- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 4 weeks ago:
Furries are about human-like animals, or perhaps rather animal-like humans. The drawings and costumes they have are very humanlike and most of them are closer to being a human with fur/scales than anything else. Beastiality is wrong and it has nothing to do with being a furry.
It feels like you’re looking for something to be angry about. Why can’t you just accept that some people are having fun and nobody is getting hurt ?
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 4 weeks ago:
There is nothing wrong with having sexual fetishes.
Are they hurting anybody ? No
Are they are they different from the mainstream ? Yes, and sometimes when people see something new, they get angry. We shouldn’t get angry, but instead try to be open and cool with it.
Furries are NOT seeking out other people and harassing them. They’re just having fun with likeminded people.
Diversity is good and I’m happy every time I see someone else being happy and enjoying something.
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 4 weeks ago:
Furries are not hurting anyone - they’re just enjoying themselves and having a good time.
Stuff like that makes the world a nice place to be.
You’re spreading unnecessary hate and being a dickhead. Try enjoying life a bit.
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 4 weeks ago:
That’s a bigoted thing to say.
There is nothing wrong with being a furry. Why don’t you want your kid to do whatever makes them happy ?
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 1 month ago:
What is the perceived intent of the comment ?
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 1 month ago:
Nothing wrong with being a furry <3
(posting this comment just to make sure everyone here agrees)
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
The post is not just about calling people derogatory names, it is also about flying a drone with a voice message. When push comes to shove, the voice message is a threat of calling the police. Where are the crackheads going to go now ?
They have no other place to be. So asking them to leave is just asking them to go to a new place, and then a new place after that and so on, while each day some of them die due to cold, violence and other accumulating factors.
This is a systematic issue, and we need to fix the system and be compassionate, rather than just push poor people around.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
I agree, but you’re getting mad at the symptom of the problem, not the root.
We should definitely get rid of “crackheadness”, but I think we should do it by building a better system and supporting each other.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
Most people, who call other people “crackheads” have not seen those people take drugs. They use the word because of how the other people look.
Being called a crackhead more often than not means “looks like a homeless person”.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
Not necessarily, but it is often used as a derogatory word about homeless people.
Whether it’s perfectly synonymous, my point still stands about respecting the humanity of other people
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
What a dehumanizing way to talk about homeless people :/
People you know, and yourself, could become homless tomorrow. This dehumanization leads to violence against homeless people.
They’re people too and they deserve a place to be. The solution to homelessness is not just moving them to another side of town, but among other things reducing the cost of apartments and houses.
- Comment on never skip 4 months ago:
I think this is referring to mowing the lawn ?
Isn’t it better to let it grow and encourage biodiversity ? :)
- Comment on Left. It wouldnt know how big the pants should be on the right 4 months ago:
I think I like the many individual pants the best ^^
- Comment on Irish Journalist Excellence 7 months ago:
are their any communities for bad graphs ? :))
- Comment on Title 7 months ago:
this post assumes Linux users are men and objectifies women - not very cool :/
- Comment on Anon struggles with financial difficulties 8 months ago:
sex workers deserve to get paid for their work - if you can find a way to pay them directly, that’s perfect :))
- Comment on Anon questions the magic box 8 months ago:
this video from ‘technology connections’ explains it quite well ^^