- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
I don't know if you're from the states but if you are purchasing mega millions or Powerball tickets, they stop sales at about 6:45 p.m. Pacific time and then do the drawing sometime after 7:00 of the same day.
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
I would take the +3 charm and groundhog Day for a year. It would be really awesome to have 3 charm instead of 0, and if I could repeat Tuesday for an entire year then I could learn skills and practice things and read a bunch of books and memorize and establish a plan to purchase a winning lottery ticket, not excessive but maybe like the mega millions I don't know, and come out of the year into Wednesday with nine figures in my bank account and a clear plan of action.
- Comment on Humanity and AI, a match made in the 9th circle of hell 10 months ago:
One of the features of hell is that it plainly shows you how it can get worse but never shows you how it could get better.
- Comment on Like magic 10 months ago:
What did you say? Why does this look like hieroglyphics?
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 10 months ago:
It's kind of like in the 1800s they believed that human beings could never generate enough pollutants to actually affect the Earth. There are intelligent opinions statements saying that the Earth was simply too large for anything a mere handful of 100 million humans could do to leave any lasting impact on.
Of course, they had no idea that we would swell to 8 billion humans or that the industrial revolution would take off quite so well as it did, but even today there are many people who believe that nothing that they individually do can leave any type of lasting ecological impact, positive or negative.
And because of that you have bum fuck HVAC technicians venting refrigerants into the atmosphere willy-nilly and assholes driving down the street throwing lit cigarette butts out in the middle of a drought and people just dumping their trash wherever they find an opportunity to dump it.
I said all of that to say that it's probably likely that even minor usage of drugs cause effects that are at best difficult to quantify. I don't think getting high one time is going to be the differentiation between a homeless bum and a Nobel Peace prize winner, but it might be the difference between someone who works a career and earns at their best $250,000 a year and someone who works a career and earns at their best $80,000 a year.
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 10 months ago:
I could have sworn nicotine was technically a stimulant because it has vasoconstrictive properties.
And I don't know anyone who has ever put off going to sleep in order to take more depressants.
- Comment on Make straight lines straight again! 10 months ago:
Did you get your hypercube new in the store?
Lucky! I found mine on the side of the road and I had to stuff all the strings back into it. Took me ages!
Then I got like this dinosaur infestation I had to wipe them out with a fucking meteorite, and now I'm pretty sure I've got humans and I don't know what to do anymore.
- Comment on They say the opposite of pro is con right? 11 months ago:
Since the actual opposite of con is free, it would be restitution.
Give back what you stole, white people! Lol
- Comment on Pick! 11 months ago:
You could also put on one man bukkake shows
- Comment on Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too 11 months ago:
I don't care if you're on or off the Taylor Swift hate train, but this is freaking funny.
- Comment on Giving someone oral is the most intimate thing you can do for someone. (IMO) 11 months ago:
There's something incredibly invigorating about using a blend of Listerine and hot sauce as lube
- Comment on Tell me 11 months ago:
My mom was a nurse who worked in geriatrics and so one day she came home from work and cooked us a big plate of spaghetti and started telling us about how elderly people with dementia would have no control over their body and would snot on their hands and then rub it on the the handrails in the hallway.
She should talk about how she kept on over and over again touching bare-handed massive piles of gooey green and brown snot while we're all sitting around the dinner table trying to eat spaghetti.
- Comment on Overanalyzing shitposts is my specialty. 1 year ago:
Just got to leave your donuts man
- Comment on Let's not mention that His dad was looking at your dick. 1 year ago:
If it was normal sized I'd be too powerful
- Comment on Chicken soup 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
7 shot, with a septagram carved on the barrel
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
I admit I stopped at about book five, but I don't remember Harry ever using a gun.
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Don't act like the quality of humanity couldn't be dramatically improved by eliminating the 250,000 worst of us.
Rapists, murderers, evil billionaires, corrupt politicians, shitty bosses, manipulative assholes and general dickheads of all races, creed, and gender, honestly 250,000 may not be enough but it would be a good start.
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Not bad. Couple of you fucks would be ackacked into non-existence but 99.997% of you would be alright.
- Comment on Everything happens for a reason 1 year ago:
Imagine that you're starting now.
The universe was created as-is, ex nihilo, 5 minutes ago.
What can you do to make your life better?
Not a lot. Some things, but not a lot.
- Comment on i think im diabetic?? i dont want to be but its most likely 1 year ago:
I think that thinking about it is the problem. You might do better to chill with the thinking about it and just wait for your body to tell you that there is a problem.
Fill your time with doing things that are useful and meaningful, like dieting, exercising, improving your job and career prospects, socializing with friends, ensuring that you live in a tidy and well-kept location, and setting goals and taking steps to realizing your dreams.
There is a lot to do with life that isn't just worrying about How it ends
- Comment on Syntol man... 1 year ago:
So my question is, if synthol is usable for semi-permanent or permanent filler material, why don't more people use it for boob jobs?
- Comment on wyd 1 year ago:
Kick one of the tiny horses in the leg, breaking it instantly and forcing the larger horse to stop and shoot themselves in the foot to put that foot out of its misery.
While that's going on, I make my escape.
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
I don't know, the shoes are pretty tempting. I can Sprint at about 10 miles an hour for about 30 seconds right now. Multiplying those by 5 would let me Sprint at 50 miles an hour for two and a half minutes.
I would be the closest thing the real world has to having the flash, or you know kind of like an overweight Sonic the hedgehog
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
I don't know, having a charisma of 36 would be pretty fucking life-changing for me
- Comment on While everyone is watching the world stage and some are predicting WWIII, isn't there a good chance that the USA is getting close to some kind of civil war? 1 year ago:
All I'm going to say in regards to any kind of American civil war is this: Whoever fires the first shot loses.
That's the primary issue everyone is up against. They don't want to be the ones to fire the first shot because that will justify the national guard being rolled out and a massive escalation.
It's not going to end well for the loser.
- Comment on Whats the difference between cheap and expensive modern TVs? 1 year ago:
One thing about 4K and 8K is there's not a lot of media available for that format.
Most streaming media is going to come in at 720p or maybe 1080p unless you are comfortable with paying top dollar for your streaming.
- Comment on gatekeeping 1 year ago:
You also have to remember to put the +C at the end
- Comment on Relatable. 1 year ago: