- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
In my workplace filled with engineers there was a good ammount of trust for management for years, our director was considered to be a cool, unrestanding guy. It toppled in an instant when a new CEO decided to implement new set of much stricter rules that made everyone realise they are indeed members of working class and not the mythical middle class. It doesn’t change much that your tool is a computer and not a greasy, dirty and smelly machine and your job requires a degree, if you work for a private enterprise your work and life is not worth more than an imaginary number representing a market value of the company. From my perspective it’s funny to see how belief in meritocracy falls after years of being made fun of for mocking it.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 1 day ago:
I don’t know his situation but I think primary residence up to certain value shouldn’t be taxed at all. There’s a huge difference between an old man living alone in a house he had built for his family 60 years ago and an “investor” who owns entire neighbourhoods.