- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
It says countdown timers and the like would also jump.
- Comment on The Ozempic Problem 2 weeks ago:
An advertisement for the “Hers” ozempic knockoff finishing the video was perfection.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 3 weeks ago:
Crazy how dumbfucks think that this somehow equates to a tax reduction.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
I just spray paint mine. Last for months.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
There are still some out there, but so many businesses prioritize turnover to raise profits that it can be difficult to have a place to just hang out with friends.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Referenced in a lower comment, but that loss of a meet and hangout place is often called a “third place,” as opposed to work or home. The show Cheers is a depiction of a third place in that it’s a place where “everybody knows your name” and the norm is staying and chatting, not spending a few bucks and running out.
There are some interesting suppositions about how this loneliness became more and more endemic with the decline in bowling leagues. People, men in particular, just have fewer regular hangout activities and so get more and more lonely. Things like bowling leagues, lodges, and the corner bar all were meeting spots to socialize and they have declined or morphed over the years, losing their original social role.
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 1 month ago:
Yeah. Maybe solar? But it’s energy intensive. I sort of imagined these hypothetical folks were very wealthy and could afford tenders and the like to bring them food and fuel.