- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I’ve heard some pretty weird ass views from vegans about the diet of Indigenous people who’ve traditionally relied on hunting and trapped.
- Comment on Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work 6 months ago:
I get what you’re saying but I get weirded out by people who go from "violence is necessary" to glorifying it. I’ve seen people dying before and I don’t think I’d ever find it satisfying to watch any human burning to death.
Justice is one thing but I think there’s a lot of sick fucks who practically get off to violence or at least violence like this in theory because they’ve never seen some horrific shit firsthand.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 6 months ago:
Agreed. Lemmy has its own issues .
- Comment on Paul Harrel has passed away from cancer 6 months ago:
Wtf??? This guy was one of the few gun YouTubers that IIRC was never a rabid right wing weirdo. Very useful channel. RIP
- Comment on the number of spam calls i've received since i started using this sim card 6 months ago:
Phone calls used to be such a quick, convenient way to talk or get info and uselessly governments have paved the way for scam companies to completely ruin the modern day phone call.
- Comment on Oil 6 months ago:
Gay people can’t be misogynist?
- Comment on Oil 6 months ago:
That too. Cokeheads as well.
- Comment on Oil 6 months ago:
Not surprising. O&G industry is full of meatheads.
- Comment on very pleasurable 6 months ago:
Nah I wouldn’t wish a cop interaction on someone over something so small
- Comment on Dawn Breaks 6 months ago:
- Comment on Day 31 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
What a great game. I used to play it on PS3 and it really got me into all kinds of old jazz.
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 7 months ago:
Why are you generally pretty anti-piracy?
As someone who has never had much disposable income, piracy has helped me and countless folks enjoy things we otherwise would not have been able to realistically afford. It also helps make educational material far more accessible, particularly when it comes to textbooks, academic papers (i.e. SciHub thanks to Alexandra Elbakyan), even complete semester university-level lectures.
If wages were higher and media was offered in a format that was a) not subscription based and b) reasonably priced, people would be more likely to buy content instead of pirate it.
Beyond that, people are sick and tired of things like their favorite TV show or my music disappearing because the streaming site lost the streaming rights to a competitor. Or an artist’s discography missing a huge chunk of their music because of some record label legal nonsense.
The problem is that everything is becoming subscription based these days and it’s weird to require that kind of committment if you just want to listen to one artist’s album, or a few episodes of a nature documentary.
Personally, I pirate terabytes of content and I try to buy used Blu-Ray 📀 discs and CDs every now and then. I have a nice external disc readers/writer connected to my PC and an elaborate multi-output audio setup, but most people don’t have a disc reader these days. So the problem is instead of just giving people the option of purchasing an actual file like an MKV, FLAC + MP3 files, these companies insist on forcing a subscription as the only feasible option since they know 99% of people don’t have or want to deal with disc readers and physical media.
I get that your comment was less about anti-piracy and I’m kind of going on a rant here, but I really hope my comment helps you better understand at least some of the reasons why people pirate stuff. Even when I did research science, we’d all use SciHub because it was a million times easier to just go on there and search for one or several papers, instead of having to use our login credentials to get into several different databases for multiple papers in different fields. So so so annoying!
I think with piracy, there are many measurable and immeasurable benefits felt by society because of piracy.
- Comment on Close call 7 months ago:
Can’t forget Madden
- Comment on Grant Money 7 months ago:
You realize this is just a meme about sexism in science, right? Like why take it so literally?
- Comment on How Do You Explain to a Fully Grown Adult That Constantly Mocking Others' Appearance (Even on TV) is Toxic Behavior? 7 months ago:
I don’t. As I get older, I find myself far less inclined to spend energy talking to people like this. I’m tired, and I’m not even in my 40s yet.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 7 months ago:
Isn’t almost any keyboard able to last that long?
In theory, yes. In reality… not so much. Bluetooth keyboards are a joke for longevity, and a lot of wired keyboards these days just have piss poor build quality.
I don’t think PS/2 inherently has major advantages over USB but as someone who uses a small PC with few USB ports, I appreciate having a PS/2 port available.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 7 months ago:
My keyboard uses PS/2 and although I do have a PS/2 to USB adapter, i prefer using my computers PS/2 port because it means one more USB port can be used for something else.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 7 months ago:
Because people know bosses pit employees against each other.
- Comment on Toonsouls is the Dark Souls of Cuphead, in case you’ve got one of two solid gold games journalism jokes raring to go 7 months ago:
I feel so lame for buying Cuphead and then not finishing it because it’s so frustratingly difficult for me. Meanwhile my friend has it 100% and she made it look so easy/enjoyable.
- Comment on Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future 8 months ago:
I’m still playing TF2 🤓
- Comment on Hating Your Job Is Cool. But Is It a Labor Movement? 3 years ago:
Any way around this paywall? and seem to have lost their sparkle lately.
- Comment on Do you think adblockers are piracy? Why? 3 years ago:
Lol no. When I help most people fix their computer issues like having an infected PC, I honestly think UBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere are most effective than antivirus software. Of course, I don't let them go without antivirus software but my point is that adblockers like UBlock Origin are arguably a more effective preventative measure than most antivirus software.
The idea that adblockers are piracy is just a foolish use of the word privacy and it's weird that Linus took the stance he did on this. He's a smart guy, at the very least I don't get how he didn't think the community wouldn't clown on him for this.
- Comment on Policy opinion: am i going to suppress the freedom of speech if i ban religion topics and porn on my instance? 3 years ago:
I think "suppress the freedom of speech" is a sort of clumsily applied term here. What you're trying to implement are effective house rules and I really don't see anything wrong with that. Without simple rules like that, people could just hop into your space and be abusive assholes then claim "FrEe SpeEcH". I'd say go right ahead and do what makes you feel comfortable.
- Comment on It’s Back: Senators Want EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages 3 years ago:
If the Patriot Act taught us anything, it's that the vast majority of people don't care enough about the government invading their privacy because most people don't have the time/resources to focus on issues like this. Of all the things that could catalyze the working class to radicalize, I think this is unlikely.
- Comment on What's your opinion about Discord? 3 years ago:
Because if Discord starts having major issues that impact convenience, I'll have an easy time pointing that out to my friends-- particularly if there's an open source alternative that alleviates said issues.
Signal was pretty rough when it first came out but the moment they had support for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android, it was ridiculously easy to convince people to make the switch from whatever they were previously using to Signal.
I feel like you're too concerned with playing devil's advocate than trying to figure this out for yourself by thinking in more nuanced terms.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
The comments here are amusing. All the people who disagree with you effectively believe that anyone who has a hard time with Linux is simply unwilling to learn and that it has nothing to do with Linux.
Linux fanboys defend the operating system from critics like a mother insisting their son is an angel who would never, ever do anything bad. "Not my Linny!"
- Comment on What's your opinion about Discord? 3 years ago:
Discord is just a bit earlier in the inevitable progression than Reddit etc… why are you here now and not any longer on Reddit?
So then you pretty much answered your own question, I think. When Discord has enough fuckery for me to be annoyed with it, I'll gladly hop to an alternative. I'm in a whopping two Discord communities and I don't think the transition would be very difficult at that point.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
Then that’s their fault, and not the installers.
Some tools are easier to learn than others, because of the nature of their design. If a tool was over-engineered and its alternative was perceived as more straightforward by the average user, the fault of why the former tool didn't sell well lies with the creators of said tool.
I didn't say the comparison was about useless languages-- why are you putting words in my mouth? An English speaking American could very well enrich their life by learning Spanish but if they chose not to for various reasons, this arrogant notion that they need to "learn how to learn" is just nonsense. I find it very weird that you assumed I was referring to "useless languages".
Most countries have more than one official language. For a country with say, two official (or unofficial but widely recognized) languages like the USA, the point here is that monolingual people don't need to "learn how to learn" simply because they're not bilingual.
It's funny, your response is exactly what I was talking about in another post about open source software developers' attitude when it comes to open source software that doesn't take off. That old Principal Skinner meme...
"Am I so out of touch??"
"No, it’s the users who are wrong."
When you said
Then that’s their fault, and not the installers.
I couldn't help but laugh because that's exactly the attitude I'm talking about.
Now if you'll excuse me... I have to put my white running shoes on, along with my cargo pants, fanny pack, graphic t-shirt and transition glasses before I go out to meet my date. Surely she will appreciate how functionally superior my clothing/accessory choices are compared to the "stylish" and "cool" clothes that only shallow people appreciate. Right?
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
CMV: Metaverse is little more than Second Life by Facebook.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
Only one, but you’re equating critical thinking with knowing another language and I dont know why
I'm not equating critical thinking with knowing another language. I'm using monolingual people as an example of people perfectly capable of critical thinking and learning, no different than people who are only familiar with Windows.
There’s infinite number of guides, tutorials, and if you can’t read theres YouTube videos for learning a new language-- just because you haven't learned a 2nd language, I don't believe that means you don't know how to learn.
There's little kids who are bilingual and multilingual, but I wouldn't point to them and ask a monolingual adult if they're less willing to learn than little kid.