidly Wealthy": The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405b to $869b since 2020—at a rate of $14m/hr—while nearly five billion people have been made poorer 1 year ago:
You mean the two month stock market dip which has since not only recovered but the market following has heavily outperformed anything before 2020 and was fully abused by those in power who used their insider information on the COVID pandemic to trade just before the dip hit the markets? That stock market crash? I mean, I bet. Those 2 months are totally going to skew the numbers.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Exactly. Steam didn't invest in marketing nonsense and gimmicks to get people on their platform. For consumers it is simply the superior product, DRM not withstanding.
They got their issues, no doubt. But I have never seen a quasi monopoly be more consumer oriented than steam.
- Comment on The Difficulty Paradox 1 year ago:
I really don't agree with: get stronger must also have world get more difficult. This is how you get scaling difficulty, where you never feel like you're going anywhere, because every upgrade is made pointless by enemies just becoming more dangerous in turn.
Bullethell rogue likes like vampire survivor are getting it pretty right in my opinion. Just have the chance to get ridiculously powerful, but take a bunch of tries. Then add in Hades way of not ending the story with your death and failure, the nemesis system which is sadly patented and you'd have a fairly ideal game where some things will inevitably kill you, but you will get better and the small stuff will only get you still, if you are not paying attention.
- Comment on Kitboga Trapped 200 Scammers in an Impossible Maze 1 year ago:
These scam centers are active around the clock. Why wouldn't they be? It's billions they are pulling as an industry.
I've been watching his channel for years and never once had the impression anything he does is faked.
The scammers he talks to would have to be amazing actors to have emotional outbursts like they do after being comparatively friendly and tame for so long.
Not only that, but there is rarely a repeat of the people he talks to, if any, unless it is the same scammer for days.
I don't are anything that would suggest this one or any of his videos are fake.
- Comment on Why advertise on YouTube? 1 year ago:
I also remeber the plague of malvertising with drive by viruses and Trojans. I haven't had a single positive virus on my systems in over a decade thanks to adblockers.
It's insane, because the internet looked entirely different as well. Not these monolithic sites but scattered around.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Germany introduced some digital ID functionality so you can do certain things online rather than having to go talk to someone in person, but that means that your ID isn't just a card anymore but has some digital elements to it as well. And apparently the apps to use that stuff are Windows based.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
I think we're both German. My ID doesn't have that yet, I dread the day where I can't renew it without all that nonsense.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Thanks for the long response. I was thinking Mint maybe, had some experience with it a few years ago. But it'd replace both my private and work stuff over, so some gaming, too (mainly through steam). Stability is key to me. My current Windows install hasn't needed anything for 4 years or so, so I'm absolutely not going for Arch. I need this stuff daily, I cannot waste time trying to troubleshoot for hours or relying on backups, etc.
- Comment on Living in privately rented homes linked to faster biological ageing, study finds 1 year ago:
Are Swiss people renting primarily from individuals?
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
I mean, I'd like to. But some of my work requires me to use stuff like Adobe products and I find it massively easier to keep up to date with what these tools can do, if I can just muck around in my private projects (I actually care about) and then transfer the knowledge to my work stuff. I'll mull the idea some more time. Not really interested in dual booting at all, though that might be a solid solution, but windows simply deciding to kill everything else, even if its on a different disk entirely is not a prospect I relish.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
More and more I am considering taking a vacation with the specific goal of migrating to Linux. I've got decades old workflows linked to certain programs and tools that I know for sure only exist in Windows, so I'll likely have to still run it in a VM for those, but my system setup is just kinda the place I call home the most, yet my patience for all this nonsense is rapidly declining.
- Comment on How do I get informed on Joe Rogan without watching his videos. 1 year ago:
Excuse me, why is this an 12 hour video?
- Comment on Game is off the charts 1 year ago:
All that lad is getting is a link to her onlyfans.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
I'm not even disagreeing with you and that quote didn't show up anywhere in this thread? But alright, you do you.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Just clarifying what you meant. I thought I missed something. DLC to my mind is like... an extra race or somthing a bit more relevant than purely cosmetic stuff. Not going to argue semantics here, fair enough to call that a micro transaction and it's certainly DLC.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
What day 1 DLC? The Deluxe edition cosmetic stuff?
- Comment on I'm aware of kbin, mastodon, and lemmy. Are there any other federated applications out there? 1 year ago:
I might have no idea how it works, but I can barely ever find anything, let's say looking for crusader kings content. Either it doesn't exist (possible) or the instances are badly federated and I can't find that stuff searching on one of them.
- Comment on I'm aware of kbin, mastodon, and lemmy. Are there any other federated applications out there? 1 year ago:
I looked at it and have no idea where or how to start as a creator. It's a badly federated mess as far as I can tell. Hope it improved eventually.
- Comment on Dude Uses Rice to Show How Much a Billion Dollars Is, Then How Rich Jeff Bezos Is | NowThis 1 year ago:
People really need to learn that you have almost infinite leverage and credit with net worth and wealth like Bezos. Man will never have to spend a cent of his own illiquid assets and will live like an emperor until he dies still.