Yes but they are insects so it’s pretty cool
Just imagine if I told you that the cookbug cooks it’s prey by throwing it into fire. You would find it cool despite also doing it.
Comment on Assassin Bug 5 months ago
So what humans have done for millenia in the form of furs, leather and bone?
Yes but they are insects so it’s pretty cool
Just imagine if I told you that the cookbug cooks it’s prey by throwing it into fire. You would find it cool despite also doing it.
It’s still pretty rare though.
Bone maybe, but leather and first have practical reasons related to temperature. Any camo benefits are incidental. 5 months ago
Yeah but these guys have exoskeletons so they are cooler. Sorry, I don’t make the rules 5 months ago
Hunting giant insects back in the day would be terrifying, but exoskeleton armor would be bad ass.