- Comment on place yer bets 7 hours ago:
Nah, you see this mission needs someone real smart. And when someone talks about smart people in smart professions, do you think about astronauts? No of course not. (Unless they are really really old astronauts, like geriatric, then yes.) instead you think about rough necks. That’s right, you think of guys who drill holes in the ground.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
I think as long as they throw a 10 lb bag of sugar down the hole before they start pumping then you don’t have to worry about it accidentally becoming a diet Coke.
- Comment on imagine 2 weeks ago:
Maybe Monsanto is as forgiving as you say, but I don’t believe it. I think it is a lot more likely that the type of farmers insist on regrowing from their own seed are small independents who are too far in debt to even think about fighting. I think they took the first offer given to them because it was just a smidge under the quote given to them by the lawyer they went to see where they first got a letter from Monsanto.
Monsanto is not stupid, if they ask for too much the people will fight it and go even deeper into debt to pay the lawyer and by the time Monsanto gets their cut of the remaining carcass, they won’t even make enough to cover the cost of their own lawyers. But if they make the price just a bit cheaper than the cost of fighting, the victims will hand over every penny that they can squeeze out and then go off to quietly die the slow death left to them in the NDA they had to sign to get the “deal” Monsanto offered.
Or maybe I am just jaded and a giant multinational corporation is doing the right thing for the right reasons and not taking advantage of anyone. - Comment on imagine 2 weeks ago:
I have read these receipts and literally the first story is about Percy Schmeiser, a farmer who used seed from plants grown on his own land that had been “contaminated” with genes from a neighboring farm. He had never signed any contract with Mansanto and didn’t take the seeds from his neighbor. Plants on his property were “contaminated” through natural means.
It then ends with a brief note about 700 farmers who settled out of court and lumps them under the guilty umbrella because they settled.
But worst of all, this site that this article is posted on is a propaganda mouth piece for Monsanto. It is owned and funded by the same guy owns and funds Monsanto’s PR company. - Comment on imagine 2 weeks ago:
I know that you feel that you are correct because by the strict definition of the word suing, there may never have been a lawsuit, but most laymen are going to understand suing to also include being threatened with a lawsuit and settling out of court.
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
Ahhh, I get it. So you are saying that I need to eat taco Bell beforehand. Because that is the one sure way I can be sure that I will thoroughly shit myself when I am unconscious.
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
Ya, I pooped a little and lost consciousness.
- Comment on James Gunn's Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 1 month ago:
Was that a trailer for the entire trilogy? Cause holy shit that is a lot to pack into 90 minutes
- Comment on Interesting analogy 2 months ago:
Even better is that the guy is 42 with no kids. I get that we all technically have ancestry that goes back to the first life on the planet, but this guy suddenly happens to have verified family lineage that goes back farther than any other human on the entire planet… And he’s the last one.
I pray that he consciously chose not to have kids… I know how soul destroying it can be to want to have kids but not be able to. But this guy… He suddenly, because someone needed a warm body to fill out their numbers to a nice round number, is directly confronted by a family lineage 9000 years old. And he’s the last. What an absolute mind fuck. - Comment on Memories of a bygone era 2 months ago:
They must be comparing a wired track ball mouse to wireless mice.
Having used trackball mice quite a lot before optical mice became common place, I can see a good wired trackball mouse being more responsive than an optical or even wireless laser mouse, but you would have to buy a truly craptastic wired laser mouse to find a trackball mouse better. The only way I could see it even being a possibility is if your desktop is made of glossy plastic or something else that could confuse the laser. - Comment on Bumper sticker 2 months ago:
Because that is what he’s programmed, or paid to do.
- Comment on alpha 2 months ago:
Well, I am a god damn mess as a person. So I’m like pre-alpha. I guess that makes me a proof of concept, or maybe even a thought exercise.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 2 months ago:
When you click a button it’s actually two events, a button down and a button up. That is how you are able to grab something and move it, by clicking and holding and then later releasing.
Premium clicks include both the button down and button up events. Non-premium clicks are button down only.