I am not a number.
- Comment on What mythologies have poor representation in media, in your opinion? 1 day ago:
Yeah it’s funny that those were called out as exceptions because as far as ancient Greek mythology goes, Disney’s Hercules (one of the most widely known takes) basically made Hades = Satan and Zeus = God. I’ve also seen Hades get treated as Satan lite in DC Comics adaptations, basically unashamedly rewriting another mythology to base it around christianity. Meanwhile, from what I’ve seen, Hades was actually one of the few semi decent gods.
- Comment on Fable delayed to 2026 3 days ago:
I look forward to all of the Fable ‘fans’ coming out of the woodwork to complain that the female characters and designs don’t look like porcelain anime supermodels. It’s going to be X-Men '97 all over again with a bunch of people that clearly weren’t ever fans of the original complaining about their “childhoods being ruined.”
I suggest that any and all one handed Gamers™ first take a look at the original character designs before opening their stupid mouths and complaining about the wOkE agENdA making characters uglier.
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
Yeah, as much as I support there being women only spaces here, especially around here where it seems like the only way that women are going to be able to have any spaces here is by brute force, I am unfortunately not a woman. And I don’t want to invade or force my way in. So just to repeat, I absolutely support and respect there being communities where women can mingle with each other without asshole men popping up every five minutes to shit on them.
What I’m hoping for is that once communities like ! are able to get a foothold and thrive and more women are actually comfortable around here, we’ll start seeing more communities that deal with things like skin and haircare and jewelry and thrifting and cool styles and shit. Because clearly most men aren’t interested or else those sorts of communities would be popping up already. So this place needs more of a woman’s touch first lol.
Not complaining or being sour or anything. I have faith that it’ll get to the point where these communities don’t need to be gendered anymore but I’ve seen the way people around here can be so I also think it’s necessary for now.
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
More stuff that isn’t memes, news and politics. Like, apparently there’s two people on this whole platform watching Harley Quinn (or at least leaving a comment about it in the discussion thread). Pretty much everything that isn’t memes, news or politics is still dead around here. Except for pro wrestling somehow.
What I’m still missing from Reddit is actual discussion of the forms of entertainment that I enjoy. I even tried that thread about “what music are you listening to” that pops up in casual conversation once or twice but no one gives a fuck, not even the OP of those threads bothers going through and giving an up arrow to people that have replied. And no one interacts with any replies either, so might as well be on Facebook for that kind of ‘discussion’.
I’m also missing the haircare and skincare type subreddits. There were a lot of valuable resources and it was nice having a place for the occasional stupid questions. Also fashion / style type subreddits. I still think those would do great around here with LemmyNSFW mostly kept separate from everything else, so it would help keep the one handed browsers away. Although I still maintain that a big barrier for certain people in this regard is no posting to your own profile.
But yeah, there is lots and lots of stuff that this platform still needs. Memes, news and politics are the first things you’ll get on every platform. Now I just wish there was more than that.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
It was a repeat of #MenAreTrash and a little bit of #MeToo using different words this time. And just like any other time there is an awareness campaign that highlights the general statistics and truth of things, instead of inspiring men to take a stand and push for any change or correcting of shitty, toxic behaviour; the so called loud minority rushes in to say “not all men” and defend the status quo while the so called silent majority lets them.
- Comment on I will not elaborate 2 weeks ago:
Cringe is teenagers and 20 somethings hero worshipping Joe Rogan and supporting right wing christian nationalists. Lamest fucking generation around. Even boomers had a hippie phase before becoming old and bitter. Gen Z just skipped that and went straight to the conformist bootlicker phase.
- Comment on Microlabel Positivity 3 weeks ago:
Do people think that the more specific labels and variations are the reason for the hate? Because as someone who only actually started looking up terminology and familiarising myself with the people late in life, and has walked amongst closed minded conservative people, they don’t know or care about anything outside of ‘gay’ or ‘trans’. Even non-binary is an alien concept to most.
It doesn’t matter what the label is or what the colours are, people who hate anything out of the norm are going to hate anything out of the norm regardless. Especially when they’ve been raised in a religion that teaches them from childhood that anyone out of the norm is going to burn and suffer for eternity. They don’t do research so that they know what they’re talking about and they don’t bother to ever actually get to know any of the people they claim to hate. They just like to hate.
If they weren’t going after trans people right now, they would be going after gay people. And you can bet that’s next anyway. Have people already forgotten how gay people were treated before trans people were the target?
- Comment on Germany right now 4 weeks ago:
Yeah that’s fair enough and I’m definitely generalizing. It’s just the general sum of my personal observations over the years. And it could easily be just seeing the wrong conversations in the wrong places or whatever. To be fair, you seem to hear about US issues a lot more than European issues on the net in general anyway.
- Comment on Germany right now 4 weeks ago:
I don’t want to start a war or anything but as someone from neither the USA or Europe, Europeans online often come across as even more exceptionalist than Americans, despite the reputation to the contrary. Because, at least in leftish or liberal spaces, no one is more ready to shit on and call out the USA than Americans. And I don’t mean they’re anti-American or whatever, they just want their country to be better, so they call out all the shit.
Europeans on the other hand often seem more proud and / or defensive about their countries. Maybe they speak openly in their own country specific communities but I don’t get the sense that they’re as open and friendly to outside input or criticism as the Americans are.
The way I see it, we’re all hooked onto the same stream of memes and billionaire owned news sources everywhere across the world. So thinking we’re immune to being overtaken by dangerous alt right nonsense and ignoring all the obvious signs would be a very stupid move, wherever you are. If they’re not taking this seriously, they’re doing exactly what the Americans did and have done since 2016.
- Comment on What's up with 5 weeks ago:
I was actually thinking of coming back to this and asking if you’d heard anything. Thanks for the update! Pretty weird that it’s just seemingly running like a zombie there.
I haven’t seen any of the porn communities in the three non porn instances I’ve tried here personally. So out of the big ones, world seems to already de-federated at least.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 5 weeks ago:
Based on a couple of arguments I’ve now had, they actually sound a lot like manosphere, anti woke people. Just a bit more intelligent and well read. But even the “trans ideology” phrase that they like to use is just their version of “woke agenda”.
I think that it is a sect of feminism that has been created and seeded by the same right wing christian nationalist types that are also behind the manosphere and MAGA. The Peter Thiel and Elon Musk types. They realised in the '90s that calling everything “satanic” wasn’t working, so they started coming up with new terminology to pull people in.
First it was “SJWs”, then “woke” but it all attracts the same kind of people. And “trans ideology” was the term they came up with for women that read and aren’t completely dense. So they’re all behaving like reborn christians and going around stomping out anything the norm. But they also sincerely believe they’re right. But honestly, based on the conversations I’ve had so far, all alt right people have the same talking points, which TERFs definitely are a part of. They’re just, as I say, not as clearly dumb as other alt right types.
- Comment on What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS? 5 weeks ago:
I don’t really obsess about framerates myself and I’ve never had the kind of budget to have the latest and greatest parts but from what I’ve seen, somewhere around 30fps is fine.
And even though you didn’t ask, the last setting that I ever sacrifice is draw distance. I’ll turn down textures and shadows and reflections and everything else before I sacrifice draw distance. I don’t need realistic graphics to be able to immerse myself and have a good time. But things popping in and out of existence in front of your eyes are the ultimate immersion breaker for me.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 1 month ago:
- Comment on guys .002 seconds after learning about the "male loneliness epidemic" 1 month ago:
Thanks for your input.
- Comment on Dont worry everyone, this is just an example. Rick Astley has not given us up. 1 month ago:
Mulder documentaries? Like the X-Files?
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
Thanks for the nice conversation, btw.
Likewise. It’s always appreciated when you can chat with someone without guards up and needing to counter snark and shit.
I’ve asked to remove them
I get this bad feeling that they’re probably just going to tell you to get lost. I wouldn’t be surprised if the moderators of those subs have okayed it. Another common thing I saw creators complaining about was dodgy Reddit moderators. The moderators of those subs aren’t their friends or allies from what I can tell. If they’re not the usual assortment on Reddit who aren’t even part of the community but like power anyway, there’s also suspected ‘agencies’ or other bad actors running some of these subs and making life hard for people.
But I applaud you for doing this. And I would be amazed if it actually worked.
- Comment on Emma 1 month ago:
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
Even if it’s futile, I probably still won’t be able to keep my mouth shut about it lol. I do enough keeping my mouth shut in the real world, in a country where you have to assume that everyone you meet has conservative views until proven otherwise. So I’m not going to do that to myself online as well. It just feels wrong to me to not at least try when there’s an injustice going on because the easiest way for nothing to change is for no one to even try and change things.
And you’re right, things are at least better for amateur workers now than they were before. So that is progress. Although from what I’ve gathered, OnlyFans isn’t completely immune to dodgy shit either. I’ve come across a couple of stories involving practically human trafficking situations where women are forced into this by pimps and other pieces of shit. So you never really know what’s going on behind the scenes when the camera switches off and the put on smile goes away.
Which is why it’s also just more ethical to get this content from the content creators themselves rather than random 3rd party websites that lift content from elsewhere. At least if you’re getting it from the source, you can have some sense of whether it passes the vibe check or not.
Also, just want to add because I just thought of it. Places that set up bots that lift amateur content from around the web aren’t checking for vibes or doing their homework. So they’re the kinds of places that would be peddling pictures of abuse or trafficking victims, or even underage people, without even knowing it. Or caring.
The whole thing just gives me the creeps. I’m fine with people stealing from Brazzers or whatever because those workers have already been paid and you’re stealing from the suits that get rich from them. But amateur stuff just has too many variables and ethical concerns for me to be comfortable with people treating it the same way as Brazzers.
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
Yeah they’re basically on any platform that will accommodate them. When they’re not filming anything, the bulk of their work is marketing. Their advertising material on Reddit (and other places) is what leads to money in their bank accounts. Their advertising material on Reddit being taken and posted here leads to no money in their bank accounts.
I think that apart from people just generally not caring how they get the content they want, people also just have zero respect for these workers. They don’t see them as fellow human beings trying to live. Or as deserving of credit as other types of content creators such as artists, musicians and talentless jackasses that complain about the woke agenda on YouTube. They’re just something to bust a nut to for these people but not real.
I’m not sure that I can really blame people’s attitudes towards it though. We’ve all been kinda trained by endless scrolling porn sites to expect it all to be easy and free. And I can’t say that I wouldn’t have also been dismissing this as not a big deal if I hadn’t taken the time to get to know what these people are all about on a different level. I probably would’ve still been under the assumption that they’re raking in endless cash and living easy.
So yeah. It’s probably futile trying to change people’s attitudes towards it. And it’s probably a problem that will never go away and is just part of the game.
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
I’ve honestly been considering that line of work myself for the last couple of years because I’m reaching the point of last resorts. So I’ve spent the last couple of years lurking in the spaces where creators discuss the business so that I can learn from them. And also because I like to enlighten myself with what people from completely different walks of life are doing and saying.
And maybe that’s why I’m currently looking at them as human beings that are trying to make a living and not objects that everyone is entitled to for free.
I think a lot of people think that these creators are raking in thousands of dollars a day because of one or two success stories in the media years ago when OnlyFans was new. But these guys work fucking hard and often go through months where they’re battling to put food on the table. So personally, I think it’s pretty fucking shitty that a bot is taking all of their promo work and posting it here where people will never even look at their links.
And yeah, no one has disagreed here directly to me but I’ve seen what people are saying in other places.
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
An account literally called ‘Bot’ (so probably run by the admins of that instance) that seems to pretty much mirror entire NSFW subreddits, specifically subreddits that content creators make use of.
But it doesn’t matter, I’m probably gonna delete this comment and my first comment soon. Because I’m really not in the mood to hear all of the justifying of it and excuses for it from people who like to go around acting like paragons of virtue in all other areas.
- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
repost everything from reddit to their own instance
And steal potential business away from amateur DIY workers trying to make a living. But the same people who tell you how pro working class they are and who complain about AI stealing fan art, won’t see any problem with it because there’s this weird entitlement thing going on as far as people’s attitudes towards porn goes.
OnlyFans provides them a platform to sell their wares but doesn’t pay them in advance. So it’s not stealing from OnlyFans, it’s literally stealing business straight from the worker’s hands. Part of me has been tempted to contact them so that they can maybe take some sort of action against it.
- Comment on guys .002 seconds after learning about the "male loneliness epidemic" 1 month ago:
Haha that reminds me of a conversation I was having with a friend once upon a time where I said something like: “I just want to meet someone that wants to spend Saturday night at home watching series and smoking a joint. But that person for me probably doesn’t exist.” And my friend responded with “Nah, they do exist but they’re busy spending Saturday nights at home watching series and smoking a joint, so you’ll never meet.”
Also, small towns fucking suck and this is not a generational thing. You’re stuck between a rock and hard place where the same people who are telling you about the ‘bro code’ and enforcing it on others, are all playing musical chairs with each other’s boyfriends and girlfriends because the dating pool is so small.
If there’s another piece of advice I could give you, fuck the bro code. None of these assholes will follow it themselves when the opportunity comes up for them and you’ll be the only idiot trying to stay ‘honourable’. Very few people that you ever meet have never dated someone before, so you’re going to be always breaking the code anyway whether you like it or not. And in a small town, you can’t afford to pass up opportunities for the sake of assholes that you’ll probably not even be friends with 10 years from now.
Also, I don’t know if you saw my edit but I can’t say this enough. Keep the heavy shit about marriage and children to yourself. Keep it light. Coming on too strong is the biggest romance killer. Try to put that shit out of your mind until much later in the relationship, if you can.
- Comment on guys .002 seconds after learning about the "male loneliness epidemic" 1 month ago:
May I ask what steps you take to try and meet a partner? I’m asking because I’m pretty lonely too but that’s because I actually never go out and meet people these days. Unfortunately most people have the idea that starting relationships in the workplace is not the way to go, even though you spend 90% of your life there. So you have to go out to clubs and pubs and shit and actually meet and mingle with strangers. Honestly I’m not sure what other options there are besides the workplace or clubbing.
I think that maybe something that is failing the always online Z generation (besides the toxic ‘manosphere’) is dating apps. They seem to be a bust and need to be ditched. Those apps are just there to harvest your data and make a buck from you. If they were to actually help you find love, then that company would lose a customer and source of data or income.
So I don’t know what else to say other than, you need to actually go out and meet new people in order to potentially meet your person. And it also helps grooming yourself a bit, making sure to shave the neck beard and chin strap and looking like someone that is actually capable of taking care of themselves. That goes a long way in showing potential partners that you’re not just looking for another mother to take care of you. And also, find a style and own it. You don’t need to follow fashion trends, just look for a subculture or something that you vibe with and can feel confident wearing.
Just note, not trying to judge or anything. I actually don’t know, maybe you’re a party animal with an awesome dress sense lol. Just trying to throw a few ideas out there for you.
- Comment on guys .002 seconds after learning about the "male loneliness epidemic" 1 month ago:
Man: “I’m so lonely and I need help!”
Bystander: “You’re lonely because you listen to people like Andrew Tate and treat women like shit. Try working on yourself to be a better person, so that people will actually be attracted to you.”
Man: “Stop oppressing me, you sexist feminazi! The woke agenda is erasing white men and now just because you had the nerve to point out my flaws after I asked for help, I’m gonna punch a wall and vote for someone who will take your rights away.”
Bystander: “Oh ok. Enjoy your loneliness and self pity then.”
Moderator: Comment removed for sexism against a marginalized group
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 1 month ago:
No one looks at or cares who the moderators are when they post anything anywhere, EVER! NEVER EVER EVER!!!
Yup. I wish that it was possible to make it clear to moderators just how little of a fuck the average user gives about them. Because they generally seem to have delusions of grandeur and think of themselves as the most important people around. Which is fucking bullshit because without the users that they dismiss and treat like dirt, they wouldn’t have a platform where they get to inflate their egos in the first place.
I actually made a post about this elsewhere but I’m gonna mention it here too. The reason the API thing on Reddit didn’t cause every user to come here is because the moderators there made it all about themselves. To the average user, the whole ‘protest’ looked a lot like the people who treat users unfairly whining and crying about the admins treating them unfairly. And I can tell you, there was little to no sympathy for them. All they did was cry about their modding tools while locking entire communities that thousands or hundreds of thousands of people make use of. And they pissed everyone off.
I know that personally a big reason the API thing didn’t do much for me in my decision to leave Reddit (or not) was because the same people that forced me into using services like reveddit because they like to silently remove people’s comments without notification, were suddenly asking me for solidarity and to feel sorry for them.
- Comment on Popular game launcher Playnite will get Linux support but it's still a while away 1 month ago:
Fuck yeah! This is one of three Windows exclusive programs that I’ve always wished was cross platform. This is definitely the most important one though because it is unmatched. There’s ways to do what Rufus does and you can get pretty close to Notepad++ with the right settings and add-ons in Kate or Geany. But I have never seen another game launcher on Linux that comes even close to Playnite.
- Comment on Am I ugly? 1 month ago:
Maybe you’re a bot, maybe not. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here.
And my answer is no, absolutely not. You are in fact very pretty based on this one bad photo. And your face looks perfectly normal as far as proportions go.
School fucking sucks. And I’m willing to take a wild guess that your low self esteem already makes interacting with people difficult for you right from the start, before they’ve even said anything. So I’m willing to bet that at least 50% of your troubles here are your own thoughts bringing you down.
But as for the other 50%, you don’t need to please shitty, immature people. And don’t worry too much about the boys either. From stats I’ve seen, there’s a good chance they listen to people like Andrew Tate in their spare time. If you’re 17, sounds like you’re pretty close to finishing up with the place where you’re forced to be around people that you don’t vibe with.
Trust me, when school is over, that’s when you’ll get to meet your people, people that don’t make you feel like shit. And as far as relationships go, you’ll have a higher chance of meeting decent people that you actually want to be with. The only people that say school is the best years of your life are the people who peaked there. So hang in there.
- Comment on If I’m mostly attracted to men, is it «wrong» to consider myself pan? 1 month ago:
Labels are useful for when you’re questioning things and looking for where you belong in the world. They provide key words that can lead you to more information and communities of more people like you. This user is just looking for where they belong without feeling like an imposter or fraud.
I do agree that people shouldn’t hang on labels and revolve everything around labels though. They’re tools and guidelines but ultimately only the individual can define how they really feel and who they really are.
- Comment on 'The Penguin' Star Cristin Milioti Wants to Be in a Batman Movie: 'It's My Wildest Dream' 1 month ago:
I would definitely be happy to see more of her. Maybe it could relate to the letter she received from Selina at the end.