- Comment on Europe is looking for alternatives to US cloud providers 3 days ago:
Wouldn’t it be great if just one company per 10 articles about European companies “looking for alternatives” was actually ditching US services for European alternatives?
- Comment on Gaming on Linux, How openSUSE Stacks Up for Gamers 1 month ago:
I actually like what Steam did for Linux gaming in general, but in the end it is slowly becoming a crutch. Why should I spin up the Steam client (that is neither fast nor easy on resources, too) every time I want to play a non-steam game?
Again… it’s nice what Valve is doing in general and that most of the stuff is open source and thus can be back ported to Wine.
I however find it concerning that the number of people doing so seems to be constantly decreasing. And I don’t actually understand why the majority of gamers -people that are insanely obsessed with very small FPS or other perfomance increases sometimes- seems to be content with using Steam as the one-size-fits-all solution for games. Just simple Wine Staging can often match the performance for older games, for all games once you start backporting some patches and fixes developed for Proton. And yet the contributors seem to get less by the day and a lot of projects pre-compiling patched Wine versions are vanishing for a lack of interest.
- Comment on America’s Right-Wing Propaganda Problem Might Be Terminal -- [Opinion] 2 months ago:
Activists and consumer groups can do a better job exploiting social media virality to reach young Americans.
I actually doubt they can, as the algorithms controlling visibility are all about money and they can’t compete in that regard with those big actors actively working for the stultification of people.
Also: not an US problem at all, but a global one.
- Comment on Testing how unique you are online (web fingerprinting) 2 months ago:
I am very unique… solely based on the the referer 🤣
- Comment on Let's Encrypt is 10 years old today ! 4 months ago:
einmal den Certbot umarm
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
130% production on average, with excess being stored, minus losses in conversions, transport and storage = 100% demand covered all the time.
Or the longer version: For a stable grid I need to cover 100% of the demand in next to real-time. This can be achieved with enough long- and short-term storage, plus some overproduction to account for storage losses. The 115% to 130% production (compared to actual demand) are based on studies for Germany and vary by scenario, with the higher number for the worst case (people strongly resisting all changes to better balance consumption and south Germany keeping up there resistence to diversify by only building solar while blocking wind power).
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
Why is nuclear+short term storage not an option
Because cold winter days exist. Yes you can only build nuclear capacities for the average day and then short-term storage to match the demand pattern. But you would need to do so for the day(s) of the year with the highest energy demand, a cold winter day. What do you do with those capacities the remaining year as throttling nuclear down is not really saving much costs (most lie in construction and deconstruction)?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
How much renewable production, and bess, does one need to achieve 90% grid uptime? Or 99% grid uptime?
About 115% to 130%. Depending on diversification of renewable sources and locations. The remains are losses in storage and transport obviously.
But shouldn’t you actual question be: How much storage is needed?
For a quick summary of those questions you can look [here](file:///tmp/mozilla_daniel0/Fraunhofer-ISE-Study-Paths-to-a-Climate-Neutral-Energy-System-1.pdf) for example…
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
Fossil fuel lobbyists know very well that their business model is running into a dead end. So now their goal is to extend it as long as possible.
Today’s fossil fuel propaganda isn’t “Climate change from CO₂ isn’t real” anymore. It’s “We can totally fix this with carbon capturing later”, “Renewables are actually bad for the environment” and “Better don’t build renewables now as a much better solution will be available soon™ <insert SMRs or any other fairy tale how new reactor will totally be cheap and not producing waste here>”. Yet it’s not happening. Nuclear is uneconomically expensive and produces toxic waste we actually don’t know how to handle safely for the amounts of time it stays toxic.
Nuclear basically only has a very limited amount of fake arguments constantly used in variations of the same chain:
“Nuclear is perfectly safe!”
“That’s not the problem. The problems are the massive costs and the waste.”
“But we can recycle most of the waste. Also renewables produce so much waste, too.”
“But you actually don’t do it because it’s very expensive and makes nuclear power even less economicallly viable. Also how is recycling wind-turbine blades and solar-panels unrealistic but recycling nuclear waste is not?”
“But nuclear would be economically viable and so much cheaper if it wasn’t so over-regulated.”
“It’s only perfectly safe because it’s highly regulated.”
“<Inserts insults about you being brain-washed to fear nuclear power here>, also they will totally become much cheaper with SMRs any day now…”
In the end it’s always the same story. Nuclear might be safe but it is insanely expensive and produces radioactive waste. No, the fact that you can theoretically recycle the waste doesn’t matter, because you don’t do it. No, it will not become cheap magically soon. And no it is not expensive because it’s highly regulated because without those regulations we can start at the top again and talk about how safe it is.
There are only two reasons to pretend otherwise: you work in nuclear power and need to sell your product or you work in fossil fuels and need to keep the discussion up so people keep talking instead of actually working to get rid of them. And the nuclear industry and lobby is actually not that massive compared to the fossil fuel one. So it’s very clear where the vast majority of nuclear fan boys get their talking points. Have you ever thought about the fact why pro-nuclear is so massively over-represented on social media? 😉
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
Another important note about France: They are the second country alongside Germany heavily pushing for an upscaled green hydrogen market in the EU. Because -just like renewables- nuclear production doesn’t match the demand pattern at all. Thus it’s completely uneconomical without long-term storage.
The fact that we seem to constantly discuss nuclear vs. renewables is proof that it’s mostly lobbying bullshit. Because in reality they don’t compete. It’s either renewables+short-term storage+long-term-term storage or renewables+nuclear+long-term storage. Those are the only two viable models.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
Yes, it’s called reality. I know it’s an ugly thing that just doesn’t go away no matter how hard you want it to.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
Yeah let me imagine a supervolcano explosion of that scale to effect global weather patterns. What do you think will happen to your reactors? No, they are not indestructable just because they can handle an earthquake of normally expected proportion.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
You don’t need lithium. That’s just the story told to have an argument why renewables are allegedly bad for the environment.
Lithium is fine for handhelds or cars (everywhere where you need the maximum energy density). Grid level storage however doesn’t care if the building you house the batteries weight 15% more. On the contrary there are a lot of other battery materials better suited because lithium batteries also come with a lot of drawback (heat and quicker degradation being the main ones here).
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 months ago:
“85% of used fuel rods can be recycled” is like “We can totally capture nearly all the carbon from burning fossil fuels and then remove the rest from the atmosphere by other means”.
In theory it’s correct. In reality it’s bullshit that will never happen because it’s completely uneconomical and it’s just used as an excuse to not use the affordable technology we already have available and keep burning fossil fuels.
- Comment on RIP Intel: AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D CPU Review & Benchmarks vs. 7800X3D, 285K, 14900K, & More 4 months ago:
PS: Wait… that’s a hobby and they don’t get paid for lying? That’s even worse than I thought.
- Comment on RIP Intel: AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D CPU Review & Benchmarks vs. 7800X3D, 285K, 14900K, & More 4 months ago:
Is there already a suicide hotline for userbenchmark?
- Comment on anagenesis 4 months ago:
That all those products are produced by the same company is the biggest joke.
And there is even more: the company also produced a European “3 Musketiers” bar (yes, written like this) that again was something different and called Marathon on the US (both discontinued).
- Comment on anagenesis 4 months ago:
It’s not just the packaging but the bar itself that is completely different.
The US Milky Way would be the equivalent to your Mars bar and the 3 Musketeers would roughly be what you know as Milky Way.
- Comment on Assassin Bug 5 months ago:
So what humans have done for millenia in the form of furs, leather and bone?
- Comment on Alpha 6 months ago:
Actual wolf packs are a family. One pair of adults plus their children. Until those are old enough, then they leave and search for a partner and own territory.
All the stuff you read about pack alphas, all the sociological pseudo-science about alpha behavior derived from it… that’s all based on a one bullshit study about a large group of wolves artificially intoduced to a new area.
Basically the equivalent of putting a few dozen teen-age boys on an isolated island then studying their behavior to understand human society.
- Comment on Large flavored quark 6 months ago:
- Comment on One law for megarich provocateur Elon Musk, another for the poor idiots who follow --- [Opinion] 7 months ago:
And just lke with the war on drugs, countries will realize it’s a lost cause. And will then instead try to coopt the system to spread their own desinformation. If you can’t win, exploit it…
Welcome to our wonderful post-factual age.
- Comment on Sub Sampling 8 months ago:
[4] Broman, Chad 2015 Why is Valentine’s Day so Important? A Time Analysis of Tiffany’s Relationship Expectations :: Journal of Psychological Machine Learning [5] Broman, Chad 2016 A Play by Play Analysis of Purchasing a Luxury Speedboat during an out of Wedlock Pregnancy Scare :: Journal of Psychological Machine Learning [6] Broman, Chad 2016 The Mood Metric Equivalent Measurement: How to Get Away with a 150$ Bar Tab :: Journal of Psychological Machine Learning [7] Broman, Chad 2021 A Time Series Analysis of My Girlfriend’s Mood Swings :: Journal of Astrological Big Data Ecology