- Comment on pain plant 1 week ago:
Lmao, so when you say its good, your personal preference isn’t dictating anything, but when they say its bad, their personal preference is? You’re allowed to say you like it, they’re allowed to say they don’t. They didn’t say anything about your taste so stop being a baby and accept other people have different tastes.
- Comment on pain plant 1 week ago:
Not explicitly, but not hot sauces aren’t painful, so you’re just being deliberately obtuse.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 1 week ago:
What if you like social programs and guns and still don’t trust people? What does that make you?
- Comment on fetching bleach after this one 1 week ago:
Nope, this is 100% real and there’s nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. Just the boys waiting for their midday snack from Mama Bird Krasnov.
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
Because the student is misusing the term.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
Just as you seem to be confused about how to shut the fuck up and mind your own business.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
So unless they’re bombing us its not oppression? Employing AI specifically to look for reasons to deny peoples insurance claims, leading to countless people dying, isn’t oppression? Got it. Keep deepthroating that boot dude.
“The system is bad, where’s my rifle” isn’t the same as “the system is killing us, where’s my rifle”. But you come from a castrated country, so its easy to see why you don’t get it.
You clearly don’t give a shit about Americans. You’re no friend, so why don’t you shut the fuck up and mind your own business? Lmk when you actually want to be an ally to the people and not the corporate overlords.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I just feel bad for my gnome warlock, endlessly flying around in purgatory on his magic carpet…
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
“Just move.” Lmao, fuck off. I’m not leaving my home because these assholes decided they were better than me. Standing up to your oppressors is constructive, but I can see how it may not look like that when you’re used to the taste of leather. Also, comparing the education system to the healthcare system is a false equivalence. The education system doesn’t routinely let thousands and thousands of people die when they could easily do something about it but are too greedy to.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
Stop simping for corporate leeches. If the people have collectively been fighting the system within the legal framework for DECADES yet things continuously get worse, its not the people that’s the problem. The systems rotten to the core and needs to be cut out at the root.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
…that’s why you turn them into Linux machines.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
People who know that the computers can still be used.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
When doing things the right way repeatedly for decades gets you nowhere, you reach a point where you need to stand up to your oppressors.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
Because we’ve been fighting this battle for DECADES. Enough is enough. Luigi did nothing wrong.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I haven’t tried it! That would be like giving a reformed crack addict a hit off the pipe. 😂 No way can I ever even consider going back to that game.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I’m on a 5 year old computer playing 20-30 year old games. I’m good over here. 😂
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
No, what they’re doing to millions of Americans is overkill.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
If you think we as a society went straight to murder, you need to get your head out of your ass.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
Oh, he was posing a threat alright.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione, accused of US CEO murder, depicted in London mural 1 week ago:
You forgot the last part of that phrase: innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW. We are not in a court of law, we’re in the the court of public opinions, where I can, and will, say I think he did it. Doesn’t mean I think he did anything wrong though.