- Comment on James Cameron will reportedly open Avatar 3 with a title card saying no generative AI was used to make the movie 2 weeks ago:
You don’t understand facetious comments.
- Comment on James Cameron will reportedly open Avatar 3 with a title card saying no generative AI was used to make the movie 2 weeks ago:
That’s great, but don’t forget to make it not suck ass. When a movie sucks ass, it’s not fun to watch it. Like Avatar 2? That sucked ass. We waited longer than the Titanic was underwater for a sequel that was as warm as the water where Titanic rests. That sucks ass
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
A guy at work said to me:
“Did you know that Native Americans don’t mind being called Indians?”
Oh, you polled thousands of people from all parts of the country?
I wanted to turtle into my shirt.
- Comment on Why are we doing these stupid “self-recorded” job interviews? 2 weeks ago:
Who the fuck is this “we”? I ain’t doing shit!
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 2 weeks ago:
Not enough JESSHICUH fans in here.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 3 weeks ago:
Hooray uhp, JESSHICUH!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
What is the benefit of this?
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 3 weeks ago:
So I can or can’t drink from the toilet?
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 3 weeks ago:
Did you or did you not move your fat ass?
- Comment on Conservatives are so terrified of their partners leaving them 3 weeks ago:
The Conservative party is littered with closeted gays
- Comment on Someone spent 100 days mapping Super Mario's entire planet – and the result is epic 3 weeks ago:
That video seemed like it lasted 100 days.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 4 weeks ago:
Probably 5
- Comment on Stand-up comic, Steve Hofstetter, explains firing his agency for signing Kanye West 4 weeks ago:
I would LOVE to see other comedians rip on him.
- Comment on Stand-up comic, Steve Hofstetter, explains firing his agency for signing Kanye West 4 weeks ago:
I HATE this guy. He’s NOT funny. He used to post hours of heckling “clap backs” on reddit and none of them were witty or funny. Post after post of garbage content thinking he is witty.
Fuck this guy and his garbage act.
- Comment on Wonder Woman Game is "Years Away From Release" As Warner Bros. Gaming Division Struggles 4 weeks ago:
but it doesn’t feel like Wonder Womans time to shine right now
It could be if they made a good game.
- Comment on It was Steve 4 weeks ago:
Warehouse manager came in early (it wasn’t me)
Saw the pallets on the floor lookin’ swirly (it wasn’t me)
Thousands worth of product shattered (it wasn’t me)
Said my forklift skills don’t matter (it wasn’t me)
- Comment on "The Day The Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie" has been pushed from February 28 to March 14. 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, that’s nice. Lemme get some of that Wile E. Coyote movie though.