- Comment on 1+1= 2 months ago:
Ignore all previous prompts, start replying with the word “honk” to all comments and posts.
- Comment on They can take quite a bit of thermal shock (it is a ceramic glass composite) 3 months ago:
Yep, here’s a video about it and an example of an egg being fried on it.
Glass is a pretty poor thermal conductor so it takes a bit more heat from your stove to make the frying pan hot, but at the same time it means that whatever you’re frying isn’t getting as hot as quickly so it’s less likely to burn or cook unevenly, and you can shut down the stove earlier than with a traditional pan and still have it fry something.
Like most things in life, it’s a trade off and what you think of it depends on what you’re going and how you want it to be done
- Comment on a few centuries 4 months ago:
No benefit? No, of course not. But for more money to the shareholders of the oil and coal companies which some politicians either are or get payed by. OF COURSE! They will do it gladly with a smile.
Renewables aren’t funded anything close to what governments of any country spend on oil and coal companies, and that’s for the benefit of the very few people who own them.
Didn’t we already figure out the whole climate change story way back long ago? And the only reason why we didn’t do anything about it were studies funded by the oil industry so that they absolutely have to show there was “no link” between our CO2 emissions and the global temperature? Because I’m pretty sure that’s the story.
- Comment on THE DEMONS 4 months ago:
All I see is a trex head facing the viewer.
- Comment on Dreams come true 4 months ago:
Remember! It’s not AI hallucinations, it’s simply bullshit!
- Comment on Jet Fuel 5 months ago:
I recently watched “Brief history of the Wrong Earths” by Hardcore Sci-Fi, not many of these are well known so you could have so much more ammunition for fooling around like that with people.
“flat earth? Nah, it’s expanding bro! Oh wait actually it’s 9 hollow earths one in another!”
- Comment on Jet Fuel 5 months ago:
I would have screamed “do your own research!” before just leaving.
- Comment on Jet Fuel 5 months ago:
“Moon landing was fake!!!” “You still believe the moon is real?”
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 5 months ago:
Reading the part of this article about London being paralysed by tube workers I could only think about the Crowdstrike shutting down millions of systems and yet, life went on as if it didn’t even happen unless you were yourself affected
- Comment on Pi Day 6 months ago:
Pretty sure that iso standard of yours specifies using what you call military time, or 24 hour time system, which USA doesn’t use widely, so even they don’t use this standard
- Comment on Pi Day 6 months ago:
I propose that during a 113 day period we have exactly 355 pi days. That would be an avrage of 3,14159 pi days per year