2 days ago
I don’t know his situation but I think primary residence up to certain value shouldn’t be taxed at all. There’s a huge difference between an old man living alone in a house he had built for his family 60 years ago and an “investor” who owns entire neighbourhoods. 2 days ago
Agreed. I’d vote to drop property tax for those over 65 and under a certain income limit. 2 days ago
tying it to income means in a few decades inflation just shrinks the number of people who can actually benefit
If you own one residential property and also live in it, no taxes on that. Multiple properties? That’s taxes. Unfortunately, most primary education is funded by property tax, so you’d have to change how that works (and maybe actually pay teachers while your at it). Fortunately, none of this has any chance of ever getting implemented. 1 day ago
Have the income limit adjust to the cpi every year?