- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
I’m sure threads won’t remove your posts
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 4 months ago:
I have one that’s got some titanium coating so I dont have to deal with the seasoning shit.
- Comment on Climate change 5 months ago:
An optimistic scientist
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I bet you voted for bolsonaro
- Comment on HONK 🪿 8 months ago:
Maybe they should have bought an o2 sensor instead of a neon check engine light
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
In 2013, foreign buyers made up about 7% ($92.2 billion) of transactions in the $1.2 trillion U.S. real estate market. Canada was the main buyer with 19% of sales (decrease from 23% the year before), China was on the second place with 16% of sales, while on the first place considering total foreign sales by dollar value (24% or $22 billion). Mexico ranked third with 9% of sales and India and the UK both accounted for 5%.[2] Florida is the most popular destination with 31% of sales, followed by California (12%), Texas (9%) and Arizona (6%).
But yeah tiktok bad mmmmk
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I dunt lik big gubmint butt…
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
No. And they never will
- Comment on self-defence deez nuts 10 months ago:
Then why are there also extremely poisonous mushrooms?
- Comment on Fuck Ubisoft. 1 year ago:
What video game worth playing isn’t on a proprietary platform?
- Comment on What does a society do with people that are homeless by choice? 3 years ago:
Leave them be and put up more public toilets and clean injection sites.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
I get what you're trying to say, but would you ever expect that old man to attempt to install ANY operating system whether its linux or windows or temple os?
I think maybe you should be advocating for more OEM systems to come preinstalled with linux rather than windows. It obviously doesn't make a difference if they're using windows or Ubuntu, the general principles are the same as far as using a mouse, finding a minimized window, etc. People like that are never going to consider doing their own installs and should probably have some support structure that assists them like you were doing.
As far as people in offices being computer illiterate, companies need to do better training of their own or just give a basic proficiency test when they're hiring new people.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
Wow that is satisfying.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
The only time ive ever seen anything about second life before all this meta bs was videos of people getting into private rooms and constantly trolling the shit out of a bunch of people that sounded like they were from Alabama. They were freaking out because they couldn't figure out how to get rid of them, it was hilarious.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
That's more of a genrral lack of awareness rather than a lack of computer skills.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
Only one, but you're equating critical thinking with knowing another language and I dont know why. Its not like the docs are written in another language you can't understand.
The Ubuntu install guide literally walks you through every step of the process. I think even tells you how to figure out the steps you need to change the boot device.
Maybe I'm just being an asshole gatekeeper, I should probably tone it back a bit. I guess we should all want more linux users since that means better driver support (maybe) as adoption increases.
I think the problems I am angry about has more to do with a broadband connection in everyone's pockets making it easy for idiots' opinions to spread like wildfire into the real world.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
The worst part about people like that is that their inability to comprehend basic computer usage doesn't stop them from ranting about immigrants on Facebook.
I am firmly in the camp of the internet being too inclusive. Make it a bit difficult to use again and maybe people will stop being idiots on whatever "app" they use.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
It really isn't. Any Ubuntu installer is 90% clicking next.
You can hold a users hand but it will end up biting you or them in the ass when you're not there to help them. People need to learn how to learn again. There's infinite number of guides, tutorials, and if you can't read theres YouTube videos.
If you can pass grade school you can figure out how to install your own operating system.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
Honestly I dont care. If they can't be bothered to RTFM then its their loss.
- Comment on Is there a FOSS Android app to record audio? 3 years ago:
Did you give it microphone privileges?
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
Its really not. Most people dont do it because they dont care.
- Comment on LINUX is still HARD to install? 3 years ago:
When was the last time you heard of a non computer literate person installing windows?
- Comment on Happy data privacy day! 3 years ago:
Oh yeah that will save us from the patriot act and the near complete loss of our fourth amendment rights.
Just like how nobody has to go to work on labor day.
- Comment on What is the reason that you joined lemmy? 3 years ago:
Created an account in alpha used it a bit but there was really no content then since the platform was still under heavy development. Eventually got a site wide Reddit ban for poking the anarchist sub too often. Those mods are assholes. 13 year old account poof up in smoke.
And so now I'm here and elsewhere. Reddit ban was a great thing in the end I recommend everyone do the same.
- Comment on What is the reason that you joined lemmy? 3 years ago:
Was the script you used a userscript or did it use the Reddit api?
- Comment on What does your profile image represent? Why did you choose it? 3 years ago:
- Comment on Request to remove c/antivax 3 years ago:
- Comment on Request to remove c/antivax 3 years ago:
- Comment on Request to remove c/antivax 3 years ago:
Its just spam at this point and should be dealt with accordingly